

391 30 6

Artemis Seriphina Ratchford.That's me.But call me Seri....Or I'll rip out Your throat. ~*~ Artemis is a foster kid that moves around too much. No one can settle with her, and no one can accept her. Not until her brother comes back, she makes friends for once, and she's finally happy. But will it last when her friends are all hiding a deadly secret?___________________________________________ The boy looked at me. He looked at me with those piercing green eyes. "When I first laid eyes on her, I couldn't breathe." He said. I didn't look at him. "She ran right into my life, but she kept running. I couldn't keep up...." he murmured. My stomach was clenched as he spoke, the room completely silent. "I couldn't help but make sure that even if she wasn't mine, she wasn't anyone else's." He sighed. My eyes widened slightly, but I kept my mouth shut. "I... I was," he massaged the bridge of his nose. "Scared. I was scared she wouldn't return the feelings... that she already had someone else she was after. That she wouldn't accept what I was, and that's after my pack's needs." "She's strong, smart, beautiful," A small smile danced on his lips. "I couldn't help but push her away." At last he looked at my eyes without faltering. "And she's standing right in front of me."…

What If I Fall?

What If I Fall?

40 8 2

How can I fly when my wings are broken?How can I soar with my tears?How can I feel when my pain is unspoken?How can I speak through my fears?…

Warriors on CRACK

Warriors on CRACK

398 54 9

What if Bluestar was actually blue? What if Oakheart was actually a piece of wood?You should ask yourselves these questions while you read... and comment them, too. Or else I won't have content. :D…
