"The Earth without art is just eh."

4,254 879 83

(Cover by TidalWolf)"Creativity is contagious, pass it on. -Albert Einstein"The Earth without art is just eh." -Demetri Martin"Logic will get you from point A to point B. Creativity will get you everywhere." -Albert Einstein"The artist see's what others only catch a glimpse of." -Leonardo Da Vinci"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" -Dr. Suess…

Ask or Dare the Months
Wings of Fire - Stardust Subdued

Wings of Fire - Stardust Subdued

48 4 1

Sapho smiled, hitting the silk ball with her terrible aim and talons. The ball reflected back towards Mantis, clearing the top of his head. Sapho gave an innocent smile. Mantis was her brother. Even though he was black and amber, and she was white and Blurple. Blurple. Sapho giggled a little bit, and made some kind of somersault attempt to wack the ball the other way. Not to mention he already had all four of his wings and she... well she didn't have them yet. A sparkling red dragon came outside, and while the ball flew in the air, just nearing her, she caught it. Sapho gasped in amazement."MOM! How do you do that!?!? ARE YOU MAGICAL!?!?"The mother giggled."I have my ways. Now, come inside. Both of you."Sapho began walking in when she was a mysterious black and sand colored figure standing next to Mantis. Her brother looked up at the stranger and smiled. The strangers tail lifted, and stabbed her brother.His emerald green eyes rolled back in his head, the white tinted a sickening green. All four of his wings began to flutter quickly, but his feet remained planted firmly on the grassy floor. His scales Amber tone was actually closer to that than an almost ripe banana but shifted to the color of mold. Sapho was too shocked to move, but tears streamed down her face. This Dragon was a few moons older than her and yet he would do something as shallow as this? No other Dragons were around. The place was quiet except for his wings silent buzzing. Her mother called for her. When she came outside, she found one of her children possessed, and the other, crumbled on the ground weeping. She curled up next to the puddle of emotion and staring at her child, began to weep as well.…

Serious Topics

Serious Topics

21 4 1

A lot of people don't want to talk about serious topics, and I know that it can make people uncomfortable. In this, it is ok if you are uncomfortable with these topics. I'm not perfect, so if you spot something wrong and have evidence and not just opinion based arguments, I'd love to hear it and change the writing! Conflicting opinions are perfectly ok too! I'm just talking about these to get people aware of issues. Hope you learn something!…

OC Book

OC Book

489 53 7

My characters I've made that I will put in this book. Art that was drawn for these characters will be displayed as well.…