Sages Of Sadiline

Sages Of Sadiline

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In the fantasy world of Sadiline the five main characters, Summer, a brunette with glasses and the power of imagination, Garett, a blonde boy with sapphire eyes and water magic, Nathan (Nate) a tall black haired kid with the power of incredible memory, which helps him remember complicated spells, Mika, a sandy haired girl with freckles and magic that unlocks spirits from different dimensions with the multiple charms she collects for her bracelet, and Crystal, with fire magic. These five character travel around Sadiline, performing tasks and fighting rival groups.…



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Ok, I wrote this story in 5th grade, and it might not be the best, but I got an A on it so yeah... Enjoy! If you've read the Rangers Apprentice books, it is something like that.…

Haroi's Spy: Year 1

Haroi's Spy: Year 1

2 0 1

This is a story of a disastrous war between the two biggest powers of their kingdom. The story is told by Azure (pronounced Uh-zeer), as we go through her life of a 19 year old in the middle of The Neverending War. An adventure-y, type story for those interested :)…

Final Fantasy 10

Final Fantasy 10

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Ok, this isn't exactly a book, but it's a review of the game and why you should go and buy it right now!…

The Boy and His Gift

The Boy and His Gift

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A boy named Hayden and his friends Chloe and Leo are trying to solve the mystery of why Hayden is seeing dark shapes and hearing voices. I'm not done with the book yet, but that's pretty much what I've got so far.…