Story Ideas And Others

Story Ideas And Others

5,007 37 11

Ideas that I may used whenever I want to write a story or ideas I want to share with others. Mostly ideas for me to share to other writers.…

Why the Mineta Hate?

Why the Mineta Hate?

808 9 1

It's your boi, Typical.Even though something like this exist, I'll tell y'all why people hate Mineta Minoru from My Hero Academia. So shut the fuck up for once in your damn life look at this.…

Opinions. Also a Random Book.

Opinions. Also a Random Book.

1,307 26 21

These are just my opinions on everything like characters or current drama shit, please don't get offended. I'm not hating or being mean but I'm just expressing my opinions. Don't Read if This Offends You!Also a random book where I post random stuff.…

Arc of the UNSC (RWBY x Halo Story) (Cancelled)

Arc of the UNSC (RWBY x Halo Story) (Cancelled)

178,653 1,558 37

Note: This Story was made as experiment with a friend at the time.Don't hate on this please, this is my first fucking attempt at fanfiction. So expect some fucking grammar errors and some mistakes. This story was inspired by other RWBY and Halo crossover stories plus a friend of mine wanted me to try to write a fanfic. This story was made as an experiment at the time also and it may be very bad, withdraw now when you have the chance. I have seen other stories of Jaune as a spartan but what about Jaune leading a fleet of UNSC Ships?Jaune Arc. A former Beacon Academy student as well as leader of Team JNPR was now an Captain of an Infinity-Class Supercarrier named "Crocea Mors" as well as being an Admiral of his own UNSC fleet.You may be wondering how did Jaune held the position of leading his own fleet and what would happen if he was back on Remnant? Well then. Let's find out!Ignoring the existence of Halo 5 cause I don't like Cortana as the fucking villain and let's just say that the UNSC is powerful in the future like being able to make more ships like the UNSC Infinity for example.Just to warn you before you read this, this story may have some OOC characters but you all probably knew that anyways.…