Madness In Remnant

Madness In Remnant

10,652 259 10

After nearly succumbing to Death from an attack by the students of Beacon Academy for his transcripts, the boy formerly known as Jaune Arc is saved by the Creator of Remnant: Monty Oum - who promptly sends the boy to Nevada to have the boy set the course for its fate as the keystone for its story.Somewhere in Nevada, an infamous Nevadian fights through the forces that dare hunt him down along with his resistance group in their constant battle against Project: Nexus - and the A.A.H.W. forces that impede them in every step.This was the man infamous to all of Nevada, known as Hank J. Wimbleton.When memories of his old life return to him, Hank meets the being that sent him there oh so long ago, telling him that he and his team are needed back in his old home.Much to his chagrin, he revealed his old life to his team - who have agreed to accompany Hank back to his former home, along with his rival and frenemy: Dr. Jebediah Christoff - who wanted to accompany Hank into his task, seeing as Christoff himself holds some responsibility for setting right what once went wrong due to Project Nexus.But before they could finalize their return, Hank's fierce rival/personal enemy Tricky the Killer Clown deemed it necessary to join him in his journey back home - seeing as wherever Hank goes, the Clown goes.No exceptions.With the team finalized, how will Remnant fare when their world and the Improbable world of Nevada cross paths: and the one they betrayed returns as an unstoppable force, feared by all of Nevada - that even the Creatures of Grimm would soon learn to fear?How will they handle the man once known as Jaune Arc, turned into the monster known as Hank J. Wimbleton?Note: I don't own the characters, Jaune and the world of RWBY belongs to Monty Oum and Hank along with the characters in Nevada and Project: Nexus all belong to Krinkels.…

The Arc of Imitation

The Arc of Imitation

16,713 349 6

Jaune Arc, student of Beacon Academy.Got in with false transcripts due to family disputes, and despite his inexperience in combat houses immense strategic prowess and Aura.When his mother caught wind of Jaune's involvement in Beacon, she went there against her husband's will and forcibly revealed her son's transcripts - which led to Jaune being forcibly replaced by the son of one of the branching members of the Arc Family; Alister Kurokano Arc.It only led to further complications when Ozpin, Port and Oobleck are unable to help the blonde when Glynda consistently puts Jaune in Combat Class in order for the student body to have a shot at beating him up due to his transcripts.The Imitator, a warrior notorious among the RHG Community for his incredible power, skills and his signature power: Imitation.Many have fought and failed to best The Imitator, until the best of the best in different branches of the RHG Community banded together in an attempt to bring him down.They succeeded, only to have The Imitator captured and sentenced to summary execution by members of Hyun's Dojo, Zetabrand and a few other members from different Dojos.When the Imitator met his end by the hands of Fordz despite his valiant battles, and Jaune being at Death's door due to being set up at Combat Class; what happens when the soul of a boy whose desire is to be a hero of his own making merges with the soul of one of the most dangerous - and arguably one of the most powerful fighters in the Dojo?…

Auditorium of the Keystone Council

Auditorium of the Keystone Council

6,247 107 3

With a variant of the World of RWBY on the verge of collapse, an aspiring Author brings forth its denizens to not only give them safe haven from the existential threat that looms over their world through his personalized dimension - but to also bring to light the Multiverse, one of which stems from their world and its Cosmic Keystone: Jaune Arc.While they indulge themselves over their blonde dork and his variants alongside their own versions of each other - be it through other works of fiction or through written stories, the young Author now staves off the threat in the shadows alongside other able-bodied Authors, Creators and Legends across the World of Fiction that wish to give him assistance in this endeavor - along with his own works giving him aid to save the World of Fiction from this catastrophic event.Will this experience change them for the better or will it cause more harm than good?Note: the cast taken in are the ones from Volume 1-3 (with other entities that existed past it being also sent in with them and headcanon characters mixed in with the lot, like Jaune's Family and such)... with some slight differences in behavior.…

Remnant's Revolution

Remnant's Revolution

33,072 708 14

Jaune gets his transcripts revealed by Weiss, and majority of the student body beat him up regularly for it. Hated and shunned by the students, and unable to get help even by Ozpin, Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck - Jaune was forced to undergo daily bullying.Weiss and Yang hated his guts, Blake was hypocritical about him faking his way in and Ruby felt like he was another Torchwick. Meanwhile his own team stood by his side, despite the transcripts, and Team CVFY had respect for Jaune since he stood by Velvet when she got bullied for her Faunus traits.While all this was happening, Cardin took a moment to evaluate himself as a person and as a Huntsman from the events of the Forever Fall. He decided to make changes with his team to be better than being a bunch of bullies, seeing as they felt like they owed Jaune a debt to repay.Unfortunately they couldn't do anything when the beating got too much to the point Jaune fled to the Emerald Forest, and killed by an Ursa Major -though he killed it before the Grimm killed him.But it wasn't the end for Jaune's journey, as he got sent to another world by Oum to become the hero known to the world called Earth as Rex Salazar, with his memories being locked away until he is needed in Remnant.When all is said and done, Rex kept the Meta Nanites by having only him control it and no one else, with the failsafe of them turning off should he get brainwashed - somehow.With the world mostly cured of EVOs, he along with Six, Holiday and The Pack got sent over to Remnant to aid against the Grimm. From there, Rex got his memories back from being Jaune Arc and told the others of what happened. Needless to say they were unimpressed with Beacon.…

Remnant Rivals

Remnant Rivals

10,286 225 12

After saving Cardin's life in the Forever Fall, his transcripts ends up getting revealed not by the Winchester - but by Weiss and Pyrrha. Jaune gets singled out by most of the student body, with Ozpin and the teachers trying the best they could (minus Goodwitch) to stop the students from bullying and even attacking Jaune, but they find ways to do it without their notice.Jaune gets replaced by one of his sisters, and to make matters worse - his family disowns Jaune from the Arc name and forced him to hand over Crocea Mors, leaving him weaponless.Yang and Weiss regularly ridicule Jaune (and in Yang's case, beats him up), Blake felt like he got away with forging the transcripts but remained neutral about it since she is ex-White Fang - and Ruby felt hurt from the revelation, and from not being able to do anything because of Yang. Nora and Ren were upset but stood by Jaune's side, their trust in Pyrrha broken.Cardin, after the events transpired - had a reaction nobody expected from the bully: he of all people was disgusted by what happened. He attempted to talk to Jaune in private when a rift in space-time sucks both of them in, sending them to Mobius.Stranded in a new world, Jaune and Cardin must work together to explore the new place they ended up in and if possible, find a way back home - and along the way, they slowly but surely understood and acknowledged each other with what they can do individually, and taking those individual capabilities and working together - they become a duo that shook the very foundations of Mobius with their synergy.…

Through Your Wildest Fantasies

Through Your Wildest Fantasies

997 19 3

After having his transcripts revealed by Cardin, Jaune becomes the most hated student in Beacon. Ruby naively views him as a criminal, Blake remains a hypocrite, Yang becomes a bully to Jaune, while NPR turned their back on Jaune.Team CVFY stood by his side, along with the Professors and Headmaster Ozpin. Even Glynda was supportive of Jaune seeing the footage from the Emerald forest, viewing her previous thoughts of Jaune as wrong.One night, he gets visited by figures in a dream. They stood before him: one adorning black armor with a small dragon-like creature surrounding it, another of a shirtless marked man lugging around a massive sword, a figure who looked very regal with the many heavenly wings they had, another who wore a fedora and is surrounded by many weaponry that looked like glass - and a final figure that was masculine in form, shrouded in immense darkness with a remorseful look in their eyes.They are later joined by two beings of divine presence. One being feminine and wielding a staff, the other masculine with a massive sword being held in a reverse grip.The two divines explain who they are, and what life the the figures before him have lived in their world - and have deemed it fit to make Jaune a warrior that embodied both the good and bad of humanity. They tell Jaune of a being that threated to destroy not only the realms they have made for the warriors they have recruited - but the same creature threatened Remnant's existence as well.They told him that they will aid the boy, along with the figures that stood before him. They will be the ones to train Jaune into a formidable champion to wield their powers as his own.That night, Jaune was whisked away into the domain where Materia and Spiritus reside, where their chosen warriors trained Jaune into becoming a worthy champion to protect not only their realms, but to also protect Remnant.…

Jaune Zero

Jaune Zero

476 16 1

Jaune was chased out of Beacon by his own team, being put in bad shape as he escaped through a portal within a stripped down Dust mine in the deeper parts of the Emerald Forest. Upon entering he is sent to the remains of a centuries-year old laboratory that looked far too advanced for Remnant's standards, along with the digital bodies of two old men appearing before him: one being a chubby old man with a beautiful fluffy beard, the other being a lanky old man with a balding hairline with a short moustache.They mention to the boy that the two have been at odds for years, and have spent time lamenting their disputes between one another during their last legs in life, having inputted their minds into the heart of the lab to keep both themselves alive and keep the lab running... when they see what they perceive as a second chance for both of them.When they give Jaune the opportunity of a lifetime, what fate awaits our blonde dork when he becomes the unstoppable fighting force known to Remnant as MegaMan Zero?…

An Arc of Muscles & Aura (COMING SOON)

An Arc of Muscles & Aura (COMING SOON)

377 22 1

The World of Remnant, where Mankind and Faunuskind wage their mutual war against the Creatures of Grimm - and by extension, test their respective mettle against one another.In the life of a Huntsman; one is measured by their Semblance. As every Huntsman lives and breathes, those fortunate enough can get two - pray tell, even three Semblances in their generational lineages.Then came the illustrious Arc Family; a long-lived lineage of heroes and heroines in Remnant, who paved their mark in history alongside their rivals: the Winchesters.With the current Arc Patriarch and Matriarch in retirement, their legacy fell into the hands of their seven daughters......and their lone son; Jaune Arc.But two problems arose: The first being that his parents were unwilling to have their only son be thrown to the wolves in fear for his welfare.The second problem? Jaune's "curse".Said curse in question being that the blonde Arc son was born with the inability to have a Semblance of his own, according to the doctors that took charge in doing his health checkups - which led to his parents fearing that he'd be outcast for attempting to achieve his dreams of being a hero just like them.But in spite of this, Jaune's dream was not fully out of reach for him.As in spite of Jaune being unable to not have a Semblance of his own once he had his Aura unlocked, Jaune was instead born with an uncanny boon: the boy was imbued with immense physical strength within his young, moldable body - alongside his massive Aura reserves that were unlocked by his redhead of a partner during his Initiation in Beacon Academy.With unrivaled might at the grasp of the young and aspiring Hunter-in-Training; how will Remnant fare against the pure, chaotic might of Jaune Arc and his rippling Muscles?…

The Arc Who Speaks In Hands (COMING SOON)

The Arc Who Speaks In Hands (COMING SOON)

394 19 1

The battle had reached its climax in the World of Remnant... and Jaune Arc fell - among many others.He was among the remaining few standing in the last stand against Salem's forces to get the people of Mantle evacuated to Vacuo.And one by one, they all fell down - to the Void.In his plummet to the vast nothingness that encompassed around him, the blonde's existence collided against another - a being who bore genius in the field of science, and was a being who, too, was plucked away from their world as they fell into the abyss of void and darkness.This man, was none other than W.D. Gaster - the Royal Scientist of Monsterkind.He was hard at work at creating his machinations with a drive that had him seek out means to bring improvement to the life Monsters had in the Underground ever since the Human-Monster War that spanned several thousands of years ago.A war born out of fear for what Monsterkind was capable of by the humans that struck down upon them.But fate struck its hand, and the good doctor fell upon his own creation; the CORE - and as a result, was scattered upon existence.Thus leading his very being to both exist, and at the same time, not exist.But even fate does not dictate the outcomes of the ones they strike down upon - as the moment Jaune and Gaster were cast out into the Void; their existences clashed in a collision that merged both beings together - leading to a new Timeline being made.And thus starts the story anew - where the two beings of two different worlds come unto one form, bearing the name of the man whose memory was a fleeting remnant of the people he has striven to improve the lives of.This is the story of the man once known as Jaune Arc - who has now taken up the new identity fate has bestowed upon him; as W.D. Gaster, the Man Who Speaks In Hands......and soon, the Hero of Two Worlds.Warning: contains elements from other fanworks, like Glitchtale and The Thought - alongside the main Undertale material.…

My OCs + OCs of my friends and their respective Bios

My OCs + OCs of my friends and their respective Bios

91 10 1

Basically the Bios of my OCs for the fics that they appear in, alongside the OCs of my close friends.…

Morphinominal Legacy

Morphinominal Legacy

2,336 55 6

Denied by his family at every turn in given combat training to be a huntsman out of a misguided sense of concern, Jaune ends up leaving home to find his own way of getting someone to help him learn how to fight... what he didn't expect was to be given a mantle that nothing on Remnant could ever hope to bear on their own: being a Power Ranger.Gosei, the disciple of Zordon, had Tensou scour the dimensions in the hopes of finding a successor to the mantle of the Power Rangers. The bot's search wound up in Remnant, in which Jaune ends up encountering the little guy.Unfortunately Grimm were festering the area they were in, but despite the fear - Jaune refused to leave Tensou behind.Seeing his courage and heart to stand against such dangers, Tensou relayed a message to Gosei and the both of them were sent to safety within the entity's hidden base.Gosei and Jaune were properly introduced, and after hearing Jaune's story - Gosei told Jaune of the legacy of the Power Rangers and the Morphing Grid's history, deeming him worthy of the mantle despite how ill-prepared he deemed himself to be.He gave Jaune a Morpher of his own, and tasked the blonde in finding other candidates in becoming Power Rangers like him in Remnant in order to defend the cosmos from past and present threats in Ranger History.Filled with new resolve and a new dream, Jaune swore to protect his world and others like it - being a vanguard of the innocent and a warrior of justice.That day, Jaune Arc became a Power Ranger... but not any ordinary Ranger.No...He is the first of a new team of Rangers birthed by the Morphing Grid, who go by the cosmic dimensions under a new name... they are the Power Rangers: Morphin' Marauders!…

The Arc of Onyx

The Arc of Onyx

410 16 1

After saving Cardin's life in the Forever Fall, Jaune's transcripts were revealed - and Cardin, along with his own team, NPR and surprisingly, Weiss, decide to help Jaune get away from the mob of students out for his blood.Whilst on the run, however, Jaune's deeds in the Forever Fall have earned him the attention of the Advent Master, Eubulon - who sent the boy to his world to save his life. There, he told Jaune tales of the Kamen Riders; other-dimensional heroes, who are one of many protectors of Earth and the world they originate from - the Mirror World of Ventara.When Jaune tried to downplay his own deeds, Eubulon chastised the boy for putting himself down, reminding the Arc that despite what he did to get into Beacon, he kept doing the right thing despite the risks. Eubulon took to rekindling the boy's confidence, and in turn, bestowed him a gift: an Advent Deck with a black dragon on the front.What will happen to Remnant when Jaune Arc returns, not as a Huntsman-in-Training, but as the infamous Kamen Rider of another world by the name of Kamen Rider Onyx?…