My Warriors OCs

My Warriors OCs

1,167 27 11

I needed a way to keep track of all my OCs, and I thought what better way then an OC book! This book will contain all my OCs for the Warrior Cats universe.*Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter. All OCs in this book are mine, and any similarities to other OCs are purely coincidental. Please don't steal. Thank you :3…

Varulven15's OCs

Varulven15's OCs

244 14 5

As the title says, a book for all my OCs. From Warriors, to WOF and from Creepypasta to my own works and possibly more.These are my personal characters, DO NOT STEAL THEM. If anyone finds them outside of this book, let me know. I may make some of these usable as characters in other stories, but ONLY WITH MY PERMISSION.Credit to the form I use for Creepypastas goes to! :D…

Warriors *Name still being decided*
Name That Apprentice

Name That Apprentice

899 68 25

I have made this book for others to enjoy and see how creative they can get! It's a simple concept, I will give you the names of each apprentice (and any suggested ones, I will give credit) and all you have to do is give them a warrior/medicine cat suffix. There will only be ten slots available at first, whether I change the amount or not will depend on how many people participate. Have fun and enjoy! ^^…

Tags and other random things :3

Tags and other random things :3

109 17 8

Just tags and other non-fanfic things lol…

Hierocracies - A Warriors Roleplay

Hierocracies - A Warriors Roleplay

218 11 4

Hierocracy [hahy-uh-rok-ruh-see] - n. A rule or government by priests or ecclesiastics.Welcome to Hierocracies, a Warriors roleplay! What if Starclan had never shown themselves to the cats at the beginning of the Clans, rather telling only a few cats? What if those cats had twisted Starclan's message to fit a darker agenda? How different would the Clans be?This is my first roleplay, so it's undoubtedly not going to be very good. Constructive criticism is welcomed and appreciated.Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!…

Warriors Clan Adoptions

Warriors Clan Adoptions

234 5 3

Here I am going to put up Clans that I made but have never used. There are only a few rules.1) They are first come, first serve. I will try to update up to three clans a day, but I can't make any promises.2) Please be polite in the comments. If you are not, I will not hesitate to give you a warning. You will get two warnings, after that I will block you. This is done to ensure that this remains civil and fair throughout the book.3) Please don't ask for more than 3 clans at a time. Let someone else have a chance. After a few more are done, then you are free to ask again. Thank you!So, that's it! If you write a fanfiction using these clans, don't hesitate to link it to me. Comments are always open, and my DM's are open for now. Enjoy! :3*Credit to whoever owns the art I used in my cover photo. I found it on Pinterest but if they are on Wattpad and want me to take it down, just let me know and I will do so.…

Random ^^

Random ^^

17 1 2

As the title says :3…

Nullifidian - A Warriors Mafia

Nullifidian - A Warriors Mafia

154 15 4

Nullifidian /ˌnələˈfidēən/ adv. having no faith/religious beliefWelcome to Nullifidian, a Warriors-style Mafia! I hope you enjoy!…

Milestone Marks! :3

Milestone Marks! :3

418 28 3

A book for milestones C:…

Wings of Fire OCs

Wings of Fire OCs

349 19 5

Beware, I have a lot of them. Feel free to rate them and give me feedback. Please don't be rude though. Thank you! :D…

Blood Moon - Warriors/Hunger Games

Blood Moon - Warriors/Hunger Games

580 129 32

A mash-up of Warriors and Hunger Games. Figured I'd try it, so sorry if it's not that great. Hope you have fun! :3…

Name That...!

Name That...!

64 4 6

A book for naming things. Most will probably be Warriors, but I may put other OCs of mine and other people's in here as well. I already have a Name That Apprentice, so this will be everything but that.Thanks to @Crestfallen_waves and @Risen_clan for the idea!…

Little Apprentices

Little Apprentices

76 0 2

Thanks to @rosellecrowns for the story prompt!"Little Apprentice" is about how high expectations of someone who doesn't have their own identity figured out can be damaging.Two littermates, Stormpaw and Jaypaw, are considered by Orchidclan to be their best apprentices. Stormpaw, apprenticed by the deputy Thistleflower, is expected to lead Orchidclan with Jaypaw as her most trusted confidant. Except, these two aren't sure that's what they want to do. The truth is, Stormpaw is horrible at public speaking and doesn't believe much in Starclan. Jaypaw wants to be the Medicine Cat, but no one would ever accept a tom of his stature in that kind of rank."Little Apprentices" is about trying to find your own identity among the demands of others, and forging your own path even if it's not accepted.Will Stormpaw and Jaypaw hold out against Orchidclan's path for them? Or will they fall to a different, and possibly much darker, path? Will the Clans thrive, or will their survival be put to the test? Found out, in "Little Apprentices."Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy. I'm still a new writer, so constructive criticism is both welcomed and encouraged.Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter.The plot and the characters Stormpaw and Jaypaw belong to rosellecrowns, thanks again! c:Everything else belongs to me.…

Prizes for raffle winners

Prizes for raffle winners

7 2 1

The prizes for people who win any raffles or contents that I have, or may, hold :3…

Competition Entries

Competition Entries

25 4 2

Just as the title says, my competition entries ^^…