The Angel Found Salvation (Rewritting)

The Angel Found Salvation (Rewritting)

1,221 142 5

Rina Parker: 'Angel of Death' a title she earned for her skillful and precise killings. Alluring and heartless, Rina was perfect for the job - probably the best the organization had recruited in a long while.Rina, for her part, is a girl with a dark past, who after being rescued, escaped life's clutches and repressed her hatred for men and humanity, by becoming a killer. Overflowing with pain, grief, and nightmares, she became a human weapon, ruthlessly ending lives and provoking chaos in order to find peace. Five years later, however, the news of her retirement was a shock. Out of the blue, she appeared, and so did she vanish.But less than two years after, Rina was already contacting the organization for help. She had failed woefully, attempting to integrate with yhe average human society. At the end, the only thing a wolf knows how to do is hunt, so she did. And aroused trouble with a gang lord.With a bounty on her head and no one to turn to, she falls into the hands of Kei Armani, a somewhat mysterious man who saved and sheltered her. For the longest time in Rina's wretched life, she is shown kindness with no ulterior motive, considering him intriguing but yet very foolish; they baded farewell.Many months later, she's assigned a new mission, to take out the son of a magnate who happened to have the same face and name of her saviour.At a crossroads, Kei's innocence is questioned, after all, there are skeletons in everyone's closet. But could it be.... that there was more to the mission than what was being disclosed?Cover by @Empress-MidnightEditor: @xtranquilx…



1,420 352 28

The title is self-explanatory. This is just me ranting about Wattpad and life really, and also some random things.…

Pride Goes Before A Fall

Pride Goes Before A Fall

391 19 2

This is a fall from grace kind of story. It entails flashbacks of the regrettable life of twenty-five-year old Reiner Blair; a once over- pampered rich boy who had everything but is now left with nothing. A novella that tugs the heart strings.…