Bloodfire - A Different Virus Spinoff

Bloodfire - A Different Virus Spinoff

18,010 953 5

I remember the day I first heard of them. I was driving my van with my mother in the passenger seat. The news channel was playing over the radio. The current story was suddenly cut off and a man's voice crackled over the speakers: "We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news," He began. "A new disease is spreading rapidly all over the world and infecting humans. Nobody is sure what it is; but we know one thing, It was stolen." A new voice came over the radio. "Hello, citizens of California! I'm here with Nicole Bradson, the leading researcher in Virus Studies at Baily University." The man said. "Would you like to tell us about this strange new epidemic?"A panicked-sounding voice came from the woman, she was clearly not pleased. "All I can tell you is to run. This virus was stolen from our laboratory. It was locked up for a very good reason. It is highly contagious and spreads through bodily fluids. You need to run from it. If it's too late to run, lock yourself somewhere safe until rescue teams can find you and escort you to safety. Do not panic."The man with the news crew interrupted her with questions. "Run from what, exactly? What should we perceive as a threat?"The woman paused for a moment as if thinking. "Do not attempt to approach anyone with red eyes. They are infected with the virus." Her voice trembled. "They are unstoppable."~~~~~~~~~~~This story is heavily inspired by "A Different Virus - Heartfire" by Crystal Scherer. If you haven't read it or "A Different Virus - Laura's Story" (Also by Crystal Scherer), please consider checking them out first.Finished it? It's awesome, I know. Well, here's my version, the story of Ivy and her struggle to survive the Apocalypse. Do you think she can do it? Or will she number among the ever-growing, ever-hungry horde of humans turned monster?…

Learn Your Grammar (New chapter every other Monday)

Learn Your Grammar (New chapter every other Monday)

4,950 122 15

So, I've noticed that there are a lot of AMAZING writers on Wattpad, but that a lot of them don't use proper grammar! All stories are better when written with proper conjugation (con·ju·ga·tionˌ[känjəˈɡāSH(ə)n/] Noun; The variation of the form of a verb in an inflected language such as Latin, by which are identified the voice, mood, tense, number, and person. ), spelling, punctuation, and grammar; so I thought "Hey, why not HELP them improve?!" So, there will be some videos in this one (God help me, my first book with videos in it!), and a LOT of my own definitions, lessons, and other things of that sort. I hope you guys learn something!! :D…



121 6 1

Ever had trouble understanding some of the little terms or phrases used here on Wattpad? Been reading a good characterxreader fan fiction and don't understand some abbreviations? Well, you've come to the right place! Prepare to learn all of the necessary terms on Wattpad, and finally understand those difficult phrases. Have fun and read on, my dudes.…

My Crystal Scherer Fan Arts

My Crystal Scherer Fan Arts

1,009 54 2

A collection of the fan arts I continue to make for C@CrystalScherer 's books.…