81,764 2,573 48

"Arush! Please don't do or say something that you're going to regret later.""Just stop it, Aadhya! I thought you would know your limits but no, you had to destroy everything. Do you even know how important this project is? Do you even know what achieving this project means to my parents? What do you even know about fulfilling your parent's dreams when you don't have one?" Arush left the room in a fit of anger without realizing the havoc his words have created in Aadhya's heart. Shocked would be an understatement for what Aadhya is feeling at this moment. All the memories of her past, sweet and bitter are hitting her strongly but she didn't shed a single tear. Is her heart really calm or is this the calmness before an upcoming storm?Sometimes it doesn't take a weapon to inflict pain, all it needs is a hurting word from your close ones.…



433 49 5

Please read the book 'Love or Arranged' before starting this book and shower some loveHe stood at the hospital window, staring out into the night. He hadn't spoken much since the miscarriage, and she felt an unbearable tension building between them. After hours of silence, he finally spoke, his voice cold and distant. "This wouldn't have happened if you had taken better care of yourself. You were too stressed, too careless. Maybe you should have been more responsible."His words hit her like a punch to the gut. She turned to him, disbelief and pain etched on her face. "What are you saying? How can you blame me for this?" "You were always too emotional. I told you to relax, to take it easy. But you never listen. This is your fault," He snapped, his eyes filled with frustration.She felt her heart break into pieces. The man she had loved for so long, the man she had waited for, was blaming her for the loss of their child. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She had been holding on to the hope that they could heal, but this-this was the final blow."I can't believe you're saying this," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I lost our baby, we lost our baby. And you're blaming me? Do you even realize what you're saying?"He turned away; his silence more painful than his words. They left the hospital in silence and pain, unknown to both of them on how their life is going to turn.…



2,128 141 22

"What do you all want me to do now? Forget everything just like that and act like I am totally fine!" shouted Drithi. Everyone can sense the anger radiating through her, the ever-calm eyes have turned bloodshot, and she is literally shaking unable to control her anger anymore. Darsh grabbed my hand, taking me towards Drithi and angrily shouted on her, "Just come to your senses Dri! You are always adamantly trying to think from your point alone. Just look at him in the eyes, put yourself in his shoes and think for once. Tell me you don't love him anymore! How much was he hurt by doing all this, how much he loves you that he was ready to lose you and how much he loves you that he crossed every hurdle to return to you? He was scared every moment that you will be hurt, he lived these two years, worried that he will see pity in your eyes if you come to know of what happened Dri. The last thing he wants in his life is to see pity in your eyes for him. Why don't you understand that?"She looked at Darsh in fury, holding his collar with her trembling hands and shouted, "If he really loved me, he should have shown a little trust in me bhaiya. If he really loved me like you say, he would have known that it isn't pity that will reflect in my eyes on knowing the truth, but it would have been my love for him, in my eyes. He would have known if he truly loved me, that I wouldn't be hurt but be his biggest strength and support him every moment in these two years. Neither can anyone change what he did then, nor can any of you change what I went through!"…

My favorite authors

My favorite authors

158 5 1

This is a dedication to my favorite authors in Wattpad who have grabbed my attention with their stories. They are all witty, smart and precisely know how to mould a thought into a beautiful story. Just give a try to read the books of these authors and trust me when I say you wouldn't be disappointed.…