Miles Behind Me

Miles Behind Me

9 4 3

~Miles Behind Me A poem by: Effie Blackwell Teacher: Mr. Evans I wish to be far away, where no one can find me. I want to be lost somewhere at sea. I wish to be somewhere, where I'll be free. Somewhere my parents will never be. I want to be able to run freely, and play with any toy. I want to be able to smile, and feel true joy. I don't want to be scared, scared to die. I want to feel safe, and not cry. I want to go away, far away. Where my house will be, miles behind me.~ This is a story about a young girl named Effie, trying to get away from her home. But when her wish to go far away comes true, it's not exactly as she planned, and she's on an adventure she never thought she'd be on. (Warning: Contains violence.)…

[ Komeiji Falnko ] Cách nhận biết Trai Đểu ( Fuckboy )

[ Komeiji Falnko ] Cách nhận biết Trai Đểu ( Fuckboy )

830 17 1

* mấy bạn nhìn nhận lại mấy thằng con trai xung quanh và xem hắn có phải là một trong những điều mình đã liệt kê ra không?…

Ways You Can Talk With The Animals

Ways You Can Talk With The Animals

7 1 1

Many times people will say to me "I wish I could do what you do!", and I always say the same thing "You CAN!". In fact you Do you do it on a daily basis, it's just that you're not aware that you're doing it. The difference between us is that I do it consistently on a daily basis and so can YOU. In my workshops, I let my students know that doing any intuitive work is like going to the gym. When you first go you don't start lifting the 100lb weights (well maybe some of you do ;-)) but normally you start off with the lighter weights and eventually build up to the heavier ones. This is the same with animal communication, the more you do it the stronger & better at it you become. #Maya…

Các Lời Cầu Nguyện Hàng Ngày

Các Lời Cầu Nguyện Hàng Ngày

26 2 1

Nguồn: Sách Sự Thật…

[ Tea Love] [Đoản] Em nói anh yêu anh

[ Tea Love] [Đoản] Em nói anh yêu anh

13 2 1

Hạo một nửa của tim cô!Hạo người cô yêu nhất!Hạo người cô thất hứa!Hạo người cô từng bảo vệ!Cũng Hạo người khiến cô chậm trễ quá trình trị liệu, và bây giờ cô có thể rời xa nhân thế lúc nào cũng được.…

Tea Love [Đoản]

Tea Love [Đoản]

8 2 2

Nếu có một ngày có người hỏi tôi: " Trên đời này người anh luyến tiếc nhất là ai?"…

[English Translation] Yaoi- FINDER SERIES: (latest chapter!) Summer Special

[English Translation] Yaoi- FINDER SERIES: (latest chapter!) Summer Special

1,272 5 1

I think this chapter haven't been posted on manga sites in English yet.........this is a sorta treat for those who comes by my blog~~ (cuz I won't be telling outside my blog that I have translated it lol. altho I don't mind much if you do redirect some1 to my blog...just give translation credits to me~ xD)Anyways, Thanks again for visiting my blog time to time! I also do appreciate if you give my blog some 'claps'/comments etc too so it'll let me know if some1 actually did read my translations ^^" warning! once again 'bl/yaoi' contents in 'read more'. ^^if you don't know what it is, 'google it'. xD if ur okay with it, then proceed, if not please ignore. :D ..............................oh Akihito I love how you didn't have a clue what's going cute :3 Read the manga here (in chinese): // (in Manga)Legend: "anything in quotations" = words in Square Boxes.anything in italics = character thinking anything in smaller text = those smaller words in a panel / speech bubble.*anything in stars* = actions//// = blushing (anything in bracklets + italic/ small text) = my notes, or page number**About Translation: I can read moderately Chinese... so guarantee 95% accurate! ^^ (tho I can't guarantee the accurateness when Chinese was translated from the original Japanese)…