Poetry Collection: In Another World

Poetry Collection: In Another World

55 2 4

My poetry, from my world to yours.…

Book Quotes

Book Quotes

23 1 1

A collection of cathartic, heartfelt, inspiring, and/or life-altering book quotes from classic novels, contemporary fiction, and various other literature. Analysis sections included sporadically ----Author include ( not limited to) : •Cormac McCarthy •Alice Walker •Ernest Hemingway•Albert Camus•Tim O'Brien •Frank Norris•Marry Shelly •Monrik Ibsen•Kate Chopin•Robert Frost…

I Wrote This for You

I Wrote This for You

190 4 6

Dear you,you know who you are. I need you to understand something. I started writing this for YOU. I want you to know that although our love may become just a memory someday, you have taught me so much about love. You have taught me that not everything beautiful can become something long-lasting. Sometimes people come into your life to show you what is right and what is wrong, to show you who you can be, to reveal just how much love you are capable of, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better for a little while, or to just be someone to walk with at night and spill your life to. Not everyone is going to stay forever-- not even the person that is perfect for you--and we still have to keep on going and thank them for what they've given us, so thank you, for teaching me this paramount lesson. I love you so dearly. Love,N…

When It Was Enough

When It Was Enough

43 3 3

Remember when "I like you" was enough?Remember the first kiss, first date, and butterflies? Some call it the first stage of love, some call it young love, call it whatever, but the reality is that there comes a point when "I like you" and giddy feelings are not enough. Once people learn that "I like you"--and even "I love you"--is not enough, they begin their quest in finding what is truly "enough" in a relationship.…

Quotes For Healing Broken Hearts [Continuing]

Quotes For Healing Broken Hearts [Continuing]

2,405 9 118

This book is an assemblage of mindful, insightful, and eye opening quotes (letters and poems included) designed to help you overcome grief or heartbreak of any kind and repair your brokenness one quote at a time. There will be 2 parts to this book. At the moment, it is incomplete. Part 1 is for people coping with any type of grief. Part 2 is for people mourning the loss of a person that's still alive ( breakup, divorce, friendship) __________________________________________Pictures will be created to go along with each quote for wallpaper/ personal use. ________________________________________________A U T H O R S N O T E :I hope this helps you in your grieving process and your personal growth. You deserve to feel better. I'm rooting for you! Feel free to read a quote a day as you're healing or read it all at once and revisit the quotes when you need them. If you need someone to talk to, I'm open to listen. Don't hesitate to message. With love, N…

Like A Raindrop

Like A Raindrop

87 0 6

Falling for someone is like being a raindrop falling from the sky. I think that's what she meant when she told me that she wanted to be a raindrop. She wanted to love someone, and today, she found someone to fall with, to fall for. Today, she was a raindrop. We delight in the promises of falling in love. We crumble in the dread of falling from love. Everyone falls. Everything falls. Just. like. raindrops. This short story captures the thoughts of a young man over the short span of time in which hisrelationship with his girlfriend, whom he had known for majority of his adolescent years to adulthood, starts to change.…

Dear Daytona

Dear Daytona

942 0 24

This is a short book that contains letters written by a girl name Paisley, dedicated to a person named Daytona Pinkley. The letters start after July 19th, the day of a tragic break up and later reflect on old letters written to Daytona while the relationship was full of bliss.It reveals the fantasies of love from a teenager and the pain that hits after reality washes in, that love is different than infatuation. Whether it was infatuation or love, Paisley was in a lot of pain and what she felt was real.…

Four and A Miracle

Four and A Miracle

200 0 8

WARNING: Poor writing up ahead. I wrote this a couple years ago. Life has a strange way of working miracles, and sometimes, those miracles are hinted through a series of coincidences and numbers. For me, that number was four. Four words was all it took to open the door to a wonderful friendship and relationship.…

A Happy Place

A Happy Place

224 0 10

This small collection of poems and letters is dedicated to Justin, my once-upon-a-time first love and best friend, and now, a stranger. It's also dedicated to me, a testament to my growth. Finally, it's dedicated to anyone who remembers their first love and the pureness and naivety that surrounded it. Warning: the writing in here belongs to the younger me. It can be extremely cringey given the nature of first loves. Written in 2015…

Broken People

Broken People

473 4 1

Two different people at different stages in life, yet they're more alike than they know. Their paths collide when Elizabeth meets Melinda, a 16 year old girl who is being abused at home but won't admit that she needs help. What can Elizabeth do to prevent the same things that happened to her from happening to another girl?________________________________________________Author's note: This short yet sweet story might induce tears and might teach you something about abuse within relationships and families. Abuse isn't just a word. It is very real and there are a multitude of people, including children, teens, and elders, who experience this atrocity. This story is currently being revised, so the complete story won't be published until all revisions and corrections are made.…

Letters To Heaven

Letters To Heaven

75 0 13

What happens when your friend passes away and you didn't get to say goodbye? Sometimes writing letters and sending them to Heaven is all you are able to do.____________________________________This collection of letters is dedicated to my friend David McLain. Please light a candle for him. ----------------------------------------------------------2016…

60 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Change

60 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Change

3,145 7 62

A collection of insightful and inspiring quotes that will inspire you to change and help you become a happier person by making you think differently, one step at a time.Pictures included for each quote.( You can easily find the pictures at photobucket.com by searching up coolclub52 and save them to use as wallpapers).…