Broken Love

Broken Love

1,589 273 28

Chloe: A girl whose heart was broken and whose faith decreased once her boyfriend started abusing her, leaving her with the question 'What did I do to deserve this?'Kareem: A boy with an abusive childhood taking it out on Chloe leaving him with the question, 'Can anything heal my past?'The question remains. Can the love they had for each be restored? Will they believe in the Father?…

A New Me

A New Me

613 130 11

There are a few things you should know about Aniyah Williams:One is that she's a prostitute. Two is that her parents died when she was 16 and her older brother left her afterwardAnd three, she isn't a believer. After all, how can she believe in a God who took everything she cared about away from her? Little did she know that her life was all about to change. Excerpt: "I WANT YOU TO MOVE IN WITH ME AND JADA," CHARLES ANNOUNCED as soon as I had taken a seat in his home office. It was a bit on the small side but still huge with bookcases that were ceiling to floor and a big brown desk, Macbook on top of it. I raise my eyebrows at him. That boy best be playing. "I'm sorry what now?" He gives me a look. "Niyah you know I only want the best for you right? I want you to move in." "Charles I've only been here for a week and a half. I have my own home and my own job. I don't need to move in with you," I reply. "What job Aniyah? We both know it's not even close to a job. And your home is in one of the worst areas ever. I don't want you there." "Fine then, I'll get a new home. And as far as I'm concerned as long as it makes money, it's a job. You can't just come into my life and order me around," I say, raising my voice a bit. "What about your dreams you had? To go to college and get your degree? To make clothes and be a famous brand and start your own business. " I snort. "Well, it's not so easy to follow your dreams when your brother leaves you after your parents die. Did you forget that part?" I see him cringe but he straightens himself up so quickly you would hardly believe he did. "I want to make it up to you. I know I was dumb and stupid and it wasn't easy for you at all to leave you like that. But can you at least forgive me for that?"…