

6,586 382 6

Growing up in a tower isn't easy, but it's the only life Rapunzel has ever known, and she wouldn't trade it for anything. The only real blemish is the suitors who persist in attempting to rescue her, despite her repeated declarations that she's perfectly happy right where she is. But her seventeenth birthday is fast approaching, and if she doesn't find her one true love by then, she'll have to leave the tower forever.What's a princess to do who isn't interested in, well, anyone?Winner of the Once Upon a Time contest by @lgbtq and @_Once_Upon…

Fractured Infinities

Fractured Infinities

2,356 338 16

It starts with a crack. Or maybe it starts with a question. Or maybe, just maybe, it starts earlier than that, when a particular bubble of a universe arose from the heaving sea of the multiverse and began to grow. Eventually, stars formed, then exploded, giving birth to more stars. Planets grew alongside their stars, and a few special ones happened to contain the right conditions for life to form. Maybe that's too far back, though. Maybe, you argue, the crack and the question are really what's important. So let's get back to the question... "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"Winner of the Otherworldly category of @BreakTheCliches revolutionary contest…