The Blood Red Path

The Blood Red Path

459,175 26,066 24

How do you fight the Moon?The King has fallen to a God. The world is gathering, surrounding the Northern hemisphere on all side, crushing, strangling the land in a tight noose.All they demand is Charlie's head. The female Alpha born from two alphas. The first of her kind. Charlie's mother Victoria was the first female Alpha, who has created the way, has walked the path first for her daughter to follow with ease behind her. Through teeth and claw the Northern Hemisphere was a sanctuary for Charlie to be raised on. Now, it's become the center for the Moon's army to face the sharpened weapons of Charlie's army. The great spread of old has returned to the meeting place where the final battle will occur. Trades will be made, sides picked, and the blood-red path will be walked until only the One remains. There can only be One. The Moon intends to keep her position while Charlie fights the fight for the Wilds, who have been severed from their souls at death. Punished to wander the world as ghosts without their halves. She fights the true fight for the Wilds, who can't fight for themselves. Charlie needs to understand who she has come from and who she can become. Charlie needs to understand how to bleed and how to bleed well. She needs to become a God-eater. Welcome to the second half of Odin's Prize.…



3,766,227 191,797 72

COMPLETED"Let me see your face." Savage, fierce, unforgiving, the world of the Far North is nothing like the land of Dunes where Bessa was birthed. From the first moment Bessa's feet touch the Far Northern land she has to fight tooth and claw for her rightful place within a pack that holds strict to the Old Ways. She will face competition for space within her mate's heart that he has already given to another. Bessa will face a hunger that she never thought she would ever have to hunger for...Love.Bessa holds her own secrets that will test her Moon's gifts to the limit. Bessa from across the sea will captivate your minds and your hearts as she faces challenge after challenge to rise to the top.There is a reason they will call her Luna.…

The Girl Who Stole My World

The Girl Who Stole My World

626,480 1,800 1

THIS IS ONLY A SAMPLE Going to be PUBLISHEDA Wattpad Featured StoryCompletedA relationship is a nest, you take your time building it and layering each stick in its proper place for a future that you are creating.Along comes the predator, the fake, the fraud, the pretender disguised as your friend, your family. She infiltrates into your world, pulling at the sticks that you so delicately laid. The grooming is so subtle at first that you don't understand it until you take a step back and connect all the dots.Little by little the nest, you have built up starts to be taken away so her nest can take shape. How do you move forward? How do you learn to trust again? How do you believe in yourself?After the death of her best friends, Blue's life takes a series of down twisting turns that leave her on a painful journey of self-discovery about how hard life can hit. Follow Blue through the struggles of re-claiming back her life again and doing the hardest thing possible, to forgive the girl who stole her world…

Fin's Claim

Fin's Claim

4,690,480 235,132 122

This time around the story concentrates on Fin and Victoria and their ill-fated mate pairing. Unaware of Fin, Victoria suffering under a father who hates her very existence and starved of affection, Victoria has a dalliance with another male and Fin discovers this. The male in question was his twin brother Grey. This led to Fin abandoning his pack, rejecting Victoria and embarking on a path designed to punish her by sleeping carelessly with as many females as possible. Events in Grey's Tribute have brought them together, and Fin claims Victoria as his mate while still hating the very essence of her being. However, the Moon will have her way, and she wants these two together whether they will it or not.Victoria is forced to confront every demon she buried deep down in her fight for survival since birth. The main one being that her wolf is more feral than others, unwilling to bend to any and with a hunger to rule more territory. Her wolf's disrespect to his authority will force Fin to remind her of her place. Fin himself struggles with the past Victoria shares with his twin and the fact that it forced him to denounce his full potential as the most dominant alpha of the four packs around. Her wolf's challenge to his status will push Fin into accepting all that he is and could be, and in turn what they can be together. Unfortunately, his feelings for her are harder to change, and his struggle to forgive and forget will impact heavily upon their relationship. An emerging empire, omens of death and the two most dominant wolves compelled by fate to be together with or without their permission leads to an absolute rollercoaster of a story. I did not think I could feel more than I did reading this book. These characters are complicated and while they project an image of indestructibility to those in their world, reading this will show you that those who appear strong may have the hardest battle against their own weaknesses.Thank you @Chortle for the great summary.…

The Rogue's Hunter

The Rogue's Hunter

124,803 1,284 1

This story is now on hold.The clock ticks... Ember has always had a special ability to tell the future. She is a Spirit Talker who lives a simple life with her family until one fateful night she becomes a Bitten. A danger to her family and those she loves the most, she can no longer stay in the only home she has ever known.Seeking shelter with those that harbor their own Madness inside themselves they form their special community that is tied deeply to the phases of the moon. There is only one rule that governs the lives of the Bitten, never bite, only kill.…



2,297,724 5,142 4

2016 Watty Award Winner for FEROCIOUS reads. Sample only. This book is PUBLISHED!How do you tell yourself not to breathe?He is my mate, and she is his everything.But he chose her, against every single instinct that we both know. For that, I have been whipped, shunned, shamed, disgraced, and broken.All for one moment of madness I could not control.After two years, I left, unable to bear the pain and loneliness anymore.That was then. This is now.I am back, and I am not the juvenile I was. I am now a fully grown female. I feel his eyes on me, but I can't. I won't. I shouldn't.Time has healed my wounds, but not the deep scars the whip seared into my flesh or his indifference to my heart.Each breath is a pain, and his scent overwhelms me. But I can smell her in it. He still will not give her up, despite his own body crawling with a deep, physical desire that only a mate can satisfy.I breathe: I exist; barely.I am a midwife. I bring life into a cruel world that haunts me every day, and the Doctor I work with is the only one in this pack who holds faith in me. He is the one person who stands up for me - and I feel light again when I am with him.What kind of life is this when two mates cannot be together, yet every part of their primal soul yearns for it infinitely? What kind of cruel moon would torture a she-wolf like this?I can't go on, but I must.Whatever happens, I must attend to my purpose and give my miserable life some meaning; perhaps I can snatch some joy in pieces, but now I see that he needs me - but he also wants her too.How do you tell yourself not to breathe?…

Odin's Prize

Odin's Prize

4,369,901 274,196 67

•Completed•Featured Wattpad StoryHow do you fight the moon?It's not Charlie you've been waiting for, it's always been, Odin.Follow this epic journey of Odin and Charlie in the world where tooth and claw rule. Where the very belief systems of wolves are challenged on the most fundamental levels. There is only one true path to walk on, the blood red path....Wolves lose themselves to their wild.There can only be One Alpha.…

Grey's Tribute

Grey's Tribute

6,074,764 236,144 50

The characters are highly complex and they exist in a world that values strength over compassion, only the strong survive. The life inside the pack mimics that of a real wolf pack with a strict hierarchy that is established through fighting and power. It is also comparable to a medieval court, the king holds his divine right to rule and the queen exists solely to please and support the king. Throw in scheming courtiers with the ability to change into wolves with sharp claws and fangs and you have the pack construct.As the characters are basically wolves housed in a human skin and the story is laced with animalistic references and traits displayed by all. We first meet the main characters Meela and Grey it is on a bloody battlefield where they recognize each other as their soul mate, and Grey takes Meela as tribute for his pack's help in her brother's fight. From this point on Meela belongs to Grey, and in this world, a highly spirited female with a propensity for impulsive actions matched to a dog stubborn, self-assured, dominant male is going to cause problems.We follow Meela in her journey to become the pack's Luna, a pack who are even more wolf than the one she comes from, and with a mate who has set the highest standards for her to reach as his Luna(female Alpha) and will accept nothing less than perfection. In the midst of all this and the struggle they face to form a personal and public relationship, there is one incident that will change them both and the fate of the pack completely. From that point on both Meela and Grey are inevitably changed and for them to be together, either one or both needs to change, but when you live in a world where you are taught that weakness is easily exploited and to admit defeat can potentially lead to your destruction.Thank you @chortle for the great summary…



38,757 1,601 2

SAMPLE ONLY. This book is PUBLISHED!Cassius Denver Valentine lost his mate. . .Now he thinks he's a monster. I just think he's broken.There's old blood on his hands and despite his efforts, it sticks to him like a second skin. I see the blood, but more so. . .I see him. And for some reason, he doesn't hide from me. I want to kiss his scraped-up knuckles. I want to tell him that he doesn't have to keep suffering. He's already bled enough.Problem is, when you love someone so fiercely, you also run the risk of being burned to ashes.Let the unraveling begin.…

Fin's Claim The Private Chapters

Fin's Claim The Private Chapters

461,493 11,585 11

This is the companion book for Fin's Claim, The Private Chapters where it's a mature read.…

Grey's Tribute The Private Chapters

Grey's Tribute The Private Chapters

499,192 10,882 5

The private chapters of Grey's Tribute for the more adult reader…

Odin's Prize Private Chapters

Odin's Prize Private Chapters

457,996 16,774 9

The private mature chapters of Odin's Prize…

His Alpha

His Alpha

216,677 1,721 2

Sample OnlyThe rest of this story is published to Amazon If the moon has made me this way, then I should be Moon-blessed, not Moon-cursed.He is the Alpha, and I am his Beta. It's time for me to bend straight; there are some lines I must not cross here. But every time I see him, the lines curve, gnawing into my soul...for he is my mate.This is our destiny, yet nobody can know that the Moon has doubly blessed and cursed us with the forbidden love. A hidden, dark fire. It was our secret. A secret we denied - a secret too dark to share.We don't bend that way.I left. I had to escape the torture, the heartache - I lived among humans; I studied them. I found myself. Or, I should say, my Professor, discovered me. They can never know that a human male seduced me, or that I loved him; it means certain death for both of us. He taught me everything I know, made me the wolf I am today. But even that love was not enough.I return to my territory today. Leaving the sophisticated freedom of the city for the stifling traditionalism of my pack - a place where my soul, my desire, my love must be locked away and hidden.This ache is my one true companion, never leaving my side.Perhaps the pain never ends, but I must go on. I'm not the runt I once was. My body is lean, muscled, and powerful now. I see my transformation in their eyes.I see it in his eyes.He may be my Alpha, but he will come to me. The moon may have cursed us both, and our path may be full of torture, pain, and lines so curved that we get lost - but I have no choice. He has no choice.It is time for me to bend straight for the pack - but in my soul, I know my lines are curved and undulating, and that they all lead to him, my rightful mate. My cursed mate, one that fate demands, and that our society forbids.I don't know how to go on.…