I Can't (Taylor Mindbreaker X Tyler Demon Boy) (✅)

I Can't (Taylor Mindbreaker X Tyler Demon Boy) (✅)

203 20 16

Tyler always loved Taylor. And... secretly, Taylor loved him, too. But... how can such a girl who's siblings commited suicide trust love again? Will Tyler win her and teach her love is okay? Or will Taylor strike first?Me and @actionrd ship it SO. Here ya go, actionrd!…

Sally Face Random Moments

Sally Face Random Moments

132 5 11

Yes I've fallen into Sally FaceYeetry…

Meet My Brains

Meet My Brains

25 4 5

This is what my mind is thinking on random moments…

Stuff I want to say

Stuff I want to say

408 13 27

Stuff I want to tell but I'm afraid people won't understand or laugh or just say I'm dramatic or I shouldnt worry about it and society will put me under another label.…

Rain Jedi (Raina's Story)

Rain Jedi (Raina's Story)

23 3 4

Raina was a young girl born on (I haven't decided on a planet yet) before The Empirial Army took over. She was taken in for her strong force, and was raised as a sith. That was, until Liea was abducted.And that's when she found out about her old life.And that's when she knewShe has to find her real family…

Random Creepypasta Moments

Random Creepypasta Moments

629 43 35

All in da title, mah brosmost of these do include ocs and songs SO…

Second Love (RainaXHeaven)

Second Love (RainaXHeaven)

42 8 8

Ever since Boba died, Heaven has been nice to me. Wait- let me rephrase that, she's been ODDLY nice. But I mean, she's still a bitch. Like, really bitchy. But she's nicer.But I've been odd too...…

We Can

We Can

32 5 5

After Taylor and Tyler got married, they moved to a house in a hill near the forest and lived a normal killer life. They always visited back home though. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECK…

High School For Ocs

High School For Ocs

3 0 1

Basically any oc from any fandom going to high school and interacting…

Le Crappy Art Shine On Thee

Le Crappy Art Shine On Thee

145 11 8

Just art. That is crappy ;-;…

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

29 3 3

Random thoughts.…

A Fantasy In The Real World

A Fantasy In The Real World

12 1 7

You always had an over active imagination. Your father never minded it, seeing as you and your father could never afford any electronics. You only had notebooks and pencils. You lived particularly far away from town, near a forest, strangely close mountains, and a very cloudy area. You thought about your love for "mythical" and "magical" creatures living near the forest. Except,You were only wrong about one thing.…

How To Take Care Of Creepypasta OCs

How To Take Care Of Creepypasta OCs

155 9 10

Ocs featuredTaylor MindbreakerTylerDianaCindyCinthieJamieJaidenKatelynn SpiritAmericaTokyoProbably gonna be more soonCover by me…

A Day In The Life Of Rain Bow

A Day In The Life Of Rain Bow

5 0 4

Rain Bow is just an ordinary girl, in an ordinary world, with an UNordinary name. Or, is she really a colorful superhero in a colorful world? Who is she, and what life does she lead?(This is random lol so)…

Neko Taylor (Completed!)

Neko Taylor (Completed!)

331 11 26

Well a Neko version of my OC, Taylor Mindbreaker. Yaay. *sarcasm* Now, that's she's most likely flicking me off in the background for making this book, I'm gonna leave now.…



6 2 1

Well I need somewhere I can talk to people soooo…

Just Books

Just Books

8 0 1

I want people to tell me what they think of my ideas for books XD…

Sith to Jedi (Raina's Story)

Sith to Jedi (Raina's Story)

3 1 1

Raina. Daughter of a sith. Sister to three others. One mighty and feared girl on the death star. The is, before Princess Liea. And her saviors. Now, a Jedi. Betrayed of Sith. And still a sister to three others.…

randomnstoryz <3

randomnstoryz <3

30 1 1