Fangs - SU

Fangs - SU

221 4 4

This is the REMAKE of the original Fangs story, and that old story will soon be deleted after this is complete."Sometimes, I wonder if she can see me through your eyes...oh what would she think of me now?"Death is hard to get over, especially if it happens to someone that is known and loved by many people. First, it was a beautiful, rebellious quartz solider.Now it's a fun-loving, happy-go-lucky child that hardly had any mean parts in his body. It's hard for people to cope with, but the one thing they didn't know was that Steven was actually alright. Well, mostly, anyway.…

Fangs (An SU Fanfiction)

Fangs (An SU Fanfiction)

2,782 56 9

Sometimes I wonder If she can see me through your eyes, oh what would she think of me now?Death is inedible, especially of it happens to a close family member, twice. First a beautiful gem who lead and one the Rebellion, then a fun loving, kind hearted child. Everyone has been upset, and found it hard to cope with. Until the smallest hint of hope sparks their hearts.…

Long Gone (An Inside Out Fanfic)

Long Gone (An Inside Out Fanfic)

12,856 297 9

After Joy was forgotten, nobody was the same, nobody stopped Riley from leaving San Francisco. After three subconscious workers attempted to replace Joy, a few months later, something strange is happening. Yellow glows are appearing in the subconscious, and the subconscious workers don't like it. Why don't they? Are the bright yellow glows forming a monster, or are the subconscious workers trying to hide something special that makes Riley, Riley? I guess we'll find out....…

Electric Bonds-Book One

Electric Bonds-Book One

6,411 104 13

Ash held the Pikachu in his arms. "Pika pi." It said, before turning to complete stone. Tears formed in his eyes. "Pikachu! Come back Pikachu!" He shouted, his cries echoing across the forest.What happens when Pokèmon die? Do they become human, are they reborn as a new Pokèmon? The answer? They wake up in a whole new world, the afterlife. With Mew and Mewtwo as rulers, no humans are allowed, however, Pikachu dislikes it here, he wants to be back with Ash. They say nobody can come back after they enter the afterlife, but don't believe everything you hear...My Pokèmon OC will be present in the story as Tech, and some romance may be involved. I know something happens to Pokèmon at death but what exactly? That's what I based this off of, along with the movie "The Cocoon of Destruction." Even though Pikachu DID come back, in this story he doesn't, and you will possibly experience feels. Be ready for the sequel as well! "Electric Bonds Book Two, Rainbow Thunder."…