WANTED AGAIN german ver. (BTS Jungkook ff)

WANTED AGAIN german ver. (BTS Jungkook ff)

282 12 3

Diese Geschichte findet zwei Jahre nach dem Ende des ersten Teils statt.Jungkook: „Hast du mich so sehr vermisst? Es ist ok, ich bin jetzt hier."-Ryo: „Es gibt diesen Fall einer kriminellen Gang, den fast jedes Detektivteam hat. Jetzt sind wir an der Reihe, daran zu arbeiten. Es ist ihnen nie gelungen Beweise zu finden, um jemanden zu verhaften."-Offizier: „Hwa Ryo, Sie sind hiermit für den Mord an einem Beamten verhaftet. Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Alles was Sie sagen, kann und wird vor Gericht gegen Sie verwendet."-Jungkook: „Hallo Dad, hast du mich vermisst?"-Er gewann das Gleichgewicht, bevor er sein Werkzeug herauszog und begann, ein Loch in den Fensterrahmen zu machen, wo sich auf der anderen Seite das Schloss befinden würde.-„Du bist nicht leicht zu kriegen, was? Das gefällt mir."-„Nachdem ihr reingekommen seid, kenne ich euch nicht mehr. Wie ihr rauskommt, ist euer Problem."-Jungkook: „Es gibt nur zwei Möglichkeiten, wie das hier enden wird."-Alle begannen, in ihre Vans und Autos einzusteigen. Die Mitglieder des Swat-Teams hielten ihre großen Waffen hoch, als wir losfuhren.-Herr Hwa: „Der Kampf hat bereits begonnen. Vergisst nicht, was ich euch gesagt habe. ALLE AUSRÜCKEN! BEWEGT EUCH, BEWEGT EUCH!"-Jungkook: „DENN EGAL WIE SEHR DU SCHWÖRST, MICH ZU LIEBEN, DU WIRST IN MIR IMMER NUR DAS MONSTER SEHEN!"-Das nächste, woran ich mich erinnere, ist, dass ich die Kontrolle über das Motorrad verlor und hinfiel. Wir wurden vom Motorrad ein wenig gezogen, wodurch sich zu unseren alten Wunden neue Brandwunden hinzugesellten.-Wir schwitzten und bluteten beide durch unsere Wunden. Der Schmutz hat die Dinge nicht besser gemacht. Sie legte die leere Waffe weg, setzte mich neben mich und schloss ihre Augen. Dann nahm ich ihre Hand in meiner.-Der Mann lud seine Waffe, zielte auf uns und das nächste, was wir hörten, war, wie die Waffe abgefeuert wurde.-WANTED AGAIN[10/02/2021]-[???]…

WANTED AGAIN english ver. (BTS Jungkook ff)

WANTED AGAIN english ver. (BTS Jungkook ff)

170 20 3

This story takes part two years after the end of the first part.Jungkook: "Did you miss me that much? It's ok, I am here now."-Ryo: "There is this case of a criminal gang, which almost every team of detectives got. Now it's our turn to work on it. They never managed to find any proof to arrest anyone."-Officer: "Hwa Ryo, you are now arrested for killing an Officer. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you in curt."-Jungkook: "Hello Dad, missed me?"-He gained balance before pulling out his tool and starting to make a hole into the window frame, where on the other side, the lock would be.-"Playing hard to get? I like it."-"After you got in, I don't know you anymore. How you get out, is your problem."-Jungkook: "There are only two ways, how this will end."-Everyone started to get into their vans and cars. The members of the Swat team held up their big weapons up as we started driving.-Mr. Hwa: "The fight has already started. Do not forget what I told you. EVERYONE MOVE OUT! MOVE! MOVE!" -Jungkook: "BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU SWEAR, TO LOVE ME, YOU WILL ALWAYS SEE THE MONSTER IN ME!"-The next thing I remember is losing control over the motorcycle and falling down. We got pulled a bit by the motorcycle, making new burning wounds added to our old ones.-We were both sweating and bleeding through our wounds. The dirt didn't make things better. She put the empty gun down and sat beside me, closing her eyes. I then interlocked our hands together.-The man loaded his gun, aiming at us and the next thing we heard was the gun being fired.-WANTED AGAIN[10.02.2021]-[???]…

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

1,938 156 14

Hello, my lovely readers. If you are an author and you want to get a review on your book, then I guess this book is the right choice for you. Hurry up and join! I'll give you a detailed feedback on your book and in addition, you'll get the Z-Tan-Sticker! Enjoy! :)…

Dead Agma (BTS Taehyung ff)

Dead Agma (BTS Taehyung ff)

2,566 180 41

Boy: "But I will be alone."His shaking voice was heard, as the boy was more scared.Boy: "Again..." Woman: "No, we will always be there." She said touching the boy's chest where his heart is.Woman: "But now you have to go. Run."She said. With her last breath she saw the boy going further. Away from everything. She was ready to leave this world. The boy was save...The boy kept running into the woods under the hooded cape, which hid his face, making him feel a bit more secured. -He was running through the forest under his hooded cape, in the evening. It was quiet when he stopped running, and breathed in the fresh air. A small smile appeared on his face, when he saw the sun going down. The sunlight reaching out in-between the trees.-Consultant: "This tournament will give you the opportunity to prove yourself. The winner can choose between having the hand of the princess or wealth! The only thing you have to do is capture the Eodum-ui Agma."Citizen: "But they are all extinct."-???: "Welcome."Jungkook and I looked at each other. We both then aimed at her with our weapons at the same time. She then let a small smirk appear on her face.-Taehyung: "I'm a monster, right?"Min-seo: "You're not a monster."-Jungkook: "I will kill him and if it's the last thing I do."I said and threw the chalice, breaking the mirror. After that he stared at the broken glass still sticking to the mirror and let a tear escape his eyes.-Taehyung: "I lost everything I had."-Min-seo: "What happened?"I asked, after I noticed he was wearing an armour.Jungkook: "Nothing, I have something to take care of."He left. The door was wide open and I stared into the night, where he disappeared.-The eyes of the little boy only saw his father being hit again and again, till he fell down. All the men appeared around his father, blocking his view. Sudden grief flooded the child, whose facial expression showed nothing but pure horror.Child: "APPAAA!!"[07/04/2019]-[20/04/2020]…

What if... (BTS Taehyung ff)

What if... (BTS Taehyung ff)

13,615 1,067 26

What if...-"What if you guys weren't Idols?"-"He made a new machine. Well, the thing is that this machine was his project. Nothing involved with the government or so. And it's completed. He made it... and now ... he has to test it..." Jungkook: "On us?"-After the light was gone, I opened my eyes. I was standing on a bed, looking like I was ready to fight everyone. The door opened and I looked at who had entered. It was a girl. -Y/N: "Seriously Taehyung, are you new here? Why do you work like it's your first day?"Because it is...[25/12/2017]-[25/01/2018]…

WANTED german ver. (BTS Jungkook ff)

WANTED german ver. (BTS Jungkook ff)

5,631 162 26

Es fing alles an, als sie einen Jungen zur Welt brachte. Jeon Jungkook...-Doktor: „Aber... Sie können nicht zulassen das dieses Kind bei ihr aufwächst."Protestierte der Doktor. Doktor: „In einer IRRENANSTALT!"-„Jetzt müssen wir uns ein Thema aussuchen für unser Projekt."-„Ich weiß zwar nicht wie es euch geht, aber ich habe gerade echt diese Batman Vibes."Sprach der Junge während er das dunkle Gebäude vor ihm betrachtete-Als sich die Tür schloss sahen wir nach vorn und erblickten ein Glas, welches uns von ihm trennte. Er saß da. Auf dem Boden. Sein Kopf hing nach unten und seine dunklen Haare verdeckten seine Augen.-„Also, ihr wollt, dass ich euch die Akten echter Fälle gebe?"-Auf dem Boden lag eine Leiche. Getötet mit einem Messer. Es war Blut auf dem Boden. Die Leiche war nicht blass, was so viel hieß, dass er gerade gestorben ist. Wir haben ihn gerade verpasst...-„Wieso wurde er getötet?"-„Schieße!" Schnell rannte ich aus meinem Zimmer...-Tränen waren bereit, aus ihren Augen zu fallen und ein kleiner Schrei entkam ihrem Mund, als sie spürte, wie seine Hand ihren Rücken streifte.-„Es ist ok. Es ist vorbei."-„Nein ist es nicht."___________________________Nur damit ihr es wisst Leute. Dieses Buch ist genau wie meine anderen Bücher nicht real. Alles da drin ist nicht echt im Zusammenhang mit BTS. Wollte es nur mal gesagt haben, da ich es nicht riskieren will, dass irgendjemand sagt, das ist nicht wahr, oder, so sind sie nicht. Wie ihr bereits sehen konntet in der Beschreibung gibt es Blut, es gibt eine Irrenanstalt. Diese Sachen werden im Buch vorkommen. Wenn ihr nicht damit klarkommt, solltet ihr es nicht lesen. Für die, die interessiert am Buch sind und es lesen wollen, viel spaß und ich hoffe es gefällt euch! ^-^[25/07/2018]-[14/10/2018]…

WANTED english ver. (BTS Jungkook ff)

WANTED english ver. (BTS Jungkook ff)

5,071 425 26

It all started when she gave birth to a boy. To Jungkook...-Doctor: "But... but you can't let that child grow up with her..."The doctor protested. Doctor: "In an ASYLUM!"-"Right, now we have to think of a good topic for our project."-"I don't know about you guys, but I'm really having those Batman vibes right now."The boy said staring at the big dark building in front of him. -The door closed and we looked ahead of us and saw a glass between us and him. He was sitting there. On the ground. His head low while his dark hair covered his eyes. -"So you want me to give you real files of a case?" -On the ground was laying a dead body. Killed with a knife. The body didn't look pale, which meant that he died now. There was blood on the floor. We have just missed the killer... -"Why was he killed?"-"Shit!"I quickly ran out of my room. -Tears were ready to fall out of her eyes and a small scream escaped her mouth when she felt his hand brushed against her back. -"It's ok. It's over."-"No, it's not."_________________________________Just to let you guys know. Like my other books, this is only a book and nothing out of it is real or related to BTS in real. Just wanted to let you know since I don't want to Risk it to experience that People say that's not ture or that it's not ok to write that. As you could see in the discribtion, there will be blood, there is an asylum. That stuff will be in the book. If you can't handle it, you shouldn't read it. And for those who are interested in the book and want to read it. Have fun and i hope you like it! ^-^[25/07/2018]-[14/10/2018]…

A wish has its prize (BTS Suga ff)

A wish has its prize (BTS Suga ff)

4,146 343 33

"If I am doomed to be stuck in the middle of mountains in my holidays, I want my best friend to be there with me."-":..suddenly I didn't feel any ground under my feet."-Someone, or something was behind me. It was there. And it saw me.-"...may I introduce you...James."-Not a single expression on his face. Dark eyes and white skin. His feet then lifted up and took a step towards us. Twins: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"-Yoongi: "Why should we trust them? Something was strange about them and I'm telling you, they are definitely not from here." -Akira: "What is written in there?" The old woman lifted up her head to look at me. Mrs. Ryeo: "The story about the life of a girl in the village. The true story about what happened that day." Akira: "Which day?" The look on Mrs. Ryeo's face became serious. Mrs. Ryeo: "The day which changed the future of every person in this village."-"P-Promise me... promise me that you'll do what is written in the end of the dairy?"[19/05/2018] - [03/07/2018]…

Never give up

Never give up

381 63 14

Think about it...…

Fountain (BTS Jungkook ff)

Fountain (BTS Jungkook ff)

4,983 364 16

This story is inspired by @Hetalichin "The One Ring" Finding a house in the middle of a scary forest? Would you run away? What is in there? An adventure? Death? What if it's something compleatly different? "What are you doing here?" He took another step towards me, which made me back up again. Eunji: "I-I got lost." I hope you guys will like this story. Anyways, have fun reading![19/09/2017] - [24/10/2017]…

Lonely shadow Part 2 (BTS Suga ff)

Lonely shadow Part 2 (BTS Suga ff)

10,917 736 19

Part 2 Yeyyyy!!!!!!You should read the first part before reading this one. And have fun reading!!!!! ^-^[29/06/2017] - [15/08/2017]…

Lonely shadow (BTS Suga ff)

Lonely shadow (BTS Suga ff)

50,141 1,973 28

I woke up in a hospital and I lost my memory. I would've probably died if he wouldn't have found me. Slowly I started searching about my past, but the more I find out, the more it turnes out that my past was horrible. I also found out something unbeliavable about my shadow, who always protects me. Am I save with him?...[..../02/2017] - [13/04/2017]…