Lexi and Charlie

Lexi and Charlie

3 1 1

This is a creepypasta oc story!!! As of right now.. I have not finished my other creepypasta oc story, "Rumors". But I don't want to lose the idea of this one, so yea. Anyways, has a little bit of cussing, it has gore, etc. well, it's more like a two in one creepypasta oc story…



42 11 8

Warning:This book contains cussing, and it might scare some people(but I don't know on that.) Please note that this is an creepypasta oc backstory, and it may not be perfect! Oh, it also contains violence and gore!Enjoy シ…

The void

The void

98 14 7

This is a club/cult type thing! UwUAnd just so ya know:I am a furry, gamer, and weeb♥︎No hate is aloud!!!!!…

Cats- my cats

Cats- my cats

16 5 3

My cats! I have 5... but one of them hides all the time, I might be able to get a picture of him tho!…

Random Memes

Random Memes

16 5 2

The title says it all. This is just a bunch of random memes I have on my phone…