Last Chapters

Last Chapters

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Times and seasons were surely appointed to every purpose and incidents in heaven and on earth.In life you've got to take a step at a time,if not, you might just fall and injure yourself.Anyways,that was never the case for Westland Students. Getting to the top was what we had all longed for: Having to finally get to rule over the school with authority, having to have no one to call "senior", having to get the junior ones to succumb to our wishes.We wanted to all finish in a hurry, we were tired of all the excessive notes those annoying teachers liked bombarding us with, we were already getting irritated with having to wake up early, everything thing just so tiring and we just wanted to all go.But guess what!!SS3 came with a lot of headaches, friend betrayed friends, some found love,bitterness and anger set in along the way secret were exposed and a lot of drama you would get to find out .Some wished they had never got to experience this journey but I couldn't be more than greatfull to God for making me notice,my sugar,the love of my life.Ps: I'm giving you this my little journal.Read it and take care of it.Signed: Unknown…