Random Grootyness

Random Grootyness

330 26 7

( Why not just have a book of random Grootyness? Who wouldn't want to read a book of random Grootyness? Now you wanna read this book of random Grootyness don't you? Thats what I thought, go right on through the covers of Groots random book of Grootyness...)…

Groots Status:

Groots Status:

1,415 122 27

I am Groot... I... Am Groot... I Am.... Groot...( Ugh, he's trying to make a story behind my back... -_- Just go with it...)…

Ask / Dare Groot

Ask / Dare Groot

26 4 2

( If you couldn't read the title and know what's gonna happen, then you need glasses my friend..){ This was totally not stolen because of every superhero doing it!}…