The Soulless Artist and the Guardian of the Doodle Sphere (Union Academy x Ink)

The Soulless Artist and the Guardian of the Doodle Sphere (Union Academy x Ink)

60,269 706 43

(This is a prequel of Abyss Sans' story, focusing on Ink Sans' POV, before Ink had met Abyss himself.)"You heroes claimed that you fight for justice, and that you fight to do what is right in the end, because you claim yourselves to be awesome and unrivaled, as well as the only heroes that this Remnant needs. And you are, treating me like trash, always agonizing and abusing me for your fun, acting sadistic like the villains you fight. It has become a pleasure at hurting me, as well as the fact that you lie with stories to gain the trust of civilians. And yet...I wasn't any better. In my moment to prove to myself that I am good, there was a selfless prayer that I made to show everyone the light, and it revealed the truth getting countless amount of civilians killed. I may have shamed you false heroes, you liars...but I have also shamed myself, because of this prayer that I had made, which made the normal people suffer for this prayer that I alone made. I will no longer fail the civilians anymore, as well as the worlds beyond this Remnant. I will play my role correctly. I maybe soulless, and my emotions may be artificial...but it will not stop me from doing what I should do. But I...I will not do this alone. I am afraid to be alone. I cannot do this alone, can never do this solo. I will have other people with me to help me in this. People that are genuinely heroic and honest in nature, and people that don't care about fame. For I...Ink, and the creators that I work for, we will stop at nothing to make sure that everyone is protected by all of us. And we will stop at nothing no matter what. My old home may be blank and forever lost...but the new one that I live will not be lost. And more importantly, it will not be forgotten. Because I will be the one to forever remember everything that had existed."...Ink.…

Fused body...Single soul

Fused body...Single soul

1,079 15 2

Fused Zamasu...he thought that he had won and accomplished his goals...he destroyed almost all of the mortals, for the Zero Mortal Plan...but there was one mortal that he did not destroy yet...and this mortal came reclaim what was his. The half of the body that originally belonged to him...a Saiyan going by the name of Goku...originally named Kakarot, and having retaken what was his, killed Zamasu in an act of retribution for killing his wife and son, as well as destroying his home. Now, having regained his body...but filled with immense grief of what the world of his time had become, what Zamasu had made him do, he goes back in order to repent for what he has done. But what will happen...when he sees them again?…

A Dusty Nightmare (A Continued Nightmare and Dusttale Crossover)

A Dusty Nightmare (A Continued Nightmare and Dusttale Crossover)

39,164 587 38

On Mobius...there are 3 creatures. Mobians, Humans, and Monsters. The Planet Mobius, created by the Highest. Every single living things on Earth, created by Exetior, the traitor of the Highest, and the Demon of Sharpness.Both the Highest and Demons have different goals. For the Highest, erase Mobius and recreate it again. The Demons, to demonize the entire population of Mobius to stop the cycle of erasure and recreation. But one thing in the genocide of all the races.Sans...he has been through countless genocide runs...all because of a single human, who kept resetting just to kill off his kind again. Clouded with insanity, hate, and rage, he murdered his own kind, committed his own genocide, and used their LV, to kill the human who had started it all, and reset, before destroying the button. He had his brother back, and yet, the LV that he had gained from the previous timeline still remained with him, along with the powers he had taken from the boss monsters he had killed, and the ruthless and cruel hallucination of his brother, who refuses to leave him be. Now...another genocide is taking place, but this time, it is not simply for Monsterkind, as they have not been discovered yet. No, it is also now for the Mobians and the Humans alike. Sans...will meet with a certain rabbit Mobian, and it is up to them both save both species from genocide...of the demons of mystical and powerful origins...the Demons...and the Highest.…

The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)

The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)

216,638 2,608 156

"I had thought...I had believed...I had hoped that...because you are would care more about the lives of others, regardless of what and who they are, and that being would care more about the people and the future that they like to make for themselves. But you Union Union are nothing but traitors and hypocrites to those that looked up to you, who abandoned those that pleaded for you aid, and left them to die, boasting your fight to those that are as evil as you are, and flaunt of your superiority to those under you. I will not let you do this to them anymore. If you refuse to change your ways...and continue with this path of damnation...than I shall be the true hero. One that will lift everyone into my arms...and not the way you abandoned the powerless into the darkness to be forgotten...alone. I will be their hero, and you...will be the fallen. I will not sacrifice people to achieve my goals, and I will not discriminate those that are without powers or of another race, as like every other being...they deserve a life that they can choose to have. And nothing will stop me for fighting for the Discriminated, the Weak, the Powerless. Those that are beating down others for the showing of their own superiority, let me tell you something: you are not heroes...nor are you are nothing more...than Megalomaniacs...worse than the very evils that you had sworn to protect the innocent from, that all of you had sworn to fight against. And more importantly with of all...I will accept who I truly am...and embrace my other side of my heritage, to finally be free."...Sans GasterThe pictures in the story don't belong to me, except the AlphaAbyss Brothers.…

Old Gods, New Gods, and Leviathans: Rise of the Scarlet King

Old Gods, New Gods, and Leviathans: Rise of the Scarlet King

17,093 206 60

The Newborns and the New Gods, as well as the Groups of Interests, in the SCP Universe. They thought they had succeeded in preventing the Scarlet King's return by separating the King's 7 Spears and the 7 Infinity Stones. But when he meets and makes an alliance with Perpetua, a Super Celestial, all pieces of the completed puzzle are now altered. An addItional card in the deck changes the outcome of fate. Creation now begins to collapse in on itself and be destroyed. Now Alex, Rex, Wanda, Cain, Abel, Seth, Kalibak, Orion, Grayven, Grail, and a few of their other friends will be forced to fight for the sake of the Multiverse, and Creation as a whole, to protect it from both Khahrahk and Perpetua, an Old God both from Darkness and a Super Celestial that betrayed her own kind. Will they succeed...or will they be erased from existence, along with all of creation?…

In the Eyes of the Holder

In the Eyes of the Holder

632 9 36

You have all heard of the story of the holders and the objects that they store, the objects that have powers beyond anything you can imagine, and how there are 538, with the other 2000 lost or destroyed or forgotten. However, what you didn't know, is that there is a fate for when it involves a special seeker, or rather, the fates of 3 seekers. One that desires to hide from the world to escape its torment. One that desires to protect what he holds dear and the world as well, and the one that wants to know the secrets of the what mortals never known. The 3 seekers will decide the fate of the world, and will decide if they want to bring the Objects together...or to keep them away, for the sake of the world. And if they were to decide to separate the objects...Who will bring them together by themselves?…

A Grimm Possession

A Grimm Possession

1,132 25 2

This one is requested by Jeffloud12, who is inspired by the story I made called 'There's a Ghost in the Machine Story. ' Due to this, I'm going to make the story that he requested to me, and Jeffloud12 will make his own version of it when I finish with my chapter so he could copy and modify my version to make his own. So please don't get mad of either of us if you think we're copying the other. This is something we both agreed on. And now please...enjoy both our versions, and my version of the story…

The Deadly Webs of Shadows and Souls

The Deadly Webs of Shadows and Souls

671 3 8

In the world of the Paranormal, there have been humans that have became monsters. One of them goes with the Proxies with no face and a desire to send the world into the shadows and hopelessness, he could bring evil to the world and control it. The other goes with the Demon bent on plunging the Earth to Eternal Darkness and Chaos, so Humanity, both the race and the concept, as well as any being weaker than him, will be destroyed. Due to this, both the Faceless One and Chaos Incarnate are at war with each other, as the one embodying Chaos plans to kill the Faceless one as well. But what happens when these 2 People, one with Souls...and the other of Shadows, use powers for their own agenda? And what connection do these 2 souls have with 2 of the proxies of 'his' army.The 3 OCs I will be using belong to Chibi-Works for the Creepypasta story I will make…



1,762 38 7

Many thousand years into the future, humanity was on the brink of extinction. In a last ditch effort to save their race, they created 2 seperate machines:the Androids and the Carbons. The androids are meant to fight against the enemy, while the Carbon carries what remain of humanity. But what happens when one of the Carbons, born somewhere else, comes to venture to the wasteland on his own?…

A Fragile Human and a Warrior Alien

A Fragile Human and a Warrior Alien

6,715 125 26

On Earth...there were no heroes or villains. was normal. There were police officers, criminals, civilians, as well as some normal teenagers. This includes one boy known only as Aadiv Love, a shy, kind, and mindful individual, who lives like any normal human on Earth. He doesn't like to fight, always acts kind, hold no grudge to anyone, no matter what terrible people say, and always wished for something to happen to make him feel happy. But what happens when what he desired, is in the form of someone not from Earth, and Normalcy is throw away? In fact, how will this affect Aadiv of who he is in his mind? And most importantly, what would Fate do when they put these 2 together?…

There's a Ghost in the Machine

There's a Ghost in the Machine

200,361 2,400 26

There is a boy who has lost his parents in the life on industry, rigged from the attack of the White Fang. When the son was adopted by a family, it had gotten worse. He had been treated as a nobody for no apparent reason, and only used effectively as a person that feels pain. As it continues, he was shot in the heart to being disposed of, but he kills his adoptive father, and escaped through running and hiding from the Grimm. But when he dies near an abandoned Atlas Knight-135, everything has changed. Just how severe is the change?…

Wrathful Justice

Wrathful Justice

22,096 300 25

In the ancient times, people would often question, what would someone use with the power that they have? Sometimes, it is used to gain a selfish reason. Sometimes, it is used to gain the ability to rule. And other times, in the case of these people, our 4 heroes, it is used to spread justice and wrath.…

I am an Agent of Order

I am an Agent of Order

7,571 72 5

I am the Agent of Order...I am the Vanquisher of Chaos...I am...Doctor Fate…

The Conduits of the JLA (An InFamous and Justice League crossover)

The Conduits of the JLA (An InFamous and Justice League crossover)

7,143 44 10

It has been a number of years since Conduits and Humans coexist by Delsin and his friends. He, Fetch, and Eugene made the Second Sons alongside Olwen Kuo, son of Lucy Kuo, and Agni McGrath, Son of Nix, and each the child of Coke MacGrath. But what happens when they catch the attention of the Justice League?…

You Stare into the Abyss, and the Abyss stares back.

You Stare into the Abyss, and the Abyss stares back.

31,055 611 106

This is based on Meta-Kaz's old Abysstale comic chapter 1-7, and I may do the transformations of Sans, in both the new and old version of Abysstale. The one he had to discontinue. Also, Sans's 'Scarves' will be a part of his actual body. And if you see this, Meta-Kaz, I really hope you don't mind me using your old design of sans and papyrus in 2018 and the current version. If you do mind and respond about that I stole it, than I apologize and I will delete the story for you.When you are a person with an unknown power that frightens people, even when you are a kid, you find yourself on the cruel ends of humanity by, not just the humans themselves, but the faunus's as well. Sans Gaster, formerly adopted as a Rose, has to suffer a child's like from a cruel family for his 'weakness', but, what happens when that is taken to far? Can Sans find out of the secrets of his past? What is the destiny that lies ahead of him? And most importantly, who is Sans's mother exactly that gave him these powers?…

The Prototype, the Symbiote, The Scarab, and the E.V.O

The Prototype, the Symbiote, The Scarab, and the E.V.O

95,338 1,369 195

The SCP world has been known for housing a number of supernatural entities for the sake of humanity's normalcy and to keep them safe. And there is no exception of these 4 entities. A virus for the instinctual god. The symbiotic organism for the ruler of the abyss. The mechanical alien scarab from the reach, and the Nano machines of the intellectual god. Can these anomalies make a difference to the foundation, or would the fall into despair, failing to recreate their lives?…