Is This a Blog, Dog?

Is This a Blog, Dog?

165 33 14

If I'm being completely honest, at first, I wanted to make this book solely for the purpose of seeing my profile pic really big and sorta blurred as its cover. (Needless to say, I couldn't be happier with it😂) But I've come to love reading other people's blog/randomness books and began to want to write my own.Anyways, this is exactly what the title says. Since I'm new to this, this book will be experimental, and I'm not completely sure what's gonna end up in here. It may well turn into a blog-ish sorta thing, so... I dunno.I also probably won't update this on any sort of schedule unless I happen to specify one at some point.So with that out of the way...Enjoy!!!…

The Somewhat Small and Wildly Weird Book of Artsy Stuff

The Somewhat Small and Wildly Weird Book of Artsy Stuff

63 18 6

If ever I am overcome by the rare desire to post what I draw or try to complete an art challenge, the resulting attempts will be found in here...…

Ninjago Bloops

Ninjago Bloops

21 3 1

The exact definition of a bloop is unclear, but one thing is for certain. They can be found here, in this book.Look inside and you will find complete and utter randomness that's somehow related to Ninjago.Thank 😊(I do not own Ninjago)…