Defending Elizabeth

Defending Elizabeth

13,212 561 28

He cannot watch her make a mistake of such magnitude.Darcy: A woman as brilliant, beautiful, and witty as Elizabeth Bennet deserves a good match. One better than her silly cousin, or that irredeemable rake Wickham, who I know to be much different from the image he presents to the world. Can I save her from committing herself to a disastrous marriage?Elizabeth: Considering he finds me merely tolerable, the unpleasant Mr. Darcy is unduly obsessed with the gentlemen who wish to court me. Though I have no intention of marrying Mr. Collins, I find myself inexplicably drawn to the witty Mr. Wickham, in spite of Darcy's objections. I cannot imagine why Darcy thinks his opinions would sway me, nor can I understand why I cannot stop thinking about the infuriating man.…

Mr. Darcy's Bride

Mr. Darcy's Bride

67,561 2,152 34

He saved her. But can he keep her?After Mr. Bennet's sudden death, Mrs. Bennet and her daughters do not know where they will go or who will take care of them. Elizabeth receives a proposal from a horrible man, and in her reduced circumstances, she needs to consider it.Mr. Darcy is not about to let the woman that he secretly loves wed another man. He will do whatever it takes to make her his. She may agree to marry him, but can he truly make her his wife?…