The Princess Aana & The Invincible Ring

The Princess Aana & The Invincible Ring

864 129 6

Aana an 18 year old girl, who was blessed with enormous beauty were no where on earth can it be seen, but who was just like another girl in the village called Denver lived with her mother & father, Aana used to help her mother in her work bake cakes in their store.Peter an 20 year old prince charming of whom every other girl in the town & far away land princess would fall head over heels for him, he was the prince of the kingdom Denver.How is the story related to an average common girl in the town & the prince charming?Does destiny have some plans for them?Lets dive in to know it all----------------------------------#92 in FantasyBy: Basirath with loads of love to all :)…

Surah's In Qur'an The Lesson's And Hadith's

Surah's In Qur'an The Lesson's And Hadith's

78,774 589 115

Assalamualaikum-warahmatullahi-wabarakatuhu..Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim.A small try to benefit people for now and hereafter. To understand and learn what our religion says to us, more over what it teaches us."The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim." -Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith74Alhamdulillah to be born as a Muslim and In Shaa Allah to benefit others as well from what we know. As the Prophet said: "Acquire knowledge and impart it to the people."-Al-Tirmidhi,hadith422"Allah said: the Angels, the inhabitants of heaven and earth, even the ant in its hole and even the fish in the sea, send blessings upon the one who teaches the people good."In Shaa Allah in the name of ALLAH, the all knower, the most merciful, the most divine and superior of all, we began this step to learn and Acquire knowledge and In Shaa Allah lead forward to others.. Aameen.May Allah guide us in the straight path and never let us astray. May Allah help us in this journey of what we have taken up. Aameen._______Words from Qur'an And Hadees.Sourced from Internet, Articles, Websites and collaborated for better understandingCredits to all the true owners respectively.…

My Poetry! My Thoughts!

My Poetry! My Thoughts!

795 191 20

Hello everybody!! So here I am with something new, just want to explore something which is hidden and that's 'Poetry' this time.Woah... I am so excited!I never thought even in any of my dreams that I would even be a Writer once, but blessed to be I am one now, and now trying to write poetry hopefully I come up with something new and better just for all of you.Hope you all like it.Do support me as you all have always done.________________Love from: Writer -Basirath Afreen/ Afreen-the-writer.Follow my Official Page on Facebook: Afreen-The-Writer (link in bio) it's all about my stories.Follow me on Instagram: ibasirathafreen (link in bio) and it's all about 'Me'😄😃😀________________Disclaimer-No part or text of my work to be copied in any form of electronic means etc, if not it will be accused as an act of palagrism.Copyright. All rights reserved.…