metal runner honkai core

metal runner honkai core

1,553 35 5

jason zaychik son of bronya who was give his life after that he was uncosious until the his systems make him wake up as he find out an world only his mother and him wish him to world when anything is relate to video games..jason was suprise about that...he knows is an great chance...and he sure is gonnad go for it..but unknow to him an event an the future will come to him..witch will begin an new adveture…

symphogear intomer

symphogear intomer

1,164 15 3

jason zero trough his life end and finally his parents living nightmares of tragedy finally end..but jason wasn't expect to arrive an another jason have to face monsters call noises{fitting for an intomer}and olso know girl who are symphogear...and the futurerist version of an intomer since they use song as power but istead god like beings they are girls with his tech suits.......o did i metion jason is goin to all girls school? yeah the son of intomer will have the isekai and the guy an all girls school treatmet mc.....too his bad luck…

yugioh 5ds life blue stream reaper

yugioh 5ds life blue stream reaper

912 7 2

jason bloodedge strife son of ragna and cloud strife{female cloud}trough it was over but nope he end up an another world with an wierds cards and odd disc and his mother bike fenrir...good thing he actually make his mother buisness call "strife delivery service"until one package will set an thin an new adveture along with another fellow…

the reaper duelist

the reaper duelist

725 8 1

jason never trough his life get more weirder..after central fiction..but nope he meet an mage who can't talk end up another world when there is an game call duel monster witch you use monster from cards to beat you opponet...olso did i metion he meet an person who have another soul inside him?..yep his life is gonnad be crazy…

the therion reaper hero:bloodedge

the therion reaper hero:bloodedge

1,214 21 3

jason son ragna and velvet crower trough it was his end of the road after central fiction but always been try to mess with him now is an new work with people have powers call quirks...and olso he is gonnad become something he never trough he can hero..god have mercy to the villians who end up face the therion reaper…

the hacker racer woft reaper

the hacker racer woft reaper

1,013 23 6

jason crowe an vigilante and hacker who is been work since the economic collpalse of america back 2012 witch cause an spiral an the crime rate and the prisons get stock,after get his family to live an japan an safe place he keep work the next years to come to take out criminals and big corps who now control the prisons and expose to the world how "the land of freedom"is the land of the slave an the prison system but one event will lead jason to particape an the event most watch an the world..............death race…

the inverse spirit reaper of tengu city

the inverse spirit reaper of tengu city

1,673 27 2

jason the son of tenka yatogami the counter part of tohka..after central fiction he was watch other versions of himseft fight each other and other realities to pass the enternety..but something go wrong as jason was teleport to tengu jason have to deal with other spirits an boy who seal spirits by kiss{play god is not yaoi an jason's case}and an alternative version of his mother and second figure...yeah an bloodedge always get the weird stuff....olso it caugh an interest of an certain red eye girl....yep nothing good for an bloodedge…

owari no azure

owari no azure

1,919 39 5

jason yoru trough it was over..but the fate have other plans as he end up an world he was once before for an short the vampire,demon reaper must have to been a middle of war between humans and he will deal with that?…

family book 13

family book 13

2,646 291 118

why i need to say you already know what is this about…

blue dead redemtion

blue dead redemtion

724 6 1

jason mcalister olso know as reaper was an former military who got betrayed then raise by an tribel and got revenge of the army and thoses who betrayed..the he join duch gang this is his story with the dutch gang until the end…

the therion reaper bakugan brawler

the therion reaper bakugan brawler

2,436 54 8

jason was an the void after central fiction he was wondere what to do until an being who was know as "the watcher of vestroira"who want his help to solve an problem an another world when an being is try to bring the destrotion to that world and then use the power to spread chaos an another realitiesjason accept as the therion reaper will enter the world of bakugan…

payday 2 the death heister

payday 2 the death heister

939 17 3

jason crowe is many things,the true cold heart killer,an man who can kill everyone without regret,the men can do the imposible,the men who have no morals and only cares for himseft,an good hacker,an good gunsmith to create his own unique variants of weapons,an thief and many more..someone like that is bain need as he soon give an request to join the crown mask gang..but..will the deal stand dispide jason chaotic and solo nature?…

reaper of the pokemon

reaper of the pokemon

2,321 63 8

"why i just get myseft into?"that is what jason saylet's see he just end an timeloop by the cost of his own life but only to find out he is alive and olso an unknow place..o and meet an gaint being call itseft arceus who give him an tast....witch it doesn't know an the moment..and send to another world witch have creatures call pokemon.......yeah jason have ragna's bad luck for sure{it follow the anime route but it have elements from the games...i hope}…

sao hollow drakeblue

sao hollow drakeblue

1,839 50 8

jason zero finally done end the infinite cirle of his world and remove the flower curse from the exixtacne witht he cost of his was all worth it..but fate decide to be mercyful with him........for this once occasion....and give him an chance of life an another world and to add more sweet with his family again an another reality....but one event change that...sword art online the famous game is about to been realise as his aunts two and four who were gamers invited everyone to test as they agreed{mosty zero she have anger problems and want to release}but as they enter they soon find out the nightmare the former intomers and reapers have to work to get out of this nightmare game..will they make it?…

umbral sage nexus

umbral sage nexus

2,089 26 4

jason ceresa bloodedge son of the grimm reaper ragna the bloodedge and the umbral witch name bayonetta he was an the limbo face angels and demons after central ficiton but then an unepexct guest arrive and give him an tasknow jason is into new world with his companions to save another world from an timeloop guess is time for the witch to shine…

drake ga kill

drake ga kill

3,784 89 11

jason zero was many things the son of the grimm reaper, user of the azure grimore and the curse flower, an intomer and an being who bring the destrution to the world, an massive killer who leave an trace of death bodies an a horrible state...and more ..he trough it was over after give his life an central fiction he trough he get rid the curse flower....but fate always been an asshole as it is have other plans istead die he was an send to another world with an big jason have to clean kill any capital leader o high class person one an the time…

the nasod magic grimore

the nasod magic grimore

2,634 55 10

jason alex esensia bloodedge is many things... been the one who end central fiction been part of group of advetures to save the world from demons,been the new king of the nasod and been husband and father he trough he can have an calm life....but as the son of ragna...luck was never on his side{besides to be his side an combat}as one of the nasod energy cores was goin unstable and jason try to fix it but the energy create an portal who drag him to....the future with morden magic!?!?!…

jason's children image book

jason's children image book

2,065 39 26

soo pretty much the images of jason kids x female charactersince make an bio take time and i kinda lazy do soo if you want an image of how jason x female character child look like here is this book…

night nexus

night nexus

1,331 19 3

jason kuu bloodedge son of ragna the bloodedge and linne the princess the nightblade he just give his life but he end up an void and met vatista who explain an situalation who can affect to both his mother and father worlds and he is the only one to stop as jason accept the tast to stop an world who will end an timeloop…