Deaths Kiss

Deaths Kiss

19 0 2

The streets of Hogsmead were thick with fog You couldn't even see the ground that you were walking on With all the murders by Death Eaters, a curfew had been put in place and it was severe punishment if you were found still walking the streets after dark but Lucindra still dared to venture out. A black cloak shrouded her thinn frame and her long fiery hair She had long changed out of her Hogwarts uniform, she wanted to see one of these Death Eaters up close and she was willing to risk her life to do so, besides she never really was one for the rules, she thought rules were always there to be broken. She saw the Hogsmead patrol walking toward her, she ducked into an alley way she was enveloped by the shadows She heard a thud Her eyes flicked to the end of the alley way, it as a dead end but there was a Death Eater with their latest victim, her wish had been granted.…



10 0 1

The year 1940 Darlenes love spends his last evening with her before he leaves with his squadron the next day. The raging war is going to be hard for both of them, but promises that he will write her everyday. He's away for a few months but sends her a token of his love in the form of perspex heart with the RAF eagle on it made from the windscreen of a Spitfire, which she always wears and keeps it close to her . He survives the war and returns, he is still the man she knows, but if not a little changed.…



47 1 2

Bodil returns from a war with the Frost Giants and thinks it's all over but it's far from it it has only sparked a worse retaliation, they plan to attack Midgard and turn the earth into a frozen barren landscape.…

Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts

54 0 9

Some writing prompts for those days you find yourself plagued with writers block and can't find inspiration…

König Fanfic

König Fanfic

26 0 3

A collection of König fanfiction…

Desert Storm

Desert Storm

15 2 1

Ace broke off from her clan many moons ago. Little did she know that her clan had been taken over and a vicious ruler now ruled over them. A search party had been sent out to find Ace, the ruler wanted her and his son to marry to solidify the bloodline between the two clans but Ace will not come back without a fight.…

Wings of Panem

Wings of Panem

199 5 2

Sophina was married to President Snow, many people were jealous of her and wished that they were in her place. She was his elegant wife and a fighter pilot for the Capitol, she had made it to Captain without her husbands influence.…

Can't Catch Me Now

Can't Catch Me Now

62 2 1

Coasel Snow, is the daughter of Coriolanus Snow, not the perfect daughter he had imagined. She is the opposite of her father. She is happy, kind and bubbly but studies hard. One day she meets the tributes at the zoo with her father, and an unlikely bond forms between her and the tribute. She has to keep it hidden from her father, she brings him food and water. She watches the games with her father unknown to him she's helping him survive the games. But will he win? Will they have a future after the games?…

Christmas Stories

Christmas Stories

28 0 7

A story everyday up until Christmas.…

Rose Petals

Rose Petals

37 0 3

Coriolanus' tribute was not like any other tribute. She hailed from District 12. She was nicknamed Wild Child in the district. Of course, he got the wild and unruly one. She wasn't going to be easy when it came to trust. He had his work cut out for him. Together, they would be a formidable team. However, she was at a disadvantage due to her shape-shifting ability. She would be forced to wear a thick silver collar with spikes poking on the inside to stop her from shifting. According to Dr Gaul, this made the games fairer.…



32 0 4

A small group of mercenaries are bought in to help fight alongside the army, although initially they were seen as a hostile group, their skills and close-knit bonds were exactly what they needed to help fight off the enemy that bombarded the town.…



54 2 4

A very old friend of Dins returns just when he thinks it's all over and assists him in protecting the child. They take to an unknown territory to allow Din to heal after his ordeal with Gideon. But they are roped into helping the inhabitants of the territory, to take down the leader of a hostile group who keeps attacking the village at night.…



17 0 1

Marchosias is sent to protect Lucifer and to bring Cain down, after he passes she remains on earth to look after Lucifer and Chloe no matter the cost.…

Whisper of Broken Things

Whisper of Broken Things

32 2 1

After Jasmine's mother dies from being run off the road thanks to a gang who think they are on the top of the food chain, Jasmine spirals out of control her mental state shattered. After her father, Ben manages to bring her back to reality the pair work together to bring her mother's killers to justice, even if it means terminating their lives.…



174 8 2

The sickness had appeared ten years ago, it bore us hybrids but at the same time, it killed many. The Last Men were put in place to collect us for research, or to murder us to make trophies out of.I am older than the rest of the hybrids crossed with a wolf I have managed to slip out of their grip many times. But it's now been tasked to me to help free those trapped destined for dissection.…



517 8 4

Believing his daughter was dead she soon returns to him but on hostile grounds, she returns with Brida's band of men. She has poisoned his daughter against him and soon they will be pitted against one another.…



230 10 3

Frida crash lands into Uhtreds Farmstead. To his eyes only he can see the Pegasus but to everyone else it appears as a normal horse. Stunned. He takes care of them and nurses them both back to health. She becomes well acquainted with his men, her Pegasus Zethia refuses to leave and slowly but surely Frida becomes one of them.…

Dying Embers

Dying Embers

546 9 5

After Aethelflaed refuses to help Uhtred to fight for the safety of his daughter, Stiorra, he turns to the Rune Riders who pledge their swords to him and will fight with him and his men to take down Brida.…



317 6 2

A small band of rogue horse warriors join the Khal and aid him in the fight against Kings Landing. Tan even manages to heal Drogos wound saving him from death, she and her men escort his band across the waters with a little reluctance, but will they be victorious?…

Silver Claw

Silver Claw

26 0 2

Talon is recruited to help Peter in Venice and to undo what Mysterio did however, Peter was told she was dead as she had been injured during the war even though she fought so hard to the end. Will he allow her to assist him in his mission?…