To Save A Broken Boy

To Save A Broken Boy

522 64 17

How long can you go being forgotten by the people who are supposed to love you? Being pushed to the side so entirely it feels as though you could drop dead in front of them and they'd just blink and move on..?For some time it may feel like nothing.. 'Oh what ever, at least I have some privacy for once' or 'finally some peace and quiet..' Right?But then time will pass and the loneliness will kick in. The hunger for their affection, for their love.. You'll yearn for it. And that's when you'll realize. They have none left to give you..."Don't touch me Bastard!" Rory spat."Sorry, little brother" "Cole is that you?""Yeah mom..""Stop messing with that Kelya. Stop it Kel- Rory! Behave yourself! That is your sister.! Oh, Cole is that you?""Nope""Good good"..Some people go through it everyday. Most of them not remembering what it feels like to love, or be loved..Some one like Cole black. A silent boy with screams he only wants someone to hear. A boy that's voice wants nothing but to be heard by another person.Maybe even a certain girl.…

Don't Hold Back Just follow the stars

Don't Hold Back Just follow the stars

141 8 3

[On Hiatus]One trip with 5 strangers in the same car.. To make it worse make those strangers, 5 hormonal teenagers..++When a basic trip to a dessert boot camp goes from peaceful to perilous in a matter of hours, what will it take to stay positive? Will they give up? Or will they plow on?++As the 5 of them struggle in a world completely foreign to them, they begin to form close relationships..And trusts that could mean life or death.. Who could you trust in the open desert? Who would flip? Who would stab your back when you'd least expect it? The only thing they can do is put their blind trust in each other...And rely on the benefit of the doubt.. ++ They want to leave and they want to live.. But how long can 5 teenagers survive in the harsh world..? ++Their only hope and their only saving grace..Would be The last thing they heard their driver say "Don't Hold Back.. Just Follow The Stars" and they will.++…

Born to Suffer

Born to Suffer

1,515 283 31

[suffering because of w.b.] 'The battle-line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man' ..Does it? Really? ..The rules that are carved into every heart.The rules that should never break.Those rules are crumbling. And so is he.. ..The boy that was made then discarded.. The boy that was taken in then thrown away.. The boy that only knows how to hide behind a smile.. The boy that is lost.. The boy that cry's alone... That same boy, who is not what he appears to be....Living by the rules carved into his heart with venom.. Because it's what he knows and what he believes....Hurt..? Keep smiling.. Boys..? Can't cry.. Happiness..? Is torture.. Friends..? Are enemies.. The world..? Is hell..Death..? A sanctuary..Family..? Doesn't existLost..? Stay that way..Alone..? Deserve to be..Broken..? Keep it inside..…