Burnt Starlight: Book of Poetry and Prose

Burnt Starlight: Book of Poetry and Prose

453 118 8

Stars burn through the night like an everlasting glow, impeding the obscure darkness that fights for cover. What if starlight was burned away by the passionate fire of words? What would come of burnt starlight like cookies on a sheet? I still eat the cookies, do you?Deep within the character of humans, we all fight for something. We all desire something. May the light of the stars and the power of these words inspire you as they inspire me.…

In to the Dark

In to the Dark

35 8 1

It's in our very nature, that we crave the insane unrest of uncanny pleasures. This book exemplifies not only our deepest pleasures, but our worst desires that haunt us to the very bone. "Because we lean one way, and it will pull us down. We lean too far the other way, and the whole system fractures."…

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure

74 18 1

Did you ever feel that upper pain? Pain that cut deeper than a knife?Did you ever feel that love? Love so incomprehensible. "Darling, be my pleasure in the dark,Darling, be my treasure forever,Darling, you are mine to love,Even apart".…

Ancient Dialect

Ancient Dialect

120 37 5

In terms of speech, the world has revolved for centuries, circling back from Mandarin and English being the central languages, but that's not dialect. Dialect is no longer local to say the least. In Oxcstrom, language is a barrier to keep the poor from the rich. The rich know their normal dialect, but the poor know the ancient dialect. What keeps them from being rich is just language. But that can change, right?***Deci is a poor worker at the Loft--a place that oversees the city, Oxcstrom. He fits in as well as banana in an apple tree, he's in his prime age, and speaks little. He doesn't like talking, and he's been itching for change. Mena is a rich worker who works at Area 12, developing new rules every day. She manages the department and constantly has to rewrite the rules based on recent changes.Enta is a girl who has always fallen for the laws, but everything changes when she arrests Deci--he comes across as psychotic, but maybe he's the sane one and everyone is the insane ones?Area and Cass are the sons of the President and want nothing more than to become the next ruler of the faltering city. Join this rapid pace novella with twists and turns as Deci fights to win his freedom, choose between truth or life, and tries his best not to be buried in the indoctrinations of the standards. Warnings: This story contains violence, mentions of sex, mentions of nudity, and plenty of gore, drugs, and uncomfortable scenes. Read at your own discretion.Cover by @0StxrmySkxes0…