Angels in the Snow

Angels in the Snow

27 6 1

Growing up with someone and falling in love with them is one of the best things that can happen to a person. But then a baby is thrown into the mix.…

Behind These Wounds

Behind These Wounds

15 1 1

Our city is crumbling. Ever since King Hadley died, and King Thorn-in-my-side took over, the city is the very definition of bloody hell. The soldiers have been told to kill anyone who disobeys them, Thorn is going insane with power, and the poor are getting sicker, and the illness is spreading. Thorn doesn't give a crap about any of that, he just wants power over the city with the most jewels and gold and riches. So he sent me as an insider. Me, Nathaniel, the orphan kid. My mission is to poison the soon-to-be Queen Arielle Amélie and kill her before she's officially crowned as Queen. But, the mission isn't so easy as planned because my stupid heart won't cooperate with my brain.…

Fragile As A Mirror, And Just As Breakable

Fragile As A Mirror, And Just As Breakable

1,032 49 4

She knows she is weak. She knows that she is not strong enough for the world. She knows that fear will control her every move. She knows that one day she might drown in her insecurities, and nobody will be able to save her. She knows that she might be broken. Yet she still keeps going, and rereads her old diary entries daily.Cover by @SetalImage…