Why can't you love your wife? - Abhigya TS by CrazyMahiz (Completed)

Why can't you love your wife? - Abhigya TS by CrazyMahiz (Completed)

18,283 1,194 6

Winner of First prize in Best Two/Three shot story in Abhigya awards 2018...Marriage is a sacred bond...What will happen to the lives of three people who cared for each other a lot from their childhood, when an unforeseen happening makes their lives unhappy and unworthy to live...What will happen when a man is forced to marry another girl forgetting his first wife??? To know more, peep in to the story... Text copyrighted: ©Crazymahiz™, 2020®A dark, emotional story but with love as a base... It's a short story with only two shots...#1 in sufferings (02/03/19)#1 in rejected love (02/03/19)#1 in Twoshots (14/03/19)#6 in Kkb (13/03/19)#7 in Abhigya (12/03/19)#7 in kumkum bhagya (12/03/19)#9 in darkstory (08/10/18)#91 in short story (30/11/17)Never dare to steal my work and its offensive to steal others creativity...…

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

20,764 2,799 25

He is a She... She is a He... He is betrothed for a He before he is born... She is engaged for a She when she is born...Confusing... Isn't it... A royal , unbelievable, humorous love story of Abhi and Pragya set up in a historical background...Wanna see Abhi as Abhinaya, the princess and Pragya as Pragyan, the prince... Then go ahead and read...#2 in kumkum bhagya (27/3/19)#30 in Adventure (20/7/17)#9 in kkb (07/09/2018)#14 in Abhigya (07/09/18)#94 in fantasy romance (13/05/2018)#131 in Historical fiction (22/7/17)Follow me to read those chapters which are kept as private....Text fully copyrighted:©Crazymahiz™, 2020®.Never dare to copy my work without my prior permission...…

The Invisible Thread - Abhigya One Shot by CrazyMahiz

The Invisible Thread - Abhigya One Shot by CrazyMahiz

1,465 140 1

An unknown Invisible thread connects them... They are bounded by marriage vows, nupital chain, kumkum, Family, customs, traditions and believes...But... Their hearts, minds and souls are in a big confusion... They are questioning repeatedly whether they have got their perfect soulmate and whether they are the perfect life partner to their spouse...A suddenly forced marriage... An unexpected and unwated scenario... A helpless situation... The knot tied between two opposite poles...Will they work hard for a happily ever after or will they part apart not understanding each other???To know more... Peep Inside...This story is my creative idea and all the words written in this story is copyrighted to me...Text fully copyrighted: ©Crazymahiz™, 2020®.…

Interruption In Our Pure Love - Abhigya 5 shots By CrazyMahiz..(Completed)

Interruption In Our Pure Love - Abhigya 5 shots By CrazyMahiz..(Completed)

15,020 1,351 9

Winner of Second Prize in Best Random story In Abhigya awards 2018...Munni or Madhura came as a new entry replacing or came to act in the place of Pragya... What will happen if pragya too comes to MM all of a sudden??? Five shots on Abhigya Vs Munni....This story is purely my imagination and never and ever try to steal my work or post to any sites without my prior permission...#2 in Five shots (02/03/19)#3 in interruptions (28/02/19)#5 in longings (01/03/19)#134 in short story (27-8-17)Text copyrighted ©Crazymahiz™, 2020®.…

Trapped in her encounter - Abhigya 3 shots by CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

Trapped in her encounter - Abhigya 3 shots by CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

16,305 1,197 8

#1 in Kumkumbhagya (30/08/18 to 12/9/18))#16 in Actionthriller (05/09/2018)#4 in threeshots (05/09/2018)He is a terrific and dangerous cop... She is a super cool, yet terror cop... He is very strict with his subordinates... She is very jovial and way too friendly... He is a married man who loves his wife dearly...But She has a secret crush on him as he is her inspiration and idol.... Will they become one..??? A small story with just 3 shots... It's a soothing and emotional love story but filled with action, mystery and thriller moments.... Text fully copyrighted ©Crazymahiz™ , 2020®.Follow me to read those chapters which are kept as private...Never dare to steal my works....…

ROCKSTAR Vs ROCKSTAR - Abhigya 5 shots by CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

ROCKSTAR Vs ROCKSTAR - Abhigya 5 shots by CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

10,275 1,498 10

Winner of Second Prize in Best short story in Abhigya awards 2018..He is a rockstar... She is a rockstar.... Both are poles apart... They are arch rivals... They clash for no. 1 position and to know who is the best rockstar??? Even their fans too fight, on behalf of their Rockstar... Will the two Rockstars fall in love and be together??? This is a short story with just five shots... It's a romantic, emotional, dark love story, with lots of unexpected twists and turns....#1 in Five shots (01/03/19)#2 in longings (02/03/19)#23 in emotional rollercoaster (05/02/19)Text fully copyrighted:©Crazymahiz™,2020®.Never dare to steal my works....…

I want my FUGGY - Abhigya FS by CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

I want my FUGGY - Abhigya FS by CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

48,714 3,392 23

Winner of Best Humor story in Abhigya awards 2018...He is a rockstar... She is a typical village girl... He hates city life and carves for real love and care.. She does not know anything about city life and she is way too naive and innocent...He wants to marry a girl like her, but she has a belief that looking at men itself is a sin and is not aware of what a marriage is all about...What will happen, If they got married????? A comic, hidden mystery, short story on our favourite couples Abhi and Pragya....#2 in fewshots (01/03/19)#4 in kkb (05/09/18)#7 in fake identity (02/03/19)#26 in Mystery / Thriller (04/09/18)#582 in humor (19/7/17)Follow me to read those chapters which are kept as private....Text copyrighted ©Crazymahiz™, 2020® This story is completely my pure imagination and never dare to steal my work without my prior permission of me....…

Trapped in her encounter - Rishbala FS by CrazyMahiz (Completed)

Trapped in her encounter - Rishbala FS by CrazyMahiz (Completed)

23,606 1,025 12

#1 in madhu (25/8/18 to 12/9/18)#6 in fewshots (24/06/18)He is a cop.... She is a cop... He is arrogant and rude... She is very jovial and chirpy... He is married already with his love of life .. She has a secret crush on him... Will they fall in love???This is the my first story on Rishbala, but I've penned down this story in Abhigya version earlier...All rights reserved only to me...Text copyrighted ©Crazymahiz™, 2020®.No copying or posting it in other sites without the prior permission of the author....…

ROMANTICO PHOBIA - Abhigya One Shot By CrazyMahiz (Completed)

ROMANTICO PHOBIA - Abhigya One Shot By CrazyMahiz (Completed)

1,206 125 1

Have you ever heard about the pre wedding phobias???This is an one Shot story, which gonna speak about the pre wedding fears of a shy boy and an innocent girl....What will happen , if the marriage is fixed between two innocent people, who lacks knowledge in love, romance and marriage???People who are surrounding them will come up with many ideas, advices and tips and confuse them with their experiences... Isn't it???? Will they mess up everything on hearing their advices or will they become experts in romance???To know more, peep inside....This story is my creative idea and no offence to any character used in this story... #1 in jitters (25/3/19)#1 in confusions (26/3/19)#2 In Abhigya (26/03/19)#2 in kkb (27/03/19)#4 in kumkumbhagya (25/3/19)The story is completely copyrighted and it's an offence to steal one's creative idea...©Crazymahiz™,2020®…

Like A Seed, In Search Of Soil- Abhigya Os by CrazyMahiz (Completed)

Like A Seed, In Search Of Soil- Abhigya Os by CrazyMahiz (Completed)

1,790 176 1

Their hearts are interconnected... Their souls are entwined... Their beats are always matched...They are way too understanding and madly in love with each other... His dreams and wishes, meant a lot to her... Her happiness and smile is what he wants..But an unexpected scenario, parted them cruelly and they are separated for many years...Years later, they met in an unexpected situation...Will the lovers be united???To know more, peep inside...This is an one shot story....The text is fully copy righted to me:©Crazymahiz™,2020®This is my creative idea and it's advisable not to steal my works...#1 in longings (05/01/19)#5 in dreamcometrue (23/12/18)…

Mr. Perfection vs Miss. Messy - Abhigya TS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

Mr. Perfection vs Miss. Messy - Abhigya TS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

8,605 915 6

He is a perfectionist.... She is a messy queen.... He wants everything to be in order... She always mixes up everything.... He values time and is way too professional in all his endaevours... She does not know how to handle time properly and she never cares about anything in her life.... What happens when they meet???? Its a short story on our favorite couples Abhi and Pragya... A happy go, comic story with unexpected twists and turns...Text fully copyrighted: ©Crazymahiz™, 2020® ....#1 in Two shots (21/09/2018 to 25/09/18)#3 in kkb (25/9/18)#4 in kumkumbhagya (27/8/18)Each and every word written in this story are of my imagination and it has no relationship with the profession and not to hurt any persons in reality...I It's a fictonal work purely meant for fun and entertainment....I have copyrighted all my works... Don't steal my works .. Dare to steal my works without my knowledge, you will get punished for sure....…

Endless As ocean... Timeless As Tides - Abhigya TS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

Endless As ocean... Timeless As Tides - Abhigya TS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)

7,480 886 5

He is a man of continuous success... She is a woman of priceless victory... He is the man of every women's dreams... She is a woman of every men's sleepless nights... He is a reserved person... She is a chirpy and fun loving person... They both are surrounded with stardom, fame, money, wealth and success...Destiny makes them to meet in an unexpected scenario... Will they fall in love??? Will their relationship stay strong till eternity???Wanna know more... Peep into the story...Text fully copyrighted: ©Crazymahiz™,2020®This is a work of fiction and no offence to any character used .. This is an imaginary work and if it resembles anyone, its just accidental...#4 in endlesslove (09/05/2018)#12 in twoshots (05/09/18)#129 in short story (02/04/18)Never try to steal my works as its protected by law....…

Lost My SHADOW- Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz... (Completed)

Lost My SHADOW- Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz... (Completed)

29,396 3,703 20

Winner of First Prize in Best Fantasy story in Abhigya Awards 2018...They are arch rivals... One fights for the truth and the other fight for money.... What matters to him is only money... But what matters to her is justice... Professional enemies who hates each other a lot... But no can believe that they are once a mad and passionate lovers....What happened in their lives which separated them???A different story on our favorite couples Abhi and Pragya... It's a short story with just few shots...#1 in few shots (24/06/18)#1 in Enmity (28/08/18)#1 in kkb (30/08/18 to 07/09/18)#3 in Darkstory (05/09/18)#3 kumkumbhagya (29/08/2018)#3 in Abhigya (01/09/2018)#155 in short story (03/02/18)#152 in fantasy (02/05/18)Text fully copyrighted: ©Crazymahiz™, 2020®This story is my own creative idea and never dare to reproduce or copy without my prior approval... Dare to do so, you will be punished by law...…