Danger Zone ▷ Bellamy Blake [SU]

Danger Zone ▷ Bellamy Blake [SU]

7,962 333 3

"Welcome to the danger zone."For the past ninety seven years, Alice Ever's people have lived aboard a space station called the Ark after their planet had become soaked with radiation after a nuclear war. Various countries lived together peace during this time, and Alice was fortunate enough to be a prodigy when it came to technical advances. Of course, that meant she was one of the few to know about the one hundred convict teenagers, all around her age, who were sent back down to the ground. With their oxygen supply running short aboard the Ark, it was now up to Alice and her superiors to figure out if these kids were alive and how to save their people, if possible. Except, that's a little hard to do when betrayal is all around you, and at every second, even aboard the Ark, you were fearing for your own life.[season one][book one of the alice ever series]…

Up in Flames » Bellamy Blake [Book Two]

Up in Flames » Bellamy Blake [Book Two]

119,565 3,164 10

[Sequel to Born to Die]"Princess isn't going down without a fight."Olivia Ross is a completely different person than she was only months prior as a prisoner on the Ark, but now she's no longer a convict. She's on the ground, she made it to Earth. Reunited with her twin brother, Ashton, it seemed like nothing could stop her now. As a fearless leader of her people, she was unstoppable. That is, until those who inhabit Mount Weather kidnap her along with forty-seven others from her camp, unaware as to how her closest friends, Octavia, Finn, and Raven are. And more importantly, Bellamy Blake.The once tense relationship between the two had budded into something more and Liv was determined to find him once again, no matter what the costs.But, little did she know that her actions could get everyone else that she cares about killed in the process.And if that wasn't enough to drive Liv to the brink of insanity, this time around there's going to be more than just two Ross's walking the planet Earth.[season two][book two of the olivia ross series]…

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]

Born to Die » Bellamy Blake [Book One]

659,934 15,460 18

"It's like a hurricane; therefore you can't stop it, you endure it." In a post - apocalyptic world, thousands of those apart of the human race continue to reside in a space station called The Ark. A place where several different countries came together to create a place where they can all live in peace until Earth is a safe place to live in once again. With oxygen supply running short, possibly gone within the next four months, there was only one thing left to do; send 100 convicts under the age of eighteen down to the dangerous terrain that is planet Earth. Almost everyone aboard The Ark knew about the tale of Octavia Blake, the girl who lived under the floorboards for around sixteen years, but her story pales in comparrison to Olivia Ross', the girl who was ripped away from her family the moment she was born. All because she was a twin. It was against the law to have more than one child on The Ark due to supplies available, but after a misdiagnosis, Liv's mother had twins rather than just the expected son. This immediately resulting in her jail sentence. Except when Liv finds herself two weeks away from reaching the dreaded age of eighteen, she's soon casted down to Earth along with ninety nine others just like herself. Liv knew that this journey would be dangerous, but she never expected to see the one person she had desired to meet most; her twin brother.[season one][book one of the olivia ross series]…