

110 27 11

About the things I wish I'd see instead of the reality. My own distorted reality and my only pleasure in desperate times, delusions.…



9 1 1

These are poems on both significant and insignificant memories that influenced my life so far. This is what keeps me going in life. They provide me with hope in dark times. These are inexplicably beautiful moments that sometimes I would give anything to relive!…

What I Think Of You

What I Think Of You

1,769 180 15

My anger defines me.I know that.I accept that.I let it run free.I let it ruin me because at the end of the day I know I am nothing without it!…

A hand to the drowning.

A hand to the drowning.

3,985 852 50

Don't live someone else's life. It is important to know that life can slip through your fingers just when you think you have it all under control.Is it so hard for you to see what makes you so UNIQUE? Are you going through HELL? Do you HOPE for a better life ? What do you BELIEVE in ? Who have you, placed your FAITH on ?In a sick and twisted way life always finds a way to mess with you, no matter the circumstances.But aren't you exhausted of always doing what others want you to? It is about damn time all of us learnt we are not alone!⚠️*trigger warning some poems can contain depressing and violent content so if that makes you uncomfortable don't read.🛑Btw thoroughly editing.…