3,356 1,154 14

When nineteen year old Sabrina Ikeji attends her best friend's birthday party she has no idea what's coming for her. Her reckoning. Eventually, when the news of what she did gets out to the public, her father's political career is jeopardized. Unable to face it all, she tries to do something more drastic - take her life. Incidentally, her fatal plans aren't carried out anymore. Because she's saved. Will young Sabrina ever learn to love life again? Will her life ever be the same? ...A/N: Not your regular cliches BTW.Shout out to @nita4rever for the awesome cover.Category : Short Story Published May 25, 2020.…

Dear Crush, | ✔

Dear Crush, | ✔

760 236 8

In late December 2019, a world wide pandemic, Coronavirus, breaks out and with it comes boredom. Boredom at its peak. With the incessant lockdown the entire world seems to have been subjected to, sixteen year old Thea has nothing else to do but think and reminisce on her journey as a teenager and on the long list of crushes she's ever had. And then she comes up with the craziest idea; to put down her feelings toward each and everyone of them in letters and ship them off to their respected owners. How will it turn out for her when the owners of the letters receive and read them?#random…

Prince Odin, The First | ✔

Prince Odin, The First | ✔

74 12 1

A long time ago, when dragons existed and gods walked among men, there lived a comely, young Prince. He fought bravely for his kingdom and to his people, there had been no better Prince. One day, he fell in love with a commonfolk, which, according to the laws, was forbidden. The Prince was caught in a dilemma between his love for the young lass and his love for his people.To him, there were two sides, but no options. -----Originally a oneshot written for an award.Cover credit goes to nita4rever.…

Not On Her List

Not On Her List

2,242 799 24

On the list: -Date Tayron Rogers ✔-Get into the lacrosse team ✅-Pass Trig classes ✔-Play in the lacrosse finals✅-Get into UCLA ✔Definitely NOT on the list:-Be in a dare relationship ❌-Fail Trig classes✖-Have a fight with Holly❌-Get hit by a car✖-Not play in the lacrosse finals❌-Like Cj Barton?✖ ♧♧♧Hillary Spivot had always been one for making mental lists, but when her little world along with her list is upended, her mind becomes full of the dreaded "I never thought..."Same with Cj Barton. No lists, just the "I never thought..."He never thought he'd move to Oakhill, Seattle and he NEVER thought he could like Hillary Spivot the way he did. And it wasn't just 'like' or infatuation...it was more than that.Cover credit goes to @nita4rever…