Brick By Brick (A Six of Crows Story)

Brick By Brick (A Six of Crows Story)

1,182 105 4

Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Pekka.It sounds like the beginning of a fairytale, doesn't it? A story told to children to warm them during winter nights, a tale whispered while sitting by the embers of a dying fire, laughed at over steaming cups of hot chocolate.But fairytales have happy endings.And we all know how this story ends.He didn't start off bad. He was just another pigeon, just another farm boy, just another pocket waiting to be picked. He was a nobody.He came to Ketterdam as a young, healthy, successful man.He left as another victim of Kaz Brekker.This is the story of how Pekka Rollins became the Barrel boss that everyone grew to hate.We are all somebody's monster...[Highest Rankings: #1 in #leighbardugo, #2 in kanej]…

Six of Crows: Cloaked in Shadow

Six of Crows: Cloaked in Shadow

72,041 2,907 36

How do you fight an enemy who never shows his face?The murder of crows must band together with a privateer prince to face their greatest challenge yet. But though Kaz is playing for the Dregs, Nikolai suspects that the future of the world is at stake. Has Dirtyhands met his match?Kaz's throne as ruler of the Barrel has toppled.Inej must reclaim her rooftop kingdom.Wylan is torn between two lives. Jesper knows something's up with Wylan.Nina is trapped as the shadows draw closer.Nikolai is hiding from a mysterious assassin. One thing is for sure - not all of them will walk away this time.No mourners.No funerals."You're right," Kaz said, eyes black and unforgiving. "You were always right. It's not the tricks they feared, not the lies, the thieving. They don't need a broken boy-leader. But they don't need me."His face softened, just for a second, and he touched her cheek with bandaged fingers. "It'll be the last time, I promise. The last heist." And he dropped his hand, and he stood sharply. "See, the Mask has bested me before. But he's never fought Dirtyhands." A smile uncoiled across his face, slow and dark, a promise of violence. "They might not need me to beat him, Inej, but they need the monster. And I'm more than happy to deliver."A Six of Crows / Crooked Kingdom fansequel.…