A Kiss Goodnight at the End of Forever

A Kiss Goodnight at the End of Forever

2,885 335 25

[IN PROGRESS]Martha and James are soulmates trapped together in a never-ending reincarnation loop. Not a bad way to spend eternity, but they wanted more. They wanted a child. Serafina is born and Martha and James are elated to love and raise her and share the new experiences we 'first-lifers' take for granted. But the universe has other plans and, at the age of five, Serafina informs them that she too has been condemned to relive her life, again and again, stuck in her very own loop.There ended Drifting Along the Infinite Spring, though questions most certainly remain. Who or what gave Serafina her immortality? Can Martha and James reconcile losing the daughter they thought they knew? And then there's the minor issue of saving the human race from its seemingly guaranteed annihilation...To reiterate, A Kiss Goodnight at the End of Forever is a sequel to Drifting Along the Infinite Spring and For Those Who Don't Believe in Love Songs before that. If you've read neither, this book will make little sense. It is not labeled mature, but there will be rare cases of language, adult situations, and violence. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy.cover by @JELyrica…

Drifting Along the Infinite Spring

Drifting Along the Infinite Spring

61,308 6,048 49

[COMPLETED][WATTYS 2022 WINNER]James Quinn can't die. Actually... that's not true. He's died many times - somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 - only to be reborn as himself to live his life over again. For millennia, he's had to endure this ceaseless existence alone. But that all changed when Martha, his soulmate, joined him in the loop with her consciousness intact.This is where "For Those Who Don't Believe in Love Songs" has left us. But questions abound... Exactly how did Martha unite with James? Can their love survive actual eternity? And who or what is this man stumbling upon Martha's doorstep?To reiterate, this is a novel for those who've read "For Those Who Don't Believe in Love Songs." If you haven't, very little in it will make sense. I've labeled it mature for language, brief sexuality, brief violence, and brief suicidal/nihilistic themes. I'm aiming to publish each Monday, though we'll see how long that lasts. (I... write... very...... slowly)Thank you for reading and I adore comments in all forms. Hope you enjoy!cover by @JELyrica…

For Those Who Don't Believe in Love Songs

For Those Who Don't Believe in Love Songs

225,124 15,727 38

GROUNDHOG DAY mixed with SIXTEEN CANDLES and a splash of DOCTOR WHO. A boy forever reincarnated as himself meets his soulmate for the 200th time, but can she solve the puzzle and break the curse to make herself his last?*****Martha Beckett's life is over, or so it feels after her father moves her from California to Illinois in the middle of her junior year of high school. But on her first day in her new school, she finds a peculiar boy waiting for her. James is cute, friendly, and obviously too good to be true. Her skepticism proves justified after he confides in her his secret: after he dies, he is reincarnated as himself to live his life again and again and again... Retaining all knowledge and skill acquired in his previous lives and with a general understanding of future events, James is effectively superhuman. And while Martha enjoys the inherent perks of associating with such a boy, she comes to learn of the despair and exhaustion underneath it all. With no permanent consequence or hope of release, James struggles to stave off nihilism with Martha his one tether to humanity. FOR THOSE WHO DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE SONGS is, in fact, a love story, albeit a complicated one. Can Martha reconcile with the fact that James has loved hundreds of other Marthas before her and will most likely love hundreds thereafter? Is James' choice to engage and confide in Martha irresponsible and selfish? Would she be better off living her life unaware of the cosmic freak who has loved her for millennia?[[Winner of Watty's 2020 in Literary Fiction]]Content and/or Trigger Warning: brief sexuality, brief violence, mild language, brief focus on suicide.cover by @JELyrica…