Her Soul And His Blood / Editing

Her Soul And His Blood / Editing

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White shining skinCompleted'Her locket started glowing, and a burning sensation started on her birthmark. When their eyes locked, she felt as if his gaze would swallow her up completely. His eyes slowly scanned her body.She breathed slowly, trying to steady herself, then looked away. Even he found something strange in her.She sat in her seat and started to scan him. His eyes were dark, almost black, which stuck out against his glittering white skin. It was hard for her to look away. She felt some sort of connection to him, as if she had known him for years, but she saw him. He was still looking at her: she could almost feel his stare on herself, on her eyes, her nose, and mostly her lips. He looked hungry, as if he was craving for something. His eyes were intense, it made her so uneasy she moved around on the chair, changing position."What's happening to me?!"She felt weird, something was wrong. She then noticed how his eyes were flickering and glowing, even though he was in the corner of the cafeteria away from her. Suddenly, his pupil color changed from black to red.…