You Saved Me

You Saved Me

90 6 2

Well this was one hell of a position Leon did not think he would be in right now. Bent over his husband's desk, legs spread wantonly, and nails digging so deep into the oak desk he was leaving scratches. But hell he wasn't complaining. There was nothing sexier than being fucked by one of the most feared men in all of Italy. And god... he didn't want him to stop. Leon groaned as he felt his head snatched up and Chris thrusted up deep and the omega screamed. "Ha...! F-fuck... Chris..."*"You must be Henri Kennedy-Redfield, your father Chris said we should be expecting you. Please follow me this way to speak with the Boss."Henri scoffed. "Geez I don't even get to introduce myself? Lame. And you are?"The older male led Henri to the elevator and they got on and he pushed a button. "Ryuro Hirotsu." He said as he looked at the young male."Ryuro..." Henri tested the name on his Italian tongue. "This is my first time meeting you."…

Something Worth Treasuring

Something Worth Treasuring

130 8 4

Luciano nodded and continued to look around. "Leon... I know you're scared. But I promise I am not here to hurt you." He spoke out. "I am the Polizia, Detective Luciano. Can you come out for me?"No response.Luciano searched the room thoroughly and didn't find him in the bathroom or closet. There was only one last place to look. "Leon...?" He looked under the bed and Leon's eyes widened upon seeing the man and he flinched.…

Hold Me Close

Hold Me Close

120 4 3

"You're the man from earlier...""I am, I got you some food. Hope you like chicken alfredo."He just nodded and Leon extended it out to him and he took it."Thanks...""Welcome. I'm Leon. Leon S Kennedy. What's your name?""...Misako.""Misako... more progress than the doc made.""She didn't save me and my brother's life.""Fair." Leon said, sitting down. Leon noticed he wasn't eating. "What's wrong? Food not to your liking?"…

I've Had Years of Regret... But Never You

I've Had Years of Regret... But Never You

2,944 49 25

It's post resident evil 4. Leon defeated saddler, he got the president's daughter home safely, and now he is deserving of a well needed rest. But when getting checked up from coming home, Leon gets the shock of his life. How will he handle this new news with his alpha?…

Whispers of the Past

Whispers of the Past

554 36 1

Last night I dreamt of him again.A man holding a red umbrella, with skin as pale as ivory, tall and lanky, with permed brunette hair, and eyes as chestnut as almonds but sometimes as red as the lunar eclipse.He always seems as if he's longing for something, for someone... I feel I saw a man like him once, long ago, when I was small... But it's so hard to remember now...…



1,829 66 3

The little brunette haired boy who stood no taller than 85 centimeters hummed happily as he sniffed the peach and took a bite. The woman who owned the peach stand sighed and she couldn't help but smile. She often paid no attention to it, she had known the child since he was an infant and his mother. She knew she would get her payment. The ginger male was picking 3 fresh tomatoes for the pasta sauce he was going to make from scratch tonight; he put the tomatoes in the tan bag he had on his shoulder and when he turned around he saw his son eating a peach.…

A Bit of Hope Goes A Long Way

A Bit of Hope Goes A Long Way

1,185 39 2

The scientist was irritated. "You little shit say it...!" He yelled. "SAY IT!"He shocked the 7 year old boy again and again. He was about to shock him again when the ground rumbled. The female scientist illuminated red and she flew across the room, smacking painfully into the wall and her body crunched in a disgusting way."...die..." Were the only words the child uttered before attacking everyone in the room in anger.…

Forever, Loving You

Forever, Loving You

4,598 153 6

"If I ever meet someone society has designated as an outcast, I invariably feel affection for him, an emotion which carries me away in melting tenderness."-Dazai Osamu…

Dark Carnations

Dark Carnations

9,613 287 6

Dazai hummed as he walked down the steps to the torture chamber of the Port Mafia. He whistled casually as he finally reached the end of the steps and opened the grey steel door, to the dusty and lightly dim room. Dazai closed the door behind himself and the man looked up quite annoyed."How we holding up today?"The man narrowed his eyes at the brunette. "How do you think I'm fucking holding up? It's been three years.""I can't take the risk of you being a liability."…

I Hope Dreams Are Made of This Too

I Hope Dreams Are Made of This Too

984 39 4

The ginger stood in the doorway flabbergasted. "You killed him... you fucking killed him..." The ginger rushed over. "Have you lost your fucking mind?!? Don't you know what they are going to do to you?!"Dazai sighed, annoyed. "Would you stop yelling? It's pissing me off.""You killed the fucking Boss. And you want me to remain calm?? They are gonna kill you it's-""They won't do shit. They're too scared to do anything... plus... you won't let them hurt me... right, Chuuya?"…

Beautiful Camellia

Beautiful Camellia

59,238 2,063 14

Slight soukoku*Dazai watched and was accounting for all of the cargo coming off the ship. He wanted to make sure this time there was no unnecessary fuck ups. He was counting and checking off the cargo on the sheet one by one. It was going smoothly so far. So, he had thought until he heard the screams of some of his underlings. Dazai looked up and he saw a red glow, and a man flying through the air. Dazai's eyes widened at the sight. He was a beautiful man... he had bright curly ginger hair, striking ocean blue eyes, freckles were dusting his face, and he had a toned but also kind feminine build. He was stunning and mouth dropping. Him and the man-made eye contact and he watched as the man jumped down in front of him, and he saw the pathetic sight of his subordinates behind the man. "Oi Chibbiko, I don't too much appreciate you being on my territory. Hasn't anyone ever taught you better?" Chuuya kicked at him but Dazai ducked down and dodged it. "Who are you calling little? Don't underestimate me, I just took out the garbage, and you're next Mr. Boss of The Port Mafia."…

A Second Chance

A Second Chance

1,816 73 2

Dazai deflected...Those words. Those two simple words were like a bullet through Chuuya's heart. It hurt deeply, and yet Chuuya had to stand here like those words didn't bother him at all. Like he didn't just fall apart inside. How could he just leave him? Did he not trust Chuuya enough? Did he feel like he would be more of a burden on him then help? No that couldn't be it... Why didn't he just ask? Chuuya would have ran away with him in a heartbeat. There was no place he'd rather be. Everything around the ginger was like absolute static. He saw lips moving, but as far as what they were saying he could have cared less.…

Isn't It Lovely

Isn't It Lovely

1,250 46 3

I wrote this story with @soukokuissenpai please show her some love as well! She is a great writer too. We hope you guys enjoy this OdaChuu story! Comments and stars are appreciated!*It was dark. And it was a lonely place. It always felt lonely. He doesn't remember a day in his life where he has ever interacted with anyone. Or a day in his life where he has been loved, cherished, spoiled. He doesn't remember anything at all. Not his age, not his name, his origin, he's always been so alone. The small ginger who was only 3 opened his eyes slowly for once he was surrounded by bright white lights. He blinked his eyes a few times, trying to adjust. When you've only ever been surrounded by darkness. Light bothers you. The toddler could hear voices. A man and a woman. Unfamiliar to him. "He's just a baby... I can't believe anyone would have the heart to do that." The brunette woman said in disgust.The man hugged her and it seemed he was trying to calm her down. "He's alive... that's all that matters right now..." The boy saw another woman enter and he couldn't understand what they were saying; after all he was just three years old. But he managed to pick up a few words. Government, parents, Arahabaki, death, and injury.…



876 53 2

Slight Storm Bringer Spoilers! Any photos used are not mine credit is always all to the original artist! :)*"What's wrong?" Kansuke asked. He could tell she was thinking."Don't you ever wonder what really happened?"Kansuke sighed. "Hana not this again.""Kansuke be realistic, you don't think this is all weird?? Two men just come to our door and tell us our baby is dead. But we never saw a body, Jesus we didn't even get to bury him Kansuke!""They said-""I know what they told us but it's a crock of shit and you know it! What if he is still out there...? Don't you ever-""He's dead Hana! Let it go!"Hana looked at him angered. "I will NEVER give up or let it go. Maybe you're so accepting of it... but I'm not. You didn't carry that boy for 9 months; felt his kicks or little hands; you didn't breastfeed him or have to rock him to sleep every night-""He was my son too!""You sure don't act like it." She said annoyed.…

I Wish It Was You

I Wish It Was You

5,417 319 5

This is a collaboration story with @Soukokuissenpai. You guys please give her a follow and check out some of her works! @Soukokuissenpai is Dazai, and I am Chuuya. Hope you guys enjoy!*Chuuya and Dazai have not spoken to each other in four years. But one day something strange happens, where a 34 year old Dazai ends up in the present time with a 22 year old Chuuya. And a 22 year old Dazai ends up in the future with a 34 year old Chuuya. Dazai is immature and not sure how to handle a serious relationship, and Chuuya is damaged from how Dazai left him. Both meeting the older versions of the other, the brunette and ginger finally start to learn more about themselves then they ever did before, and they start to remember why the loved each other in the first place.…

Sweet Little Girl of Mine

Sweet Little Girl of Mine

1,979 107 2

ANY OF THE ART USED IS NOT MINE ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE ARTIST!!!*"Okay... but that's where I'm confused. I don't have parents... I've never had parents. For as long as I can remember I've been in an orphanage until I was old enough to care for myself.""Well they have a copy of your birth certificate, your social security, they have an old medical record from the day you were born. Actually I have them right here." The man said taking out the paperwork and he showed Chuuya. The ginger's eyes widened as he looked at the documents. "We did some research. Your parents gave you away when you were 3 months. They left a video just in case they died prematurely. And the instructions really want you to watch it."…

To Love Someone

To Love Someone

8,811 458 8

ART IS NOT MINE CREDIT GOES TO THE ORIGINAL ARTISTS!!!"Because I just couldn't! Just hearing your voice... I would have changed my mind... I had to leave Chuuya. This isn't easy for me...""You didn't give me a choice. You've never given me a choice. You come and go when you please... you sleep with whoever... you break my heart time and time again and like a fucking idiot I let you! I was good enough for you to sleep with me but not for you to tell me you were leaving..."…

A Gentleman Thief

A Gentleman Thief

12,424 550 4

"My..." Dazai said with his hands raised. "How smart you are, Great Detective Nakahara Chuuya."Chuuya narrowed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows. "Drop the jewel, slowly. And turn around. On your knees, with your hands on your head."Dazai turned around and he smiled, dropping his arms.*ALL CREDIT FOR PICTURES GO TO THE ARTIST! NONE OF THE WORK IS MINE!…

The Love I Give

The Love I Give

1,180 59 3

ARTWORK USED IS NOT MINE CREDIT TO ORIGINAL ARTISTS!!!*Oda gasped as his eyes shot open. He looked at the time on the bedside clock. Shit, it was almost 12 in the afternoon. How could he sleep that long? Oda doesn't remember much from last night, all he remembers was downing glass after glass of whiskey. He was going to kill himself and then... Oda's eyes widened in realization. Last night he had found an abandoned baby in the freezing cold. He jumped up and he ran around his apartment looking for any sign of the baby. Oda reached the living room and he sighed in relief when he saw the infant swaddled in a blanket laying on the floor, asleep. The fire Oda made last night had long died out, which was fine since the baby was warm now. Oda looked at what the baby came with. There was a note pinned to his onesie. He pulled the note off and he unfolded it. Inside the note was his name, and a little information about him."Chuuya... Seems I was right... you are only one month..." Oda said sadly. He was at a loss as to how someone could just abandon a child in the cold like that, anyone with common sense knew he wouldn't make it through the night. Oda is just glad he found him before that happened or worse. Oda picked the infant up and the baby whimpered. Oda shushed him and he gently rocked him. Oda felt his forehead and he looked at him worriedly.…

The Sacrifices We Make

The Sacrifices We Make

2,174 67 2

ANY ARTWORK USED CREDIT GOES TO ORIGINAL ARTIST, IT IS NOT MINE!*"She says differently.""Well whatever that bitch says she's a liar!""Oh no no no, our courtesan's know you well. They say you're quiet on the rough side. Can't get it up without beating them-"The man quickly tries to put his hand around Chuuya's neck but his hand gets shot through the room glass.Chuuya chuckles. "I think you're forgetting who's in charge. We take high offence to injury of one of our own. The Port Mafia repays troubling people like you doubly. You hurt ours, we hurt yours."…