Bigger Than Life

Bigger Than Life

63,854 4,278 10

"Even from a distance, Nixon Young has an aura of maturity. The way he carries himself, the rolled back of his shoulders, his tall and confident posture, the lazy way his eyes skim his surroundings- it's hard to explain and to formulate into words, but it just shows. All of Nixon Young screams maturity. It's hard to believe this is the guy that tied a live goat to a pole in the gymnasium."xxxChantelle Géroux thought people like Nixon Young only existed in books and movies. Ever since freshmen year, stories about the legendary Nixon have circulated throughout the student body. Stories about his glorious escape from the cops, of the time he stole a car and promptly almost crashed it, of how he had jumped from one roof of a house to another during a crazy party. For the last three years at Princeton High, Chantelle had listened to the stories, even if they were painfully exaggerated, in awe. She spared small glances at Nixon, taking in his confident smile and loud voice, his blue eyes that sparkled like no others, and tried to understand. Understand how one person could stir such talk among such an easily-distracted group of teenagers. But Chantelle knew how: Nixon Young was simply extraordinary, in a way that simply couldn't be understood. But then junior year came around. Two years of stories full of fascinated stories turn into heated whispers in the hall. Looks of awe when he walks by turn into hurried avoidance. Nixon's easy-going smiles turn into scowls, his fist making a dent in the lockers as he lashes out once more on someone. Nixon Young's personality does a complete 180 degree turn, and no one has any idea why. Eventually, Nixon Young is nowhere to be seen. Until he turns up at Chantelle's doorstep, three weeks after he got kicked out of Princeton High, asking for one hell of a favor.…

If I Die Tonight

If I Die Tonight

43,117 3,178 8

Every night in her sleep, Estelle Swan dreams of dying. Until April 19th of her senior year, when she dreams about the death of a boy she never met. And after that? Estelle never dreams again.…

Live in Color

Live in Color

1,026,721 69,480 41

"I'm distracted from the boy I've bumped into when the world around me begins to change. The grey and white I've seen ever since I was born into this world slowly begin to bleed away, like rain drops sliding down a car window, being replaced with bright, bright pigments. They cover everything, bring to life the world around me. The gravel underneath my feet is no longer a dull grey, the sky is no longer white, the bricks of the buildings no longer black. They're different, beautiful, bright, extraordinary, breathtaking. Colors, I realize. These are colors."xNatalie Grayson has lived her whole life in black and white. She's been waiting to meet her other half- her soulmate- who will make both of their worlds burst in color. It's what she's been dreaming of ever since she was little. She wants to know what color is, how it feels, what it looks like, if it's really as amazing as everyone claims it to be. On her seventeenth birthday, while walking back home through a sketchy part of town, she bumps into a stranger. Before she can even apologize, the last thing she expected happens: the black and white of her world begins to bleed away and is replaced with something else. Colors. When she looks up, Natalie isn't expecting to lock eyes with a rebel. But she does. She also doesn't expect him to run away. But he does.…

Relax, My Beloved

Relax, My Beloved

6,326 300 3

"Relax, my beloved. I'll never leave you, even in death," Tamsin promises. "That's what I'm afraid of," I agree. xWesley Burks' world came crashing down the day he found out that his girlfriend of two years and best friend of four years, Tamsin Long, died in a gruesome car accident. He was sure he had lost all- his closest friend, his love, his rock- but most importantly, his sanity, especially when he walked into his room after coming home from her funeral to find Tamsin sitting cross-legged on his bed, reading a book. A year later and Tamsin is still everywhere. She follows Wesley to school, sleeps beside him and trails around him in the kitchen while he's making his morning cereal. No one else can see her, and no one knows that Tamsin never really left Wes- and they like it that way. To everyone else Tamsin is dead but to Wesley, she hasn't been gone for more than a couple of days.Things start to go downhill, and rapidly, when a new girl arrives at school. Wesley finds himself slowly befriending her- his first friend since Tamsin 'died'. That's when Tamsin begins to change dramatically, in a violent, threatening, spine-chilling way and suddenly, Wesley can't even recognize the girl glaring at him from the corner of his room who can only be seen by his own eyes.…

The Ribbon Campaign

The Ribbon Campaign

624,973 39,889 35

When Ellie Reinhart started the 'Ribbon Campaign' in support of her brother and his boyfriend, she didn't expect it to grow into what it is. But it does. And that's where Bryce Newman comes in.…

Love in Color

Love in Color

19,641 1,131 5

Arsenio Brunetti and Tallie Izer both thought they'd never have the chance to love again. But what if it takes another broken heart to know how to piece the other back together?[Sequel to Live in Color, read that first to understand this story better!]…



277,655 19,607 28

Kinsley Adams is finally getting the getaway she's been dreaming of for years. She's moving to her cottage for the summer, three hours away from her home filled with day-to-day madness. Kinsley's had the same cottage for as long as she can remember, but something has definitely changed since the last time she came for a visit; new neighbors. A couple with a nephew her age- Levi- and a son due to arrive the next day- Finn. When they come over for a barbecue the first night, Levi Collins seems like a completely normal teenager. That is until she wakes up in the middle of the night to the sound of gunshots coming from the shooting range hidden on the edges of the forest. That's when Kinsley discovers Levi Collins is far from a completely normal teenager. Completely normal teenagers aren't almost constantly losing their mind, after all.And that's where Finn Allen comes in.…

Four Realizations

Four Realizations

573,069 31,846 40

"You have to learn to live, kid, not just survive."…

Young Souls

Young Souls

48,445 2,483 11

"Scream, kid. You and the young souls will harmonize in a song of broken youth." [a spin-off to 'Four Realizations'.]…

Finding Ford

Finding Ford

869,800 56,174 30

Jas gives me a sympathetic look. She sighs heavily, long nails tapping against the wooden table, dodging the 'Missing' posters scattered all over the surface. "Maybe," she finally says, "Just maybe, he doesn't want to be found, Ava."I clench my jaw. "No. I refuse to believe that. He's not like that.""What do you know?" Jas snorts, finally withdrawing her hand from the table and turning back to look at me. "You don't even know him."xxFord Wilson was in three out of four of Ava Jackson's classes. They had one mutual friend, did a project together once in sophomore year, and had the same lunch. When Ava's car had broke down, she had even ended up parked outside of Ford's house, asking for gas.In Ava's life, he was everywhere.And yet, she didn't notice him until he was nowhere to be found.…



10,434 626 2

A collection of letters. ~ In which Louise White, a girl going through the stages of grief, writes to her dead loved one everyday, and one day he writes back. ~~In which a mother tells her story of falling in an abyss of darkness to her son, who has long forgotten her already. ~…