Jishnu Jyoshna: Vibrant Shade Of Vishnu Vishesha

Jishnu Jyoshna: Vibrant Shade Of Vishnu Vishesha

7,150 425 36

"The fragments which are unseen can never be underestimated," ~AuthorA protagonist can only narrate his/ her story the best. Beholder of a certain existence could explain with what he or she was bestowed. Subhadra was a person in her own more than her identities as Veer Sodari, Veer Patni and Veer Mata, but she as a person was always ignored. Her traits as a person rarely had got any place in the pages of epic. She wasn't only a daughter who had delighted her family. She wasn't only a sister who had stood beside her brothers. She wasn't only a wife who had justified her worth in her husband's life. She wasn't only a mother who had mourned over her son's death. She is beyond the inputs of situations in her life and the outputs presented by her which has been overshadowed. She is an inspiration who has been ignored till now. So, this story is an attempt of my side to portray her as a person along with her prominent identities amidst the pleasures and pains of her life, that too from her point of view. THIS JOURNEY HAS TO GO FAR, TO BE FELICITATED. Headers credit: @exuberant_girl10…

Beyond Pains And Possibilities ✔️

Beyond Pains And Possibilities ✔️

13,425 932 37

"The premises of love is unlimited. But till where you can continue the journey of our love?" Subhadra asked to Arjun looking straight into his eyes. "I can go beyond of pains and possibilities for our love. I promise." With Arjun's answer her stare become lost into the depth of his eyes.Arjun and Subhadra were lovers by dedication. But got separate by a dreadful incident, still they are determined to being reunited with each other. The promise which once Arjun made to Subhadra was being placed on the tasting stone of situations. But he wasn't alone in going through the test of his given promise. Subhadra was also trying the same along with him.Will they be able to face the hardships? Will they ever earn happiness for themselves? What would have happened so dreadful to create hotchpotch in their harmonious love lives?…

Crossed Captured Cheered

Crossed Captured Cheered

104 10 2

Subhaprada, an orphan girl with torment years of her life had thought of having a stable life after establishing a small enterprise of her own. Her thought of stability last untill she was proposed to marry Arjun whose parents brought her up after her mother's death since her mother was a friend of Arjun's mother. Subhaprada and Arjun were like parallel lines who had been crossing the journey of their respective lives together. Will marriage bring these two parallel lines together to get merged, placing aside all the obstacles? Welcome to a short and simple story of love after marriage.…

Painted and Tainted

Painted and Tainted

24,629 722 12

"Barriers are the beauty of blissful love stories,"~AuthorArjun and Subhadeepta had started developing feelings for each other in school time, and fell more for each other. A high school love story had to face many obstacles, obviously. So, their story wasn't an exceptional one. Arjun was at an important stage of career making where he was trying to build foundation of his aim as a doctor while Subhadeepta was slightly carefree as a high school student.On a fateful day they both found each other standing at police station, and he was accused of spoiling her life. That day their paths were departed untill the time they met again after years. They thought to live with broken hearts for forever, but one day he met her at the most unexpected place which was at his clinic as his patient.…

Love In 3D ✔️

Love In 3D ✔️

6,261 442 25

"For tackling evilness make it the toughest for you so that after winning over it you never have to face it again," ~AuthorSubhadra, the princess of Dwarka was handed over to demon king Udbhav after her birth. The reason of her birth was meant for both of her parents. Both her biological parents and foster parents had wished her birth. Subhadra grew up amidst of demons yet she was a virtuous princess. There was something which was cunningly planted in her heart amidst of all her virtues, and that was doubt. Trishika, the queen mother of demons who was grand mother of Subhadra had provoked her against her biological family, and had filled doubt about their love in Subhadra's heart. After the passage of time when Subhadra returned to her biological family, and she couldn't get close to them due to her doubt. Eventually that doubt turned into dejection and then into destruction. How Subhadra's journey will be like among three Ds, doubt, dejection and destruction? What will she get after going through the journey of three Ds? Peep into to explore the answers.…

Vishnu In Views Of Vishnu Vishesha

Vishnu In Views Of Vishnu Vishesha

119 11 1

Ramayan, the great epic of our culture is a like a caring ocean where we can find many optimistic opportunities to challenge ourselves to adopt and achieve great changes. This epic is an emotion of each heart whenever we turn down the pages of it, whenever we turn on ourselves for a discussion about this. So, I am here with my small attempt of exploring more of it serving readers with a few one shots on the the great epic.…

Strangled Sweetness

Strangled Sweetness

26,025 489 6

Subhadra, the newly wedded daughter in law of indraprastha chose to end her life when she heard some derogatory comments about her from hand maidens of queen Draupadi.Of course, that wasn't suicide as she adopted a way on her own unlike Goddess Sati. How the loss will be compensated? Is it possible to bring her back?Cover designed by ME ☺…



9,320 479 11

This a short story which will give you all chance to analyze the life of subhadra. That's all I want to say. # 2nd place in Magic Awards in short story genre# 3rd place in The Butterfly Award in short story genre#3rd place in Royal Throne Award in short story genre…

The Way I Want You For Me ✔️

The Way I Want You For Me ✔️

42,604 2,427 65

"Soulmate doesn't come into life by search but by selfless love," ~Author Subhadra, the beautiful and virtuous princess of Dwarka was no ordinary girl in herself as she had a trait of Goddess Adishkti in her personality. Being unknown to this fact, she was enjoying her life like a ordinary girl untill the time Arjun, the king of Hastinapur, and the best friend of Krishn who was brother of Subhadra entered into her life.Even, Arjun wasn't an ordinary person holding a trait of Lord Shiva in himself. Both were meant to be together, and the happening initiated when Subhadra had realised her love for Arjun who didn't accept her love immediately after her confession. However, they both married to each other when both stood with each other in front of society. Getting happily married to each other, Subhadra had imagined nothing except a forever happy life with Arjun, but little did she know that she had to face many down falls before their love could flourish in their marriage. So, welcoming all of you into the journey where love met heartbreak and heartbreak led love to be healed again making a happy ending.…

Madhav's Parth ☑️

Madhav's Parth ☑️

4,925 316 21

"Friendship is the ecstasy which has no end of felicitation, during life and beyond life," ~Author"Arjun, why do you remain lost most of the time? Everything has been settled well, hasn't it?" Yudhishthir, the newly coronated yuvraj of Hastinapur was concerned for his younger brother Arjun. "I don't know the certain reason, Jyesth. Since childhood, I have been sensing like a portion of my soul is waiting for me," Arjun's eyes were still lost in the ocean of his thoughts, searching the glimpse of the person whose presence could soothe him. "We all are destined to meet our soulmate sooner or later. Don't worry about it, Anuj!" Yudhishthir patted Arjun's shoulder, lovingly. ___________________________On the other hand, Shrikrishna, the soulmate of Arjun was smiling noticing love and longing of his Parth for him. Being the supreme Lord, the omnipotent, he could obviously see each incident occurring at any corner of universe. "Kanha, what's the reason of this smile?" Balram walked near Shrikrishna. "I always smile, Dau. What's new in it?" Kanha questioned back holding the smile on his lips. "I know all the shades of your smile. This one is special," being an elder brother and most importantly a close confidant of Kanha, Dau knew everything about his Kanha. "My soulmate is so eager to meet me. Even I am no less eager to embrace him," the smile of Kanha got wider. It's the tale of the friendship which has been cherished till now. Welcoming all of you to witness the eternal union of two soulmates, Madhav and Parth. Cover credit @exuberant_girl10…

From illusion to infinity

From illusion to infinity

240 26 2

"Imagination is the power which influences both creation and chaos," ~Author King of Udyanti who had no children wished to get daughter to face an urgent demand of situation. He asked help from Goddess Yogmaya, and she granted a part of herself as a daughter to him with a condition. The condition was that girl would live untill a time limit since she was nothing else except an illusion. The cunning king used that girl for a political alliance, and married her off to Arjun who had only lived for his family ignoring each kind of personal emotions.Do illusion and ignored feelings have any future together?Cover credit @GirlWithSparkleEye…

Destiny In Darkness✔️

Destiny In Darkness✔️

26,082 2,166 72

"Destiny is pre planned, but in a way where alternatives wait for you to aspire that through your actions." ~AuthorAfter urging Shri Krishn, Arjun got a chance to live with Subhadra in Kaliyug. He wished to spend time with that side of Subhadra's personality which was suppressed in the era of Dwapar due to strictness of situation. Before being reincarnated on earth Shri Krishn had set a condition before Arjun which was accepted by him. Arjun and Subhadra met each other with new yet similar identities, as Parth and Yadavi respectively. Their story was proceeding smoothly until the entry of third party in between them. Twist grabbed its role in the story when Yadavi lost her path in a forest being separated from her friends during a party. After that day the condition set by Shri Krishn became an influence in Parth and Yadavi's lives along with the issue of third party in between them. How the construction of their destinies will be resulted into?Cover credit @exuberant_girl10…

Falguna Purnima: His Guide To Light ☑️

Falguna Purnima: His Guide To Light ☑️

8,785 557 21

"Love at first sight has a different aspect which has been acquired by darkness, and to be yet discovered," ~Author We all have known about love at first sight, but have you ever heard about love at first read? Yes, an incident like this exists, for sure. Subhadra, the princess of Dwarka had fallen for Arjun, but he was totally ignorant about the fact. After Draupadi had entered into his life and had become common wife of him and his brothers, Subhadra tried hard to forget Arjun. She was continuing her life siding away her feelings, but suddenly the worst day of her life ignited her feelings once again. That day was her marriage which was supposed to happen as per her elder brother Balram's words. She had abandoned all her feelings that day on the lotus feet of Shri Somnaath which turned into a great blessing to her for lifetime. So, turn over the pages of this story to know which blessing Subhadra had received from Shri Somnaath and in which direction that blessing had led her to?Cover credit @Radhey_priye…

Mess for mass good ☑️

Mess for mass good ☑️

4,477 265 21

"Solving problems without being serious is an amazing art," ~Author Subhadra, the princess of Dwarka was enjoying the last days of her stay at Kanyakul. She was too excited to meet her family, but little did she know that the end was too far where she would find herself standing in front of her family. A mission lined up in front of her out of blue. She didn't back out and accepted the challenge which landed her into the dense forest, the resident of demon Hidimb. So, do join Subhadra in her adventurous journey where she will explore a great beauty of her life.Cover credit @creatorxvibes…

Bliss At Backward ✔️

Bliss At Backward ✔️

23,513 1,220 44

A girl of 21th century who had lot questions for her Lord, got a chance to realize the answer. With the guidance of Lord. With the identity which was her inspiration. With the surroundings about which she dreamed. Would the realizations be proved as pleasurable for her? How the pace of realization would take place by balancing between the time she belonged and the time she's belonging? How much cordial the characters would be with her for whom she wished justice?Cover credit @shelomoh-ibn-dawud…

Alluring Aspiration ☑️

Alluring Aspiration ☑️

5,944 388 25

"There are many phrases in love, but ours one is unique, because it ties and unties the thread in between us time to time," ~Author Subhadra had entered into Arjun's life only to be enveloped by his love at his first glance, but the love the was only from his side. The feelings didn't touch Subhadra's heart as she had a years long aspiration by which her heart was fully occupied with. At a turning point of that aspiration, situation made her marry Arjun, but the warmth of love had been cooled down in Arjun's heart till then. Will she be able to love him? Will she be able to regain his love back for herself? Cover credit @exuberant_girl10…

Forever for you ✔️

Forever for you ✔️

5,747 634 37

"No matter how much powerful injustice is, justice always comes at right time to seek its place over injustice," ~Author Trisha who was a reporter in profession faced the last and the worst tragedy of her life while collecting some confidential news about local mafia Dikarsh singh. Even after that she didn't back out from her mission. She was an aimless wanderer till the time she met Parth. Parth, who was officially known as Savyasachi sanyal befriend with Trisha, and both established a good bond in a few days.After friendship love entered into Parth's life in name of Subhashikta Mishra. Parth was the most desirable handsome hunk in college while Subha was a simple fresher. Both were opposite in thoughts, but that made them come together finally. After being in love somehow Trisha had become a third party in between Parth and Subha, but not in a villainous way.Trisha's good way of being a third party came out of curtain when both Parth and Subha faced a threat of fatal attack on themselves. What was Trisha's good way of being a third party? The mystery of whole story revolves around this single question. Presenting you all a college life based romantic thriller story.Cover credit @exuberant_girl10…

Hard to love, Hard to lose✔️

Hard to love, Hard to lose✔️

8,509 879 44

"It wasn't easy all the way It wasn't easy all the time It wasn't easy both ins and outs Still we found the turn To stand at, together with each other" Arjun and Subhanwita, two opposite personalities tied knot due to unfavorable situation. Subha had a caring embrace to soothe all the worries of Arjun's life while the later one wasn't so easy to be convinced to let anyone be close to him. The path of spirit to his life was hindered from long due his past. The death of his mother, years long silence of his father, misunderstanding of his younger sister and at last a miserable memory of his college life used to pull his believe back from positivity at each point. Being unaware about the last said fact Subhanwita attempts to make him be aspired about life. Will she get success ever or the matter will be worse? How happiness will bloom among hardships? Peep into the story to explore the answers.Cover credit @exuberant_girl10…

Beyond Destiny

Beyond Destiny

7,775 475 39

"Clinging to the worries of future makes present collapse whereas caring about present comes up with a chance to cherish the future."~ AuthorSwastika, a girl of many fantasies about her role in Dwapar had been transported to the era by Lord Shrikrishna. She was born as elder twin of Subhadra. Both sisters had same face, but they differ in many ways. At a point, Swastika felt unusual changes in her relationships due to introduction of new female characters around her. They were Draupadi, Devika, Valandhara and Vijaya. The difference got a space to grow when Swastika left home with the determination of being a princess like whom no princess existed in her generation. Will the difference separate the sisters? Will the difference bring any drastic change into Swastika? Will that difference affect her role in the great era about which she dreamed?…

Yadu Jahnvi:The Ganga Of Yadavas'Joy ✔️

Yadu Jahnvi:The Ganga Of Yadavas'Joy ✔️

20,914 2,173 37

"Morning shows the day." The rays of early sunrise indicate about the appearance of whole day. Primary stage always states clearly about the result going to be produced. Along with that another plus point is we can mould primary stage according to our wish which worths our efforts and efficiency. "Kanha, We have received such a great news. Today celebration is the must," Dau told happily rubbing his palms. "Yes, we will celebrate the happy news we have got. We should plan not only a celebration but also a caring routine for our unborn sister," Kanha's statement made dau amused. "We will take good care of maiya," Siding his amusement, dau answered. "We will look after not only the nutrition of mata during pregnancy but also will nurture sharpness into the unique virtues which our unborn sister is holding in herself," Dau nodded in assurance at Kanha. How the duos will accomplish their words?Which new definitions will be framed through their ways to their goal? Welcoming all of you to the third part of Yadav Jyoti series. This journey has to go far, to be felicitated. Editing started on: 6th aug, 2024…