194 1 13

Dank meme dank meme dank meme dank meme dank memeDank meme dank meme dank meme dank meme dank memeDank meme dank meme dank meme dank meme dank meme…

The Oddly Adorables In Life

The Oddly Adorables In Life

245 3 6

just oddly Adorable pictures :)contains sometimes inappropriate pictures so children that can't handle this....don't read please…

My Schedule Book

My Schedule Book

19 0 4

very important information! Well not really it's just my daily schedules Mondays through Fridays honestly.........that's it lol…

Treat People like they're dyeing
A short Guide On How To Fangirl

A short Guide On How To Fangirl

39 0 2

here is how you fangirl my fellow fugitoid fans…

Angels And Demons (Angel and Demon Roleplay)

Angels And Demons (Angel and Demon Roleplay)

124 2 5

this Rp is about demons and angels play either one and see if you can get along with the other side or will the relationship crumble in war…

Song Of The Week

Song Of The Week

32 6 6

Here is my book of songs I'll be listing to 3 songs over the weekend and on Monday I'll choose my favorite song out of the three just a fun thing I wanna do and you can give me suggestions of songs tooI do not own anything but the book…

Please Read

Please Read

49 2 1

Just one chapter…

Tmnt Roleplay 2.0 [Open]

Tmnt Roleplay 2.0 [Open]

455 6 7

This is the second tmnt roleplay book my other one was really glitchy and it was difficult to do anything I'm keeping the first book up though but I will not be posting in that one anymore this book is just like the other one but it won't glitch…

TMNT Roleplay! [Continued In Book Two]

TMNT Roleplay! [Continued In Book Two]

104 0 3

Here you will find roleplay scenario things dramatic rp romantic rp action rp all about our favorite masked heroes the teenage mutant ninja turtles Plus just the show in general…

Song Lyrics W/videos

Song Lyrics W/videos

28 0 4

Do you ever wanna sing a song but don't have the lyricsDo you have that song stuck in your head and want to sing it til it pops out!Well look no further here I give you song lyrics pop,rap,country even songs like fnaf and tf2 songs Just say "hey can you figure out the lyrics to this song?" And I'll ducking do it And yeah!..Don't own any of the songs…

My Art Book! (warning: Cringe Ahead)

My Art Book! (warning: Cringe Ahead)

181 1 6

Here is my ART!Feel free to give me some art requests nothing too dirty though I show my artwork to my mom so no dicks…

The New Kid ( Human! Donnie X Reader) Tmnt

The New Kid ( Human! Donnie X Reader) Tmnt

764 8 3

You were at Chinatown high your school it was another day until someone new came to the school I'm not good at descriptionsI own the story but I do not own teenage mutant ninja turtles or the cover or anything Donnie and the bros still live in the sewers but the bros are turtles in this story donnie is a adopted human/mutant hybrid (you'll see in the story) by splinter but he's still a ninja too!…

I'm Not Here Anymore (Donnie Demon Possession Story) [Completed] Tmnt

I'm Not Here Anymore (Donnie Demon Possession Story) [Completed] Tmnt

186 2 5

I can't take it anymoreThese voices keep telling me to do itI don't want to do it I want to live..Every day it grows consuming what's left of my sanityBut I can't give upI need to tell them before...It happens..The cover will make since when I write more chapters and this is a short story…

You Are Mine And Mine Only (Yandere Fugitoid X Fem Reader) Tmnt

You Are Mine And Mine Only (Yandere Fugitoid X Fem Reader) Tmnt

640 6 6

You and your friends got abducted by a strange robot alien thing he won't let you go eitherWill you and your friends make it out alive?I do not own anything but the story okay!I also couldn't find any good cover pics soooo you get "dude let me in I'm a fairy" it's fitting!This is a story made for females but males can also read I try to make my stories as gender neutral as possible…

Random Stuff Book

Random Stuff Book

971 97 54

This is a book where you will find my QnA and random things like story cracks, things about me, and dares!…

Over Our Minds (ReaderxFugitoid) Tmnt

Over Our Minds (ReaderxFugitoid) Tmnt

1,447 35 13

You are a robot assistant of Professor Zayton Honeycutt you were his favorite assistant that's why he named you Y/N and became your best friend but one day when you were shut down you heard him make a deal a few days later everything was getting destroyed you and a few other things survived but not the professor A/N I do not own anything but the story enjoy…

Lies And Sacrifices (A Fugitoid Story) [Completed] Tmnt

Lies And Sacrifices (A Fugitoid Story) [Completed] Tmnt

1,015 24 10

This is a teenage mutant ninja turtles story about April,Casey and the four turtles feeling betrayed about fugitoid's dark secret.Also this may be bad and has spoilers this is my first story!…