

163 12 6


The Ichigo Foundation

The Ichigo Foundation

9 0 1

"You don't know my fury... you don't know my pain..." Scared of herself, she was abandoned for her abnormalities. Andromeda was a witch with unpredictable abilities. She was a danger to herself just as she was to others. Her emotions controlled her... kept her captive in hellfireDriving her emotions insane, the inferno inside her consumed her... she evolvedThe Phoenix was born, the Witch of Hell. Burning everything in her path, her pain covering the small scared girl inside of herNone could tame her, none but 𝐼𝒸𝒽𝒾𝑔𝑜 "You will not keep us running. We are done, today I make a stand for all of the children abandoned in fear."…

Shaded | Oc Book

Shaded | Oc Book

316 19 10

My Original Character…

SHATTER || Book 1

SHATTER || Book 1

153 27 6

A soothing voice was now echoing gently above and the feline was able to make out the words, "Dusk will fall and the world will shatter, this is the last sunrise..."…