I lost you once, never again ~ A Hinny fanfiction.   COMPLETED

I lost you once, never again ~ A Hinny fanfiction. COMPLETED

457,196 9,675 39

This is a fanfic about Harry and Ginny, and about their lives, set from 3 years after the war. It contains their engagement, to the wedding, with everything between - break ups and fights, the Dursley's and the cinema. *Disclaimer, I do not own Harry Potter, or any characters, except for the ones that I make up. Neither do I own any settings/places, any that are set in the magical world own to the Queen, a.k.a. J.K.Rowling.*…

To Infinity... And Beyond [Sequel to ILYONA]

To Infinity... And Beyond [Sequel to ILYONA]

106,540 2,802 40

Harry and Ginny are married. Ron and Hermione are back together, and a whole load of surprises are along the road for both couples.Secrets are spilt, people turn into parents, and a whole lot of trouble is stirred up. I own no one and nothing but the story line. If I owned the characters/places, I'd be a millionaire writing a fan-fiction-that-isn't-made-by-a-fan.…

My (failed) drawings

My (failed) drawings

722 20 3

I'm not particularly good at drawing (by which I mean that I'm terrible), but these are a couple of pictured I've drawn. All belong to me. If you want any picture done in particular, comment and I'll have a go!…

Malfoy Mayhem

Malfoy Mayhem

3,708 76 9

Sammantha Violet Malfoy. Draco Malfoy's sister, who is two years older than him, and attends Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is the story of how she, a pure-blood Malfoy fell for a blood-traitor Weasley. The question, however, is not how this came to be, but with whom. And, as if that wasn't enough to be disowned, what happens next is the part you want to look forward to...…

Never chose to stay ~ Sirius Black

Never chose to stay ~ Sirius Black

700 21 1

Just a short one-shot for @ThFangirlWhoWrote's contest :)…

Harry Potter One Shot pairings [ON HOLD]

Harry Potter One Shot pairings [ON HOLD]

12,317 349 9

So this is gonna be a story, where you can just give me any Harry Potter pairings you want, and I'll write a short oneshot about that particular pairing. It can be anything about them - proposals, marriges, getting together e.c.t just tell me! You can tell me the pairing either in PM or in the comments. I will, obviously, dedicate the chapter/oneshot to whoever gave me that pairing, unless there was more than one request, in which case I'll dedicate it with the tool to the first person who said it, and in the story dedicate it to all people who said it. Thanks, and enjoy ;)…



9,831 823 36

This book will be a collection of characters writing letters to Fred set after the Battle of Hogwarts is over. WARNING: If you don't want your feels to be hurt, please do not read. Thank you for your co-operation. I can not be held responsible for any person who's feels are destroyed.*All characters belong to J.K.Rowling*…

Seven minutes in heaven ~ Potter style

Seven minutes in heaven ~ Potter style

155,441 2,232 21

Readers comment pairings, and see what happens when two people are placed inside a wardrobe in the Room of Requirement, for an entire seven minutes.Friendships are made and broken. Relationships are produced and destroyed.**I own no one. All characters and places from the Harry Potter world belong to J.K.Rowling. Any OCs belong to the readers who created them.**Feel free to comment parings you'd like to read about, whether they be from the Harry Potter Universe, or your own imagination.…

50 words.

50 words.

604 30 4

For homework I had to write a 50 word (or less) story. So I decided to write a book of 50-word stories. I own all of them :)…



32 2 2

This will be my little book of stuff that has nowhere else to go.For instance, tags and competition entries.…

Fred and George at Hogwarts - Year 1 - [ON HOLD]

Fred and George at Hogwarts - Year 1 - [ON HOLD]

11,172 480 25

Follow Fred and George Weasley as they embark on an adventure that is more commonly know as the wizarding school "Hogwarts". Join them as they get into trouble, play pranks, and find the Marauders Map. Fred and George love stories aren't that rare. But this isn't a love story; it's a tale. A tale about the infamous pranksters, and how their journey at Hogwarts began.Disclaimer: I don't claim writes for any of these characters, all of them belong to J.K.Rowling. In this book we will have a look at Hogwarts through Fred & George POVs, starting with their first year, and ending in Harry, Ron and Hermione's last year. I will hopefully write a whole series of them, depending on how many votes & reads I get.…

Harry Potter Oneshots [ON HOLD]

Harry Potter Oneshots [ON HOLD]

248 2 1

Exactly as the title says! This is a book of Harry Potter Oneshots. I have a book of oneshot pairings, but this will be a wider category, of some being - for example - Hinny moments, and some being just general headcanons/oneshots.All oneshots belong to me. The characters and settings, however, belong to the ridikulusly amazing Queen, Her Majesty J.K.Rowling!Warning! These oneshots may hurt, destroy, or harm your feels. Other side effects include laughter, crying, and other emotions going haywire.I can not be held liable for any of the above mentioned reactions.…

EDITED Harry Potter oneshot competition ~ My entry (Hinny)

EDITED Harry Potter oneshot competition ~ My entry (Hinny)

2,894 59 2

This is a oneshot about how Harry proposed to Ginny (well, my version), please read it, and comment, and vote. It's an entry for @eternal_potterhead's oneshot competition. Good luck to any other contestants!…

No one like you (A Drapple fanfic)

No one like you (A Drapple fanfic)

7,150 406 12

Just a short Drapple fanfic.DracoxApple.Draco meets her, and his life is changed. Hogwarts becomes a new place - for the better. Yet all good things must come to an end, and that includes all.*This is meant as a joke. Not serious in any way, shape, or form.*I don't own any characters or places other than Elppa. The storyline is also mine.…

Percabeth One Shots

Percabeth One Shots

655 17 2

Title says it all. This is a collection of One Shots, and although there may be a couple that aren't Percabeth-orientated, the majority will be. I own none of the characters from the original PJO/HoO sagas, they belong to Rick Riordan. I do however own all of these oneshots :)…

To forget [Doctor Who Oneshot]

To forget [Doctor Who Oneshot]

82 5 1

Sometimes, it's easier to forget.Simpler to forget.Less painful to forget.Pain. Complexity. Difficulty.Everyday things in the Doctor's life.He chose to forget.DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Doctor, the TARDIS, or anyone in this story. They belong to the BBC. I only own the plot. This was written for the CrackFic contest held by the FanFic profile. Thank you :)…

Falling for a Weasley [DISCONTINUED]

Falling for a Weasley [DISCONTINUED]

630 21 6

Katie Frouch is just another pure-blooded witch that falls for a Weasley twin. Follow her in her journey through Hogwarts, and as she falls in love. No-one ever said that Falling for a Weasley would be easy. **Warning, this is incredibly poorly written. If you want the better version, it's called - funnily enough - "Falling For a Weasley - Rewritten". So yeah, please check it out, and give me feedback! This IS written terribly, so you have been warned!**…

Falling For a Weasley ~ Re-written [ON HOLD]

Falling For a Weasley ~ Re-written [ON HOLD]

701 24 2

Alice Fawley is a pureblood witch, and yet another to fall for one of the Weasly twins. But who's it to be that she really falls for? Read to find out!…

PotterInk RV: 2 - My entries

PotterInk RV: 2 - My entries

215 7 5

So, as the title says, these are my entries to @_InvisibleDragons_ 's Harry Potter writing competition. Please check them out, and vote/comment, as the points are counted by other Wattpad member's votes! Constructive Criticism is welcomed with open arms, so please don't be afraid to tell me what you think I could improve on.I am @gred_forge4ev4/Alice Fawley,In Ravenclaw, Third year student.Anyone else involved in this competition, I'm more than up to becoming allies with you!…

Harry Potter Writing competition

Harry Potter Writing competition

123 16 4

So there are a few of these going round, and I thought I'd try one myself.In total, 16 places are available; 2 girls, and 2 boys from each house.There will be a series of rounds, each one containing a different event. You must write about your character in the situation, and publish it. Once published, you can send me the link via comments, PM, or you can dedicate it to me. There will be a date by which the entries must be submitted, or else you shall be eliminated from the competition. There will be one person eliminated each round to begin with, but each round, more and more people will be "expelled from Hogwarts", so to speak. They shall be the ones with the least votes. After each round, I (and any other judges) shall see who got the most votes, and shall post the chapter displaying the results. Positions are open to be a judge - just comment or PM me.That's all folks! Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour!…