

91 5 1

Your typical isekai story except its less typical but sorta not really.Whatever, just read.…

Book Of Ice

Book Of Ice

2,288 66 12

I'm just bored and decided to make this, And if you're going to use these ideas, give me credit.…

the wingless human

the wingless human

228 7 3

"self condemnation. you believe if you reject what you were born as the light will guide you to salvation."…

The Black Sovereign (Mothman Reader X DXD)

The Black Sovereign (Mothman Reader X DXD)

941 36 2

this Is an DXD AU since the Canon was so poorly done and the fanfics were so cringely bad that this is what I'd have to do just to make a half-decent DXD fanfic.…

Cataclysm (Male Reader X Union/Crossover Harem)

Cataclysm (Male Reader X Union/Crossover Harem)

1,105 41 2

Before you read this union story, ignore the following entirely. 🖕ō_ō👍несмотря на то, что говорит это предложение, оно на самом деле английское.かっこいい、あなたはこれに対する中国語の文章を見つけました。私はあなたがかなり強力であることを知っています。oh, probabilmente sei vittima di bullismo anche in questo. l'unica differenza è che non solo la maggior parte del cast di ogni anime/show ti conosce a malapena, ma ho visto abbastanza per sapere cosa non fare. forse sono stati i portoricani a batterti, non so.oh, et contrairement à beaucoup d'histoires (n'en déplaise à personne), je ferai l'impossible et construirai un monde qui peut ou non avoir un sens.Congrats, you've finally found the Spanish sentence. Hope you enjoy this fading-into-irrelevance and cold product of a story.…

No Place for The Strongest (Anti-venom Male Reader X Crossover)