The Pursuit of Felicity

The Pursuit of Felicity

87,042 6,123 21

Enter: Cameron Woods, a persistent boy with a few too many friends, 2 dads, and a goal to befriend Felicity Reyes if it's the last thing he does.Enter: Felicity Reyes, a free spirited girl who likes her relations by the dozen and her interactions with Cameron Woods by the few.Cover Made By: @Smart_Water…



148,547 9,577 22

New friends are always fun, especially when they provide you a place to sleep when you get sexiled, introduce you to their friends, and try to play matchmaker with you and their hot housemate. New prospective partners are not fun when they're the king of mixed signals, nickname you 'Poison,' and always tell you to get the hell out of their apartment.Yet somehow, Ivy Flores sticks around and she's happy she does.Cover Made By: @nina-zenik…

As A Friend

As A Friend

542,501 31,739 39

College is supposed to be different from high school, yet here I am living almost exactly how I was back then. I still don't party. I still don't date. I still ace my classes. And my best friend is still the most popular guy in school who encourages me to try new things on the regular. He takes me to parties, as a friend. He teaches me how to flirt with boys, as a friend. He holds me when we sleep, as a friend. He offers to teach me how to kiss, as a friend. And I think I'm starting to fall in love with him, not as a friend. DISCLAIMER: Hey guys I know most of my books are PG-13 to the T but this book is not. There is swearing. There is sexual behavior. There is talk of drugs and alcohol. I don't condone/encourage any of these behaviors. I'm just writing about college and a lot of these things do take place in college, so for the sake of being realistic, I included them. But just because these are discussed in the book does not mean you have to do them. Please read with that mindset and don't believe that these things are necessary in order to have a good time or to be perceived as cool.…

The Perfect Balance

The Perfect Balance

293,530 14,185 22

They say you can learn a lot from a book, but no book has taught me how to be a regular teenager. No book has taught me how to comfortably balance a social life and school, not to mention work. And no book has ever taught me how to successfully reel in a boy and keep him. But people...people can teach you things in ways books cannot. So when Diego Ruiz has to live in my house for a month because he's not trusted enough to stay alone at his own, I learn quite a lot from him, more than any book I've ever gotten my hands on.cover by wattpad user @authenticbot-warning: some swearing (kept to a minimum)…

The Distance Between Us

The Distance Between Us

2,492,291 107,434 30

All friendships are weird...right? With accidental thigh grabs, unintentional kisses, and late-night rooftop conversations, Alexis's friendship with Axel definitely takes the cake. But it wasn't always this way. They rekindled their friendship after a fight and it seemed as everything changed. Romantic feelings started to arise, followed by mixed signals. The friendship seemed to be heading in a different direction than planned and only time could tell whether or not there were two travelers on this journey.Cover by @harshadaselena…

A Touch of Grace

A Touch of Grace

3,443,374 168,404 28

Sometimes, guys tease you because they like you; and sometimes, they're just jerks. And in Gracelyn's case, Phoenix is just a jerk. Or at least, she thinks he is.Cover by Wattpad user @escapists…

Forever and Always, Olive

Forever and Always, Olive

12,367,500 438,735 36

I was dared to ask him to homecoming. I didn't actually expect him to say yes.+ + +New town, new school, new friends- a new start. It's all Olivia could really ask for. Having to move in with her extremely cheerful aunt and her snobby cousin, Olivia's taken by surprise. It's a change, of course. But is it a good one?With a cousin like Vivica, who's one of the popular girls in school, Olivia has to undergo a lot in order to be accepted into that crowd. They're the only people she knows, and she's not exactly a social butterfly. And a part of the pressure that she has to endure includes her having to ask Maddox Finnegan, a considerably misbehaved guy, to homecoming. And she didn't expect him to say yes. And she really didn't expect everything to change because of his answer.+ + +COVER MADE BY WATTPAD USER RAPUNZELSMILES…

Becoming Beautiful (Wattys2014)

Becoming Beautiful (Wattys2014)

16,507,279 483,191 36

Kennedy (Kenna) isn't known for her beauty. She's never been complimented on her appearance unless being called beautiful by your family counts, and to Kenna- it doesn't. Sick of being ignored because of her looks, Kennedy gives herself a makeover but it isn't very successful.After encountering a crying Marissa Rivers on the behalf of her obnoxious brother, Noah, she becomes acquaintances with the girl. After a chat about Kenna's failed efforts at makeup and how she's a nondrinker, she offers Kenna the help of her and her friends. Kenna graciously agrees but there's a catch.Kenna will have to be the girls' designated driver to the next few parties that they want to attend until she can do her own makeup which may take a while but what happens when Kenna accidentally gets drunk at one of the parties and Noah has to bring her and the other girls back to their home? She gets involved in a lot more than she planned. And it seems as if all she wanted was to become beautiful.…

Despicable Arrogance

Despicable Arrogance

16,735,559 500,869 35

There are five things that I hate: 1.) Arrogant Guys 2.) Guys who have girls falling at their feet and they proceed to use them 3.) Guys who assume everyone loves them 4.) Guys who ride motorcycles 5.) Strawberry Ice CreamAnd Grayson Carter just so happens to be 4 of them. Even his name sounds like a celebrity's: Grayson Carter.The boy is everywhere; he lives down the street from me, he goes to my school, our mothers are even longtime friends yet he doesn't even know my name. The only place I can get away from him is my part time job at the library and the day he comes sauntering in looking for a job is the day I just might go insane. ROMANCE - TEEN FICTION - HUMORTitle Thanks To - factorfate------I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THE PICTURE IN THE COVER. I SIMPLY SLAM DUNKED SOME WORDS ONTO IT. I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. I SIMPLY FOUND IT ONLINE.…

When Trouble Meets Trouble

When Trouble Meets Trouble

9,910,463 385,122 36

After an amusing banter at the library with a mysterious guy, Savannah hopes that it's the last she'll see of the bickering boy. Come to find out, he's a new student at her school who just so happens to be a junior, much like Savannah.He feels the need to stick around her even though she is the target for childish rumors, gave him the wrong number purposely, has all the comebacks for his pickup lines, tried to run him over with her car, constantly embarrasses him, and repeatedly tells him to 'get lost' or 'shove off.' During their many adventures, not only do they get into many bad situations but they make a few enemies along the way.Will his determination to befriend this stubborn girl spark a friendship between the two or a special kind of hatred?<><><>WARNING: I wrote this story when I was fetus- even more fetus than I am now. I was thirteen and I finished it two or three weeks after I turned 14. That means that this story has grammatical errors. So please, read at your own risk. ---I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THE PICTURE IN THE COVER. I SIMPLY SLAM DUNKED SOME WORDS ONTO IT. I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. I SIMPLY FOUND IT ON APP.…

That's Just The Beginning

That's Just The Beginning

14,015,489 440,217 46

Fiona Harper is an angel in nearly everyone's eyes. But there is more to this good girl; she'd rather ditch class than stay up all night to finish a project. She'd rather be at a party than in her room studying, but her parent's would never approve of that. Unless, of course, they didn't know. When she's given the opportunity (with a super hot guy, may I add), will she take it? Adrian Easton is the most popular guy in school; the bad boy that girls swoon over and guys want to be friends with, but Fiona pays no mind to him- she thinks he's bad news. When he suddenly finds himself and his family moving into the house directly beside Fiona's; he finds an interest in his... unique new neighbor; an interest that'll lead them both to a few traumatic experiences, feisty arguments, perverted jokes, childish pranks, funny moments, and maybe even a romantic interest. But 'That's Just The Beginning.' THIS COVER WAS MADE BY A FAN.…

How To Write on Wattpad For YOU

How To Write on Wattpad For YOU

333,437 21,987 15

This was a request so I guess I've been doing something okay. So I guess this is a guide on how to do something okay, too.Basically, in this "story", I teach you a few Wattpad basics, along with a few things you should know while creating your story. ---Cover made by: @tuillaxoh…

Once Upon A Push

Once Upon A Push

6,376,210 229,621 21

She didn't fall, she was pushed. Let me explain more, yeah? She was pushed, by her best friends, into a guy- but not just any guy. Cyrus Angelo, the infamous Cyrus Angelo. Maverly Perkins is full of witty comebacks, a loud laugh, and has a fierce attitude. Love doesn't come easy to her but does it to anyone? Just as Maverly is giving up on guys, due to a past experience with a jerk, she's pushed into something she doesn't want to get involved with, literally. No, not something- more like someone; Cyrus Angelo to be exact. But somethings different about him; her usual witty and sarcastic comments become stutters and nervous babbling. What is this feeling in the pit of her stomach? A crush? Love? Of course not.Cyrus Angelo- those are the two words that make guys run and girls swoon. No one talks to him, threatens him, touches him, or talks back to him. The last time any one of these things happened; someone ended up in a hospital for 6 weeks in the intensive care unit. But what happens when Maverly breaks all those rules... within a 2 minute period? After a promise to 'see her later,' too many awkward moments to count, crazy parties where a few people get drunk and tell their life story in full detail, funny experiences of falling, failing, and fighting, terrible flirting, and stupid games of truth or dare- Who knows what could happen? And to think it all started with a push.---THIS COVER WAS MADE BY A FAN.…