In the Chaos {3}

In the Chaos {3}

560 22 7

The Jedi Order has fallen. The few remaining survivors have exiled themselves on distant worlds, vowing never to speak to each other until the time came to strike back against the growing Empire. After two months in hiding on the icy world of Kijimi, Ahsoka Tano received a call. Anakin Skywalker was missing. Once the search for her former master commences, her ability, strength, and love will be tested like never before. Will she thrive in the chaos, or will it consume her?*Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, so the characters, places, etc. belong to Lucasfilm**Content Rating: Rated mature for mature themes, potentially triggering depictions of mental illness, and implicit references to domestic violence. Just because a character acts a certain way does not mean I condone it in any way. My intention is never to offend or upset any of my readers! If you choose to read this book, you are choosing to be mature while reading it and in what you decide to comment. Thanks in advance!…

In the Shadows {2}

In the Shadows {2}

4,796 219 24

Ahsoka Tano has cracked the case! After a daring escape from a Sith lab on the firey world of Mustafar, Ahsoka has saved the lives of a dozen force-sensitive individuals previously pronounced dead at the hands of a Sith assassin. The Clone War rages on. With the death of Count Dooku, the end seems near. The Jedi focus their efforts on capturing the elusive droid general Grievous while the Republic Senate desperately tries to make peace with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, a new evil has risen, lurking in the shadows until the opportune moment to strike...Highest rankings:#1 in #luxsoka, July 2022*Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, so the characters, places, etc. belong to Lucasfilm**Content Rating: Rated mature for mature themes, potentially triggering depictions of mental illness, and implicit references to domestic violence. Just because a character acts a certain way does not mean I condone it in any way. My intention is never to offend or upset any of my readers! If you choose to read this book, you are choosing to be mature while reading it and in what you decide to comment. Thanks in advance!…

In the End {1}

In the End {1}

16,649 643 36

Ahsoka left everything behind when she walked down the steps of the Jedi Temple alone. Now, she is tasked with rebuilding her life from nothing. Meanwhile, public support for the Jedi initiatives is drastically dropping. A new crime lord has surfaced in the Coruscant underworld that will stop at nothing to wipe out force sensitive beings from the galaxy. When Ahsoka's friend and mentor is murdered, she must choose between chasing crime, love, or the past. Will she be able to catch the killer before it's too late?Highest rankings:#1 in #luxsoka, June 2022#1 in #intheend, June 2020#5 in #luxbonteri, June 2020#3 in #barrissoffee, June 2020#4 in #clonewarssaved, June 2020#356 in #starwars, July 2020*Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, so the characters, places, etc. belong to Lucasfilm**Content Rating: Rated mature for mature themes and implicit references to domestic violence. Just because a character acts a certain way does not mean I condone it in any way. If you choose to read this book, you are choosing to be mature while reading it and in what you decide to comment. Thanks in advance!…



7,442 371 19

It had been three years since the purge shattered the galaxy and Ahsoka's hopes and dreams for the future. After spending her time as a slave in the Imperial system, she crosses paths with a shadow of her life as a Jedi, promising to make things right. Meanwhile, turmoil on a familiar planet begs for Ahsoka's presence. Old memories return, and Ahsoka is forced to confront her past. Even though she is broken and afraid of what the future holds, could something good rise from the ashes around her?*Disclaimer: Lucasfilm the characters/places/things from the Star Wars universe. The song lyrics are from the song "Ashes" by Celine Dion (I'm sure it goes without saying, but I also don't own those). I made the cover, but I didn't create the art used in it! **Content Rating: Rated mature for mature themes (nothing graphic, mostly implied)…

Experiment 2187

Experiment 2187

15,175 838 38

There were still Imperial scientists out there who yearned for specimens to rip open for study upon a table of a desolate laboratory. There were still Imperial scientists out there, searching for people like her to add to their prison ranks, eager to glean any sort of knowledge from them possible before discarding them. There were scientists out there torturing them and making them suffer. Scientists who would never forget what the people like her took from them. Scientists who wanted to do their part for the good of the Empire. Scientists who wanted revenge.~The Rebel Alliance is crushed. Luke Skywalker has joined the Emperor in place of his father, Darth Vader. Princess Leia Organa has vanished after the humiliating defeat on the forest moon of Endor. Terror reigns throughout the galaxy as the second Imperial Death Star makes its rounds across the stars, destroying anyone and anything that could pose a threat to the Emperor. Anyone affiliated with the Old Republic has been killed. Any and all remaining force users have disappeared in the dead of night, never to be seen again. They are taken to special Imperial science research facilities for experimentation and study, notorious for never letting a single being escape alive.Highest Rankings: #129 in Science Fiction, #1 in #AhsokaTano, #2 in #clonewars*DISCLAIMER* All characters, plot things, settings, concepts, etc. from Star Wars belong to Lucasfilm…

Dear Lux

Dear Lux

17,095 559 33

Dear Lux, I'm not sure why I continue to write you these letters. It's not like you're ever going to read them, anyway. I guess it gives me the closure I need. Sometimes, I wish things were different. If I weren't a Jedi, maybe we could've had a future together. I don't know. I'm probably just dreaming too much. Maybe we'll see each other again soon. I hope so. If not, when will I get to tell you how I feel about you?With love,Ahsoka*Disclaimer: All characters, places, etc. belong to Lucasfilm; Song lyrics belong to Ed Sheeran*…

It Takes Two to Tango

It Takes Two to Tango

33,252 697 35

Ahsoka Tano's life has changed since the rebellion on Onderon. Her thoughts dwell on Lux Bonteri, the newly appointed Senator. She knows attachment is forbidden by the Order, but she can't help but feel like she and Lux could be something more. Lux Bonteri took an instant liking to Ahsoka Tano the minute he laid eyes on her. Every encounter with her since then has only made his crush on her bigger. He wished the Jedi Order didn't prevent them from being together. The lives of a Jedi and a Senator aren't easy. As tensions increase between the opposing sides of the war, their loyalties are tested to reveal true feelings. Will love prevail?[Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own the characters, settings, ships, names, etc. used in this book (yet), so all rights go to Lucasfilm]Highest Rankings:#1 in #luxsoka 12/22/18, 1/5/20, 5/21/20#1 in #bonteri 9/30/19#6 in #vader 10/9/19…

Dear Ahsoka

Dear Ahsoka

1,795 118 10

Dear Ahsoka, I'm so glad you're coming to Onderon. It's been a while since we've seen each other, and I hope we'll be able to liberate my people from the clutches of King Rash and the Separatists. I've certainly changed since we last spoke, but I want you to know that the way I feel about you will always be the same. In case I don't have the chance to tell you in person, I'm telling you now. I love you, Ahsoka Tano. Not a day goes by when I don't think of you, wishing things were different. I can't wait to see you. Love, Lux BonteriPrequel to "Dear Lux" and takes place during the battle of Onderon!*Disclaimer: I unfortunately don't own Star Wars, so all the characters, places, plot ploints, etc. that aren't original belong to Lucasfilm!…

Luxsoka: I'm Not So Bad

Luxsoka: I'm Not So Bad

19,168 368 12

Ahsoka Tano is a Jedi. It's against the Code to form attachments or start relationships. Lux Bonteri is a Senator. It could ruin his career and reputation to be in love with a Jedi. This collection of one-shots explores the many possibilities of the LuxSoka pairing. (Please note this is a collection of "mini stories", not one cohesive novel) DISCLAIMER: Rights to the characters, planets, some storylines/plot things, etc. go to Lucasfilm*SLOW UPDATES UNTIL I FINISH ANOTHER WORK*…



19 2 1

There used to be a lot of them. The town thrived, and the people who lived in it were happy. Now, it's just her. No one else.The healthy girl finds peace in a diseased world. •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•It's a story about a healthy girl in a diseased world. A story about a problem and its solution. About the end of humanity. Of our future.…

Park Benches

Park Benches

2,212 110 7

AU where all of the Star Wars characters are humans living among us here on planet Earth...Lux Bonteri hates being the new kid. Having moved three times in the past few years, he was used going it alone. After the death of his mother, he was forced to move to an apartment with his Aunt and Uncle. Once there, he meets a girl who takes him under her wing. As time progresses and the world around him starts to complicate, Lux realizes that there's a whole lot more to life than simply surviving.(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters; they are property of Lucasfilm. No copyright violations intended)*SLOW UPDATES UNTIL I FINISH ANOTHER FANFIC*…



5,945 1,097 173

Star Wars VII has been anticipated for over 2 years. I can't wait any longer! To help pass the time more quickly, I'm going to post a short fact, quote, trivia question, poll, or story relating to the Star Wars universe every day. The countdown is based off the release date in the United States, which is December 18, 2015. May the force be with you, and let the countdown begin!…

Memories of the Past

Memories of the Past

20,973 781 36

I have discovered something incredible. Something that will help me overthrow the Empire. The Rebels are working to disrupt Imperials. The final struggle for the Republic is about to begin. The descendants of Anakin Skywalker are the hopes for the galaxy. The boy has grown older and realizes the brokeness of the world around him. The girl has witnessed the cruelty of people around her. Once they save the galaxy, will the Jedi Order have any hope of being the good that existed before the Empire?What about my past? Anakin has fallen. Is there any possible way for me to save him?DISCLAIMER: I don't own Star Wars, so characters and stuff belong to Lucasfilm!**UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Please keep in mind that I wrote this a long time ago. That said, there are things that don't make 100% sense because middle school me thought it sounded good. Middle school me has since seen the light, but older me hasn't had time to go back and fix everything. I'm in the process of cleaning it up, but it isn't perfect. Don't leave nasty comments please. If you don't like it, just don't keep reading it.…

The Rise of the Empire

The Rise of the Empire

18,882 942 33

(Next book after Without Them, so I recommend you read that one first)The Empire is getting stronger. Darth Vader and the Emperor like using me as a training tool. But the power they are practicing is beyond that of any Jedi. It's not natural. I was told to protect Leia, one of the only hopes left in the galaxy. How can I do that if I'm dead?DISCLAIMER: I don't own the star wars franchise. No copyright violations intended.So I was writing Without Them and realized that it was getting quite long, so I plan to continue it here. The original storyline I had planned is now going to become a trilogy. Plus, it would be mean to leave the last book as the only one with that ending :) To understand this book, I highly recommend that you read the first book! If you liked the first book, this will be pretty much the same in terms of writing style.**UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Please keep in mind that I wrote this a long time ago. That said, there are things that don't make 100% sense because middle school me thought it sounded good. Middle school me has since seen the light, but older me hasn't had time to go back and fix everything. I'm in the process of cleaning it up, but it isn't perfect. Don't leave nasty comments please. If you don't like it, just don't keep reading it.…

Star Wars Fandom Guide to the Galaxy

Star Wars Fandom Guide to the Galaxy

3,838 116 6

In this book I'm going to put a lot of stuff that I would put in my profile and just other random stuff from the star wars fandom. I hope it is somewhat interesting to you! Some stuff included is: ships, stuff to read, my thoughts and ideas, and quotes.*Please note that this is not my absolute best work as I finished it three years ago and have not revisited it since.…

Philosophical Stuff

Philosophical Stuff

677 40 4

This book contains multiple questions and thoughts that are debated relating to the Star Wars fandom. Some of these questions and thoughts are included along with my opinion on the matter.*Please note that this isn't my absolute best work as I finished it three years ago and have not revisited it since…

Without Them

Without Them

50,231 2,303 33

My name is Ahsoka Tano, former Jedi Padawan. Everything has changed now that I've let go of the Jedi. The past is the past. I have a whole lifetime ahead of my to leave my mark on the galaxy. Life is different now, and I plan to forge my own path.*Disclaimer* I don't own Star Wars, so the quotes, settings, characters, plots, etc. from Star Wars belong to Lucasfilm. No copyright violations intended.**UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Please keep in mind that I wrote this a long time ago. That said, there are things that don't make 100% sense because middle school me thought it sounded good. Middle school me has since seen the light, but older me hasn't had time to go back and fix everything. I'm in the process of cleaning it up, but it isn't perfect. Don't leave nasty comments please. If you don't like it, just don't keep reading it.…