The gem girls club

The gem girls club

8 1 1

High School. Full of work, friends, clubs... and the occasional death. Best friends Jade, Crystal, and Ruby met in 1st grade and had been friends since. Why wouldn't they be friends? They were all named after jewels, and heck, all of them had a amulet that was made out of the jewel they were named after! Jade had a water dragon amulet, Crystal had a wolf amulet, and Ruby had a tiger amulet. But then one day, the day after they had graduated from elementary and middle school, Ruby went missing. After searching for a month , she could not be found. Everybody assumed she was dead. But Jade and Crystal kept hoping. Three months later, the police found her body in a grassy field. She had been shot through the heart. Jade and Crystal were crushed. They never fully got over it. They tried as hard as they could to forget it. Now they are in there 2 year of high school, and when a new girl named Sapphire comes to there school, she disrupts the whole thing...…

A poem a day

A poem a day

54 4 28

I'm writing one poem, every day. I'm actually writing them in a notebook, so I may not update every day. Just random freestyle poems.…



4 1 1

A fantasy/Dystopian short story that I may turn into a longer story. You should read it.…

Group Chat: Percy Jackson & Harry Potter

Group Chat: Percy Jackson & Harry Potter

360 3 1

This is a HP and PJ crossover. Basically Dumbledore and Chiron make a group chat with the Harry Potter characters and the Percy Jackson characters. Takes place after The Battle of Hogwarts and The Giant War. Please read!…

Hope's Love

Hope's Love

22 3 1

Just a short story thing I wrote about all the differences in our world. How people are discriminated and separated. Read it, it's better than it sounds.…



56 6 4

When Chhaya found a time-traveling device in her attic that transported her to the future where she met a girl who can change appearances, found a stupid prophesy that says that she and four other people have to save the world from tigers made out of mud (NOT as easy as it sounds,) it changed her life. Contains swear words and LGBTQ+ content.…

Unnamed poems

Unnamed poems

66 27 5

Bunch of random poems. Most are freestyle.…

Something or Other

Something or Other

34 2 2

On the planet Majorian, in the city Skezz, it is close to civil war. The city, divided into 3 sections, is turning on each other. In the Collisium, where the poor people live, life is harsh. There is barely any food, water, or money. People sleep on the streets. Fights break out daily. To survive, kids do dangerous jobs for bounty hunters that pay them. They grow up with only knowing pain. The outside world , the Handoms( Middle class people) and the Findas(Rich people), no nothing about it. And frankly, they don't care. But the Elders, the leaders of Skezz, they do know what life is like in the Collisium. They don't do anything about it. But when the poor people get tired of the Elder's additude, and start attacking the upper classes, and when the Key to Something and the Book of Everything is stolen from the Elder's library, things start to get out of hand. The only hope to regain peace depends on three girls and one boy, all twelve.…

We all came... we paid for it.

We all came... we paid for it.

35 3 3

I dont know how to describe this. Just read it.…