

792 32 2

THIS IS A SPIN-OFF OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF RAIN. So I suggest that you go read it to be able to understand a bit of it.Those moments when they almost were caught in the book Rain, but managed to avoid being caught. This book is those moments, but when they do get caught.…

The Carnivore's Herbivore

The Carnivore's Herbivore

18,464 530 8

Hibari Kyoya knows that he is no herbivore, he has never held any weak emotions that would be normally associated with herbivores. He has never thought of or felt such a feeling before. Maybe it's respect....or maybe something else entirely he wasn't sure....for the first time in such a long time he wasn't sure what he felt. And why is it that he feels so angered when he sees Tsuna smile so happily at others, at having that Yamamoto Takeshi put his arm around Tsuna. To see Gokudera Hayato so devoted and happy being near Tsuna. Seeing that Miura Haru so clingy to Tsuna. The way Tsuna always blushes when he sees Sasagawa Kyoko. He hates crowding, he hates the way herbivores gather together for no reason at all, in general he doesn't like herbivores for their weakness, so why does he seem so interested in this herbivore. Why does he so badly want Tsuna for himself?This is my third fanfic (though I posted this a few minutes after "Goodbye And Hello") and this is also my first 1827 fanfic.…

My Miracle, My Gift

My Miracle, My Gift

259 9 1

When she was young, still in her early teens, she had been told that she would most likely not be able to have children. Her chances were very low, so low that there was actually no hope. She was devastated because she'd never be able to have a family of her own. And what man would want to marry her knowing that she would not be able to conceive? But as she got older she met a man who didn't care, "We can adopt" were his words. He loved her and would not leave her. They got married and her name changed to Sawada Nana. On their first night and the months that followed she didn't get pregnant. Which she already expected, but she could only hope.Months passed, and finally two years passed when a miracle happened. Nana was pregnant. A healthy baby boy was born. Her miracle baby. Her gift.…

Get Lost In The Scary Truth

Get Lost In The Scary Truth

53 2 2

A scary story that most likely may end up being true. After all, sometimes Reborn says the most ridiculous things. But this time this one story, is true. And they will get lost in the scary truth.…

Mother's Love

Mother's Love

473 29 2

A mother's love for their children is bottomless. It's an endless love. Though unfortunately in some cases, the mother does not love nor care for their child/children.This is a look at how much Nana, even though she's a bit dense and oblivious, she loves her only son.…



202 3 5

#COWAwards2018She wasn't a die hard fan like many others that she has met. But she did like them. She liked their music. A lot. She was truly at peace when listening to their music. It was her escape from the cruel reality she lived in. The reality that if she didn't get a new heart she would die. She was slowly dying. Though one day hope came knocking at their door in the form of a phone call. She was going to get a new heart. A heart that had connections to the members of the very group she listened to every other day. BTS.She isn't a replacement, and never will be. But if she can bring some peace of mind and heart to the family and friends of the person whose heart she has, then she will do her best to help them overcome this pain if even a little. This new heart, has given her the will to move on and help, and maybe she might even help BTS a little in the future?…

Echo of The Past

Echo of The Past

131 2 3

Who he was is now merely an echo of the past. He is still the same person, yet at the same time he isn't.Kuran Kaname was raised as the son of Juri and Haruka, and as the older brother of Yuki.There are times that he has flashes of the past. Such as this certain day when the entire day and night were eerily similar to the past. To the dark moments when the war between vampires and humans was at its peak.…

Delphinium Love

Delphinium Love

45 0 2

They met in a garden of delphinium flowers when Jimin was nine and Yoongi was eleven years old. And in the span of fourteen days before the delphinium flowers wilt, they became good friends.After the flowers wilted they never saw each other until the next years bloom of delphinium. In these fourteen days, their friendship blooms to a small crush and slowly transforms into an unending love as they grew.They only saw each other for two blooms of those flowers. It will be fourteen years until they once again see each other, once they realized the one they love has always been near by. Fourteen years to see the person they love. A love that started out as a friendship of fourteen days, a growing crush of fourteen days, and a love of fourteen years. The love of a delphinium flower.…

Unwanted Attention

Unwanted Attention

56 0 3

Being in a well known group. Known for their music, good looks and various other things.But, along with those things comes a problem. Fans who become desperate. Fans who become borderline stalkers. Stalker whether it be in person, or on social media.They get unwanted attention.…

Do Not Touch

Do Not Touch

100 7 4

#CKFICSAwards2018What does the average person do when someone tells them, "do not touch this" or "do not open this"? Some will listen, and do as told. And others.... won't. Their curiosity of wanting to know or do just the opposite of told will win. And that's just what happens when Jimin tells everyone to not touch his bag of candy (lollipops). Once Jimin leaves, what do some of them do? They eat the candy. But what if when they try to buy a new bag of candy to replace the one they ate, they don't find that candy bag at any store. The candy was a limited edition candy, and was only available once a month. What will they do?…

Bites And Kisses

Bites And Kisses

1,045 46 2

Katsuki and Izuku both have their own way of expressing their feelings for each other. And Katsuki's shows of affection are a bit different than what people would expect. Where as Izuku either kisses or hugs Katsuki. Katsuki.... likes to bite Izuku at times. Of course he still once in a while hugs and kisses Izuku, but there is always a bite involved.But what if one day.... the decides to change things a bit? And is there a possible one-sided love?…

Ghosts Of Vongola

Ghosts Of Vongola

2,023 77 5

The first generation even though they are dead and well supposed to be in peace just like any other person who dies....supposedly. Well unfortunately for them they can't really move on, they have to stay near the new heirs of Vongola and watch over them, and stay near them and the rings. But all that waiting and watching can get a bit boring especially for Daemon. So they to tend to sometimes wonder around and end up scaring people, to the point where people think that the place is haunted. So much to Tsuna's shock someone sends SPR to his house. But Reborn found it rather amusing so he actually let it happen and watched. After all he was curious if they would even be able to find who was causing all this, or if they would fail. Being the greatest hitman and knowing practically everything he knew what was the cause. And boy will some have fun.…

His Daughter

His Daughter

289 16 1

No one knew of her. She was their little secret. The only ones who knew of her were the people close to them, and the parents alone. Even though she was living with her mother, Reborn would always check up on them both. Check up on his daughter and the one the women who managed to capture the hitman's heart.Reborn though ended up having to leave for a longer time that usual for the new assigned mission. His mission, to train the next heir of Vongola. But he knew that he daughter was safe with her mother and the other people watching out for them."I'm sorry Reborn. I couldn't do anything, please look after her." She softly said into the phone sounding so tired, "I wish I had seen you one last time. I love you Reborn." And that was the last that Reborn ever heard the voice of the women that he loved. He can still hear her voice every time he closes his eyes, he can see her so vividly when he closes his eyes, every time that he is alone. He hears her voice and sees her so clearly that it seems that everything was just a dream. But she was brutally taken away from him and from their daughter. A daughter that he now will have to look after, that he will bring with him to keep her safe. New connections made. A new family. But will these new friends and family be able to fill in the hole that was left in them both. Will she ever be able to stop searching for her mother, and will he ever get a second chance?…

Goodbye And Hello

Goodbye And Hello

2,143 97 5

Deciding that he should leave something behind before he headed off to meet with the Millefiore boss, Tsuna had left a letter. A letter stating what his guardians/friends should all do if by any chance he should die, and his goodbyes to them. He made them believe that he wrote it as a warning from his Hyper Intuition. He knew that when everything was over he would be faced with a seriously angry group of people, but at least everyone was alive and well and that's all that matters. He also left a letter for his younger self only to be read when it was handed to him by Shoichi. Also what had been Reborn's reaction and feelings to learning of Tsuna's death in the future, and what he planned to do about it.This is also my second fanfic, so I hope you like it.…