The Outsiders || Phan

The Outsiders || Phan

21 2 1

"He was trapped in a constant state of mind, his worries and distant nightmares becoming reality. Philip couldn't do anything but desperately gulp for air, his Adam's apple bobbing, and struggling wheezes slipping past his chapped lips into the freezing air. His lanky pale arms covered his head, his knees tucked so tightly into his chest they dug into his heaving rib cage: in one last desperate attempt to protect himself from them.The Outsiders."Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, twisted thoughts and ideals, brief mentions of abuse, suicide, and death. Very graphic descriptions and details. Please read with caution and only if you are comfortable with reading what is above. Please stay safe.-justaskash (story written and edited by ash)…

The Cowboy Fic

The Cowboy Fic

19 3 1

"It was wrong, perverted; but Phillip couldn't help feeling that shedding the image that the world saw and replacing it with what was really there was one of the most beautiful things that the world failed to acknowledge."In which Phil likes to draw French girls and Dan is a cowboy who wants to know why. Inspired from the Fanfiction portion from TATINOF. The original idea is Dan and Phil's, I just decided to create my own version of the story. Enjoy!Written by ;ash ;…