Account of the Seraphim

Account of the Seraphim

12 0 3

I fell, And it killed me. The stars I once loved Burned holes in my wingsUntil they were nonexistent. I fell, And I will never be the same.…



9 0 3

"There was no sign of a struggle," Genevieve began to read aloud, "Which means that she potentially knew and trusted her attacker. Her footsteps led to a set of tire tracks, which lead to an abandoned car in a copse of trees three miles away from a ranger station. The tracks vanish from there, and the car was cleaned of fingerprints, blood, and any fragment of DNA." A bump startled Genevieve, but she soon relaxed once she realized it was her cat. "Calm down, Idaho," she said, "you're scaring me and not the mouse that's been living underneath the sofa for the past three weeks. It's eating up your cat food, so you can be lazy all you want." Genevieve smiled as she saw Idaho stretch out on the sofa and fall asleep on her back.…

Before I Fall (Book 1 in the Before and After Trilogy)

Before I Fall (Book 1 in the Before and After Trilogy)

3 1 1

Sometimes those who are born with no aces are the kindest, most compassionate people that you could ever meet; and people born with mostly aces are the rudest, most stuck up people that you could ever meet. In both situations, they made something out of the cards that they were dealt with. Some of it was good; some of it was bad; and some of it was in between.…