Wanderers In The Unexpected Realm

Wanderers In The Unexpected Realm

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Fumiaki Takahashi, a 16 years old boy had a summer vacation on his grandpa's house on Tokyo. His hobbies were to skate all around tokyo then one day he bumped to 4 skaters that he didn't expect to be friends with. One day a tragic incident happend, Fumiaki accidentally fell from a high ground on a high way, his friends helped him when they saw this abandoned door that is connected to a stone wall. They entered this stone wall and they shockingly saw a portal realm type machine by itself alone. They figured out how it works and they didn't know what they will use the machine for, so what they did was to go back to the past and bring back the abandoned places back on being active in the future. What will happen next? Will they succeed in making abandoned places in their present active again? What type of problems will they discover? And that is all what will happen in this series.This novel is currently ON HOLD.WanRealm will be back soon! Thank you for all the love and support! ♡…